Mean, interannual variability and trends in a regional climate
... February (DJF) and June–August (JJA), the two seasons for which the largest changes are found. Circulation changes in the HadAM3H fields are very similar to those in the RegCM simulation due to the large scale forcing by the lateral boundary fields, and are thus not shown. Also note that the changes i ...
... February (DJF) and June–August (JJA), the two seasons for which the largest changes are found. Circulation changes in the HadAM3H fields are very similar to those in the RegCM simulation due to the large scale forcing by the lateral boundary fields, and are thus not shown. Also note that the changes i ...
Introduction - dust - University of California, Irvine
... Iron supply in particulate form is primarily from riverine sources but most of this ends up in coastal sediments (Poulton, 2002). River inputs of dissolved iron to oceans are relatively small (de Baar and de Jong, 2001), but in certain areas where large rivers discharge to the shelf, their inputs ma ...
... Iron supply in particulate form is primarily from riverine sources but most of this ends up in coastal sediments (Poulton, 2002). River inputs of dissolved iron to oceans are relatively small (de Baar and de Jong, 2001), but in certain areas where large rivers discharge to the shelf, their inputs ma ...
Shifting plant phenology in response to global change
... in climate; however, new techniques based on change point analysis [44], and Bayesian techniques [45] enable a quantitative representation of non-linear phenological responses and associated rates of change. Ecosystem- and global-scale phenology: remote sensing Satellite observations are increasingl ...
... in climate; however, new techniques based on change point analysis [44], and Bayesian techniques [45] enable a quantitative representation of non-linear phenological responses and associated rates of change. Ecosystem- and global-scale phenology: remote sensing Satellite observations are increasingl ...
Keywords: climate change, land use, gravel-bed rivers
... listed in Table 2. Several of these variables were held constant during the simulations (i.e., the active layer thickness La). Some initial values, for example, the mud content of the bed, were not measured in the field, and these values were simply assumed to provide starting values for the computa ...
... listed in Table 2. Several of these variables were held constant during the simulations (i.e., the active layer thickness La). Some initial values, for example, the mud content of the bed, were not measured in the field, and these values were simply assumed to provide starting values for the computa ...
On the climate response of the low
... observations with which to validate models. In an attempt to resolve some of these outstanding issues, this paper aims to investigate the mechanisms which maintain the mean salinity structure of the lowlatitude Pacific Ocean, and which may influence its variability on annual to decadal timescales. We ...
... observations with which to validate models. In an attempt to resolve some of these outstanding issues, this paper aims to investigate the mechanisms which maintain the mean salinity structure of the lowlatitude Pacific Ocean, and which may influence its variability on annual to decadal timescales. We ...
Preserving the Ocean Circulation
... capita consumption within an economic growth model, which depends on a variety of simplifying assumptions and value judgments. It is possible that the omission of high damage and/or irreversible events in previous optimal growth studies may explain most of the discrepancies between the optimal growt ...
... capita consumption within an economic growth model, which depends on a variety of simplifying assumptions and value judgments. It is possible that the omission of high damage and/or irreversible events in previous optimal growth studies may explain most of the discrepancies between the optimal growt ...
Human Impact on Atolls Leads to Coral Loss and
... We explore impacts on pristine atolls subjected to anthropogenic near-field (human habitation) and far-field (climate and environmental change) pressure. Using literature data of human impacts on reefs, we parameterize forecast models to evaluate trajectories in coral cover under impact scenarios th ...
... We explore impacts on pristine atolls subjected to anthropogenic near-field (human habitation) and far-field (climate and environmental change) pressure. Using literature data of human impacts on reefs, we parameterize forecast models to evaluate trajectories in coral cover under impact scenarios th ...
Inferred gas hydrate and permafrost stability history models linked to
... change. In addition, ice melting and GH dissociation are endothermic and the latent heat effects should delay, additionally, any phase changes at depth, such that even where the GH destabilization mechanism is pressure reduction (Kennett et al., 2003) GH destabilization would be an unlikely major co ...
