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Name_______________________________ Date_______________________ Period____________
Chapter 12 Forces Quest
Directions: Using your packet/textbook, complete the following “quest” questions!
Chp 12-1
1. Who is Isaac Newton?
2. What is Newton’s first law of motion?
3. What does it take to change the motion of an object? Give an example.
4. What is inertia?
5. What measurement determines the amount of inertia an object has?
6. According to the first law, why are seat belts needed in cars?
7. Why are car seats placed backwards and how does this make it safer for the baby?
8. What is Newton’s Second law of motion?
9. What is the formula for the second law? (include SI units)
10. What is a newton (N)?
11. Complete the statement; If the mass stays the same, and the force INCREASES then +/acceleration will _____________. So in order to change the motion of a massive object, a
___________ force is needed.
12. Complete the state; If the force stays the same, and the mass INCREASES then acceleration
will _____________. So in order to INCREASE the motion without changing force, the mass
must ___________.
Name_______________________________ Date_______________________ Period____________
Chp 12-2 Gravity
1. What is weight?
2. How do you calculate weight? (include SI units)What is gravity?
3. What is the difference between mass and weight?
4. List the three main parts of the Law of Universal Gravitation?
5. What is the universal gravitation equation?
6. How does mass affect gravitational force? Is it a direct or indirect relationship?
7. How does distance affect gravitational force? Is it a direct or indirect relationship?
8. What is free-fall?
9. What is free-fall acceleration on Earth?
10. Does mass of an object affect the free-fall acceleration?
11. Define terminal velocity.
Name_______________________________ Date_______________________ Period____________
12. How does mass affect terminal velocity of an object?
13. What other force is involved that determines terminal velocity?
14. What is projectile motion?
15. Describe how projectiles move and what is acting on them? Draw a picture and label
16. What is an orbit?
17. How did a space shuttle orbit the earth?
Name_______________________________ Date_______________________ Period____________
Chp 12-3
1. What is an action force?
2. What is a reaction force?
3. What is a force pair?
4. Why don’t action/reaction forces cancel each other?
5. Why don’t we see equal effects from equal forces?
6. What does Newton’s third law of motion say? (4 ideas)
7. What is momentum?
8. What is the formula for finding momentum (include SI units):
9. How does velocity affect momentum? What kind of relationship is this?
Name_______________________________ Date_______________________ Period____________
10. How does mass affect momentum? What kind of relationship is this?
11. How does increasing the time affect momentum and force?
12. What is an isolated system?
13. What does “conserved” mean in science?
14. What does the law of conservation of momentum state?