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To understand the international and domestic
tensions resulting from the Cold War.
Explain the breakdown in relations between the United
States and the Soviet Union after World War II.
Summarize the steps taken to contain Soviet influence.
United States History
Chapter 18: Cold War Conflicts
What do you do when a friend is wrongly accused?
Describe how the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall
Plan deepened Cold War tensions.
Explain how conflicts over Germany increased fear of
Soviet aggression.
Section 1: Origins of the Cold War
Former Allies Clash
What caused the tension between the Soviet Union and the United States?
United Nations-
Truman Becomes President
Harry S. Truman-
The Potsdam Conference-
Soviets Tighten their Grip on Eastern Europe
Satellite nations-
United States Establishes a Policy of Containment
Iron curtain-
Cold War-
The Truman Doctrine-
The Marshall Plan-
Cause: Soviet Action
Stalin refuses elections in Eastern Europe
and satellite nations.
Effect: U.S. Action
Effect: U.S. Action
Superpowers Struggle over Germany
What happened to Germany at the end of WWII?
Why did Stalin close access to Berlin?
The Berlin Airlift-
How did the Allies get supplies to West Berlin?
The NATO Alliance
Cause: Soviet Action
Soviets blockade Berlin for almost a year.
Effect: U.S. Action
Section 2: The Cold War Heats Up
China Becomes a Communist Country
Chiang Kai-shek-
Effect: U.S. Action
Explain how Communists came to power in
China and how the United States reacted.
Summarize the events of the Korean War.
Mao Zedong-
Explain the conflict between President Truman
and General MacArthur.
Renewed Civil War
TaiwanWhat factors led to the Communist takeover in China?
America Reacts to Communist Takeover
Civil War in China
Which side did the U.S. support?
What did the United States do to affect the war?
American reaction?
The Korean War
38th parallel-
How did Korea become a divided country after WWII?
North Korea Attacks South Korea
Korean War-
The United States Fights in Korea
MacArthur’s Counterattack
The Chinese Fight Back
How did the involvement of communist China impact the war?
MacArthur Recommends Attacking China
MacArthur versus Truman
How did Truman and Mac Arthur differ over strategy in the Korean War?
Settling for Stalemate
Demilitarized zone-
Civil War in Korea
What affect did the Korean War have on Americans?
Section 3: The Cold War at Home
Tony Kahn-
Why were Americans worried about the security of the United States?
Loyalty Review Board-
How did the Loyalty Review Board pose a threat to civil liberties?
The House UN-American Activities CommitteeHollywood Ten-
Paul Robeson-
The McCarran Act-
Spy Cases Stun the Nation
Alger Hiss-
The Rosenbergs-
Describe government efforts to
investigate the loyalty of U.S. citizens.
Explain the spy cases of Alger Hiss
and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.
Describe the efforts of Senator
Joseph McCarthy to investigate
alleged Communist influence in the
United States.
How were they
affected by the
The Hollywood Ten
Alger Hiss
Were the
accurate? Explain
Ethel and Julius
The Hollywood Ten
Alger Hiss
Julius and Ethel
McCarthy Launches His “Witch Hunt”
Joseph McCarthy-
Margaret Chase Smith-
Section 4: Two Nations Live on the Edge
Explain the policy of brinkmanship.
Brinksmanship Rules U.S. Policy
Describe American and Soviet actions that caused the
Cold War to spread around the world.
Race for the H-Bomb
H-BombHow did the U.S. and the Soviet Union start the arms race?
The policy of Brinksmanship
Dwight D. EisenhowerJohn Foster DullesBrinksmanship-
Summarize the impact of Sputnik and the U-2 incident
on the United States.
The Cold War Spreads around the World
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-
Covert Actions in the Middle East and Latin America
What was the role of the CIA in the Cold War?
The Warsaw Pact-
A Summit in Geneva
“open skies”-
The Suez War-
The Eisenhower Doctrine-
The Hungarian Uprising
The Cold War takes to the Skies
Nikita KhrushchevCompare Joseph Stalin and Nikita Khrushchev. How are they alike and
The Space Race
A U-2 is Shot Down
Francis Gary Powers/U-2 incident-
Map Assignment
Use the map in the textbook (pages 611 and 613) to locate and then label the following places
on the outline map.
North Korea
South Korea
Yalu River
38th parallel
Armistice Line = Truce Line
Soviet Union
Extra Credit: Online Assignment
Click on Who caused the Cold War
Complete all three Case Studies. First go to Soviet Policy 1945-48. Make sure you read the
introduction before you click on the first document.
Remember to answer the Big Question as well as filling out the following three charts.
Big Question = Who caused the Cold War?