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1. heredity: passing of traits from one generation to another
2. allele: different forms a gene may have for a trait
3. genetics: study of how alleles affect offspring
4. purebred: organism that produces same traits in offspring
5. cross pollinate: pollinate a flower or plant with pollen from another flower or plant
6. self pollinate: self-fertilized; fertilized by its own pollen
7. dominant: the form of a trait that appears to dominate or mask another form of the same trait
8. recessive: form of a trait that is hidden
9. Probability: the chance that an event will take place
10. Punnett square: tool used to predict results in genetic cross (capital letter- dominant allele,
small letter- recessive allele)
11. homozygous: organism with two alleles for a trait that are exactly the same (ex.- TT or tt)
12. heterozygous: organism with two different alleles for a trait (ex.- Tt)
13. genotype: the genetic makeup of an organism (the letters… ex.- Ll, LL, or ll)
14. phenotype: the physical appearance resulting from a genotype (ex.- short)
15. incomplete dominance: both alleles are expressed in offspring
(ex.- red + white flower = pink flower)
16. multiple alleles: a trait that is controlled by more than two alleles (ex.- blood type)
17. polygenic inheritance: a group of gene pairs acting together to produce a single trait
(ex.- eye color, height, fingerprints, etc.)
18. sex linked gene: allele inherited on a sex chromosome
19. pedigree: tool for tracing the occurrence of a trait in a family.
20. genetic engineering: experimenting with changing the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
21. genome: chart that shows the location of individual genes on a chromosome
22. stamen: male part of flower; makes pollen
23. stigma: female part of the flower; catches grains of pollen
24. anther: produces pollen grains
25. pollen: the male reproductive cell of flowering plants
26. ovary: female reproductive organ in flowering plants
27. ovule: reproductive cell which becomes the seed when fertilized by pollen
What to know:
-know that Gregor Mendel is considered the Father of Genetics because he was the first person to
observe and record how traits pass from one generation to the next
-know the 3 main ideas of Mendel’s work:
1) traits are controlled by alleles on chromosomes
2) alleles may be dominant or recessive
3) when chromosomes separate during meiosis, different alleles for trait move into separate sex cells.
-know that genes are made up of DNA and that genes are on chromosomes.
-know how to use a Punnett square and how to interpret the results
-be able to distinguish between the genotype and phenotype
-know about the genetic disorders…sickle-cell anemia and cystic fibrosis
-know that hemophilia and color blindness result from an allele on the X chromosome
-know females carry X chromosomes, males carry X and Y chromosomes (determine sex of child…
XX= female; XY= male)
-know about the Human Genome Project
-know that males end up with sex-linked traits more than females.
-know several advantages of genetic research
-know several disadvantages of genetic research