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South Tuen Mun Government Secondary School
Biology Revision Note 14
3 domain 6 kingdom system:
The level of classification
Species – Individual in the same species can interbreed to produce fertile offspring.
Binomial naming system :
Scientific name: genus name + species name (the first letter of the genus name must be written in capital letter, the
first letter of the species name must be small letter; the scientific name is written in italic and / or underlined.
Prokaryotes – unicellular living organism without nucleus and without membrane-bounded organelles e.g.
bacteria, blue green algae, archaebacteria (live in extreme environments)
Kingdom Protists – unicellular or multicellular with cells that can live independently, with true nucleus, some
photosynthetic while some takes in organic food e.g. amoeba
Kingdom Fungi – unicellular or multicellular, cells with cell wall (not cellulose), no chlorophyll, no roots, no
stems, no leaves, saprophytic – acts as decomposer in an ecosystem e.g. yeast, bread mould, mushroom
Kingdom Plant – unicellular or multicellular, cells with cellulose cell wall, have chlorophyll – photosynthetic
Vascular (管道) system (系統) Spores (苞 Seeds (種
Fruit (果)
Plant Group
(true root, stem, leaves)
Moss (苔蘚)
Fern (蕨)
Gymnosperm (棵子植
Flowering plant
Kingdom Animal – unicellular or multicellular, cells without cellulose cell wall, no chlorophyll – must take in
Invertebrates – animal without backbone; Vertebrates – animal with backbone
Body surface
Breathing with
Wet scale
External fertilization, eggs without shell
Amphibians Wet, smooth skin Gills at young,
without scale
lung and skin at
External fertilization, eggs without shell
Hard, dry scale
Internal fertilization, egg with hard shell
Feather, with
scale at feet
Homoiotherms Internal fertilization, egg with hard shell
Hair / fur
Homoiotherms Internal fertilization, egg without shell,
embryo develops inside female body,
mammary gland to produce milk to feed
Ecosystem – the interaction between living organisms and between living organisms and their environment in a
Habitat – a place where an organism lives
 In an ecosystem, energy flows from the sun (light energy) to producer (by photosynthesis) to consumers
(by eating).
 When living organisms die, the energy flows to the decomposers by decomposition which feed on the dead
All living organisms produce heat by respiration and lose energy as heat to the environment.
Some energy is lost in the excretory products which are broken down by decomposers.
Some energy is lost in the uneaten / undigested part of the prey and in the organisms that are not caught
and eaten by predator. (uneaten / undigested part / dead living organisms are broken down by
As energy is lost at each trophic level, the pyramid of number and biomass is upright.
A pyramid of number can be inverted if one organism of the lower trophic level has a much larger size
than the one of a higher level.
An example of upright pyramid of number
An example of inverted pyramid of number
Biotic relationship
Predation – a predator eats its prey
Competition – living organisms compete for resources, two types : interspecific competiton i.e. between
different species and intraspecific competition i.e. within the same species; intraspecific competition is more
severe than interspecific competition.
Symbiosis – the living together of two species : three types – commensalisms: one organism benefits while the
other is not harmed e.g. barnacles and crabs; mutualism – both organisms benefits e.g. sea anemones and crab,
lichens; parasitism – one organism (parasite) benefits while the other (host) is harmed e.g. tapeworm, bacteria.
Ecological succession – a change in the composition of a community over a period of time due to change in the
environmental conditions.
Bare rock has little soil for plants to grow. Only spores of
lichens, mosses fall on the rock and grow. They break down
the rock into soil. Lichens and mosses are pioneer
The soil layer is thin, it becomes suitable for grass, fern and
herbs to grow. They replace lichens and mosses. They
become food for small animals and form a new community.
Grass, fern and herbs die and form a thicker layer of more
fertile soil. Shrub starts to grow and becomes dominant in
the habitat. Larger animals can seek shelter and food in the
habitat. A new community is formed.
The shrub further enriches the soil and a thicker layer of
soil is formed. Trees can grow, with some grass and shrub
survival. It forms a woodland with various plants that can
support a large variety of animals. Eventually this
community becomes stable in the habitat and not replaced
by another community. This is the climax community.
Carbon cycle
Nitrogen cycle