... change. In addition, ice melting and GH dissociation are endothermic and the latent heat effects should delay, additionally, any phase changes at depth, such that even where the GH destabilization mechanism is pressure reduction (Kennett et al., 2003) GH destabilization would be an unlikely major co ...
Adapting to the Weather: Lessons from U.S. History Hoyt Bleakley
... A major issue in forecasting the economic effect of global warming is how much people can adapt to warmer weather over the long term. If weather affects production or investment, adaptation can take several forms: adjusting the mix of factors of production, choosing an alternative technology, or eve ...
... A major issue in forecasting the economic effect of global warming is how much people can adapt to warmer weather over the long term. If weather affects production or investment, adaptation can take several forms: adjusting the mix of factors of production, choosing an alternative technology, or eve ...
Making Climate Data Relevant to Decision Making: The important
... Throughout the world, there is a major need for climate change science to inform on-the-ground adaptation planning. However, a major gap exists between the well-developed state of climate science and decision-makers preparing for a future climate. There is no shortage of scientific data that has bee ...
... Throughout the world, there is a major need for climate change science to inform on-the-ground adaptation planning. However, a major gap exists between the well-developed state of climate science and decision-makers preparing for a future climate. There is no shortage of scientific data that has bee ...
Effects of Seasonal Weather on Breeding Phenology
... nature of ptarmigan populations in summer could introduce bias (e.g., poor reproductive success inside the study areas might lead to higher numbers of unsuccessful hens dispersing outside the study areas and result in a positive bias of reproductive success, and vice versa). It is important to note ...
... nature of ptarmigan populations in summer could introduce bias (e.g., poor reproductive success inside the study areas might lead to higher numbers of unsuccessful hens dispersing outside the study areas and result in a positive bias of reproductive success, and vice versa). It is important to note ...
Regional Climate Information – Evaluation and Projections
... also often referred to as sub-continental scale, and marked climatic inhomogeneity can occur within sub-continental scale regions in many areas of the globe. Circulations occurring at scales greater than 107 km2 (here referred to as “planetary scales”) are clearly dominated by general circulation pr ...
... also often referred to as sub-continental scale, and marked climatic inhomogeneity can occur within sub-continental scale regions in many areas of the globe. Circulations occurring at scales greater than 107 km2 (here referred to as “planetary scales”) are clearly dominated by general circulation pr ...
Can marine cloud brightening reduce coral bleaching?
... 60 cm−3 . For the MCB simulations, the CDNC was given a value of 375 cm−3 at all model levels between 0 and 3 km, which is consistent with the treatment used in Jones et al . (2009, 2011), Latham et al . (2008, 2012a, 2012b) and Parkes et al . (2012). Three simulations were completed to determine th ...
... 60 cm−3 . For the MCB simulations, the CDNC was given a value of 375 cm−3 at all model levels between 0 and 3 km, which is consistent with the treatment used in Jones et al . (2009, 2011), Latham et al . (2008, 2012a, 2012b) and Parkes et al . (2012). Three simulations were completed to determine th ...
CLIVAR Research Foci Development Team ENSO in a changing
... simulations of present-day El Niño characteristics indicate current limitations in our ability to model this climate phenomenon and anticipate changes in its properties on short and long time scales. Since the establishment of the basic physical mechanisms 30 years ago, major progress in ENSO resear ...
... simulations of present-day El Niño characteristics indicate current limitations in our ability to model this climate phenomenon and anticipate changes in its properties on short and long time scales. Since the establishment of the basic physical mechanisms 30 years ago, major progress in ENSO resear ...
Bony et al., 2006
... spectrum while long-term anthropogenic forcings associated with well-mixed greenhouse gases operate mostly in the LW domain, (iii) the geographical structures of natural and anthropogenic forcings differ, and (iv) the fluctuations in temperature and in large-scale atmospheric circulation at short an ...
