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Honor Code:
Chapter 5 Section 3 Outline
Chapter 5 Sec. 3: Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age (pgs. 120-125)
1) Pericles’ Three Goals for Athens
- Pericles was the wise statesman who led Athens during its golden age
- He was so dominant that this time is sometimes called the ______ _____ ______________.
a) Strong Democracy
i) Pericles increased the number of ______ _______ ___________, which allowed even the poor
to serve if elected or chosen by lot
ii) This made Athens one of the most democratic governments in history, but political rights were
still limited to those with ________________ status.
iii) What is a direct democracy?
iv) Male citizens who served in the assembly established all the important government policies that
affected the polis.
b) Athenian Empire
i) How did Pericles try to enlarge the wealth and power of Athens?
ii) Athens needed overseas trade to obtain supposed of ___________ and other ______ materials.
c) Glorifying Athens
i) Pericles persuaded the Athenian assembly to vote huge sums of the league’s money to buy
______, ivory, and marble.
ii) More money went to an army of ____________ who spent _____ years building the Parthenon.
2) Greek Styles in Art
- The Parthenon used traditional Greek style for temples.
- It was built to honor the goddess _________ and set the standard for future generations of artists
a) Greek Sculpture
i) The sculptor ___________ created the statue of Athena inside the Parthenon.
ii) Describe the state of Athena.
iii) Sculptors during the golden age created figures that were graceful, strong, and perfectly formed.
iv) What styles are known as classical art?
3) Greek Drama
- Theatrical productions in Athens were an expression of ______ ______ and a tribute to the gods.
- Actors used colorful costumes, masks, and sets to dramatize stories about ________________,
justice, and the duties owed to the gods.
- _____________ citizens paid for the cost of producing the plays as part of their civic duty.
a) Tragedy
i) What is a Greek tragedy?
ii) Heroes usually have extraordinary abilities and a tragic flaw, which was often excessive pride.
Statistics about their plays
80 plays, only 7 survive
________ plays
____________ Featured sympathetic portrayals
of women
Major Work(s)
____ ____________ – about
Greek commander at Troy
Oedipus the King and Antigone
b) Comedy
i) What is a Greek comedy?
ii) Many Greek comedies were satires, or works that poked fun at a subject, like ____________,
politics, _____________ people, or ideas of the time
iii) _______________ wrote the first great comedies of the stage, including The Birds and Lysistrata
iv) The fact that Athenians could listen to criticism of themselves showed the freedom and openness
of ___________ __________________ that existed in democratic Athens.
4) Spartans and Athenians Go to War
a) Peloponnesian War
i) Sparta declared war against Athens in _________ B.C.E. and the Peloponnesian War began.
ii) Athens had the strongest _______ power in Greece and Sparta had the _________ advantage.
iii) What did the Spartans eventually do to the Athenians?
iv) Pericles brought everyone into the city and they were safe as long as their ships could deliver
food from colonies and other parts of the world.
b) Sparta Gains the Edge
i) In the second year of war, a ____________ killed between one-third and two-thirds of Athens’
population, including Pericles.
ii) In 415 B.C.E., a fleet of 27,000 Athenians sent to destroy _____________ were defeated
iii) Finally, in ________ B.C.E., Athens and its allies surrendered to Sparta.
c) War Brings Political Changes
i) What happened to Athens after they lost the Peloponnesian War?
5) Philosophers Search for Truth
- philosophers, meaning “_________ ___ __________” were determined to seek the truth, no
matter where the search led them.
- They assumed that the universe is put together in an ____________ way and people can
understand these laws through __________ and reason.
a) Socrates
i) He believed that absolute standards did exist for truth and justice.
ii) He encouraged Greeks to go further and _____________ themselves and their moral character.
iii) In _________ B.C.E., he was put to trial for “corrupting the youth of Athens” and condemned to
death, but he later died after drinking a slow-acting poison.
b) Plato
i) A student of Socrates who was 28 when his teacher died
ii) Between 385 and 380 B.C.E., Plato wrote ______ ______________. In it he laid out his vision
of a perfectly governed society.
iii) He believed there should be three groups in society, what were they?
c) Aristotle
i) A student of __________, he questioned the nature of the world and of human belief, thought, and
ii) He invented a method for arguing according to rules of logic, a method that provides the basis of
the _________ ____________ used today.
iii) Who was Aristotle’s most famous pupil?