... spectrum while long-term anthropogenic forcings associated with well-mixed greenhouse gases operate mostly in the LW domain, (iii) the geographical structures of natural and anthropogenic forcings differ, and (iv) the fluctuations in temperature and in large-scale atmospheric circulation at short an ...
Global Meteorological Drought: A Synthesis of Current
... assessment of the dominant large-scale forcing of meteorological drought on seasonal and longer time scales—the response of the atmosphere to SST anomalies (e.g., Hoerling and Kumar 2003; Schubert et al. 2004; Seager et al. 2005). This assessment is based on AMIP-style simulations using prescribed S ...
... assessment of the dominant large-scale forcing of meteorological drought on seasonal and longer time scales—the response of the atmosphere to SST anomalies (e.g., Hoerling and Kumar 2003; Schubert et al. 2004; Seager et al. 2005). This assessment is based on AMIP-style simulations using prescribed S ...
Climate Change Scenarios + cov.
... elements and processes in the atmosphere, oceans and land surface that make up the climate system. One disadvantage of GCMs is their scale, which is typically a few hundred kilometres in resolution. In order to study the impacts of climate change, we need to predict changes on much finer scales. One ...
... elements and processes in the atmosphere, oceans and land surface that make up the climate system. One disadvantage of GCMs is their scale, which is typically a few hundred kilometres in resolution. In order to study the impacts of climate change, we need to predict changes on much finer scales. One ...
the Report - ULI Europe
... having to address the causes of climate change, of which it is a main contributor, through an evolving range of requirements that include regulatory controls on CO2 emissions, environmental and sustainability strategies; and the ‘greening’ of property investment portfolios and developments. However, ...
... having to address the causes of climate change, of which it is a main contributor, through an evolving range of requirements that include regulatory controls on CO2 emissions, environmental and sustainability strategies; and the ‘greening’ of property investment portfolios and developments. However, ...
How well do we understand and evaluate climate change feedback
... spectrum while long-term anthropogenic forcings associated with well-mixed greenhouse gases operate mostly in the LW domain, (iii) the geographical structures of natural and anthropogenic forcings differ, and (iv) the fluctuations in temperature and in large-scale atmospheric circulation at short an ...
... spectrum while long-term anthropogenic forcings associated with well-mixed greenhouse gases operate mostly in the LW domain, (iii) the geographical structures of natural and anthropogenic forcings differ, and (iv) the fluctuations in temperature and in large-scale atmospheric circulation at short an ...
Atmospheric model
An atmospheric model is a mathematical model constructed around the full set of primitive dynamical equations which govern atmospheric motions. It can supplement these equations with parameterizations for turbulent diffusion, radiation, moist processes (clouds and precipitation), heat exchange, soil, vegetation, surface water, the kinematic effects of terrain, and convection. Most atmospheric models are numerical, i.e. they discretize equations of motion. They can predict microscale phenomena such as tornadoes and boundary layer eddies, sub-microscale turbulent flow over buildings, as well as synoptic and global flows. The horizontal domain of a model is either global, covering the entire Earth, or regional (limited-area), covering only part of the Earth. The different types of models run are thermotropic, barotropic, hydrostatic, and nonhydrostatic. Some of the model types make assumptions about the atmosphere which lengthens the time steps used and increases computational speed.Forecasts are computed using mathematical equations for the physics and dynamics of the atmosphere. These equations are nonlinear and are impossible to solve exactly. Therefore, numerical methods obtain approximate solutions. Different models use different solution methods. Global models often use spectral methods for the horizontal dimensions and finite-difference methods for the vertical dimension, while regional models usually use finite-difference methods in all three dimensions. For specific locations, model output statistics use climate information, output from numerical weather prediction, and current surface weather observations to develop statistical relationships which account for model bias and resolution issues.