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Harrisburg School District
Acquisition Lesson Planning Form
Lesson 1-4
Absolute Value
Essential Question:
How do we represent and order integers and find their opposites and absolute values?
Activating Strategies:
Do Now: Write an integer for each situation.
1. lose 7 dollars
2. find 9 dollars
3. 8 steps forward
4. 3 yards gained
5. 5 floors down
Or use this for an activating strategy:
Students will order integers. Give students an envelope with different integers on index cards.
Have students put them in order from least to greatest. Integers should include negative
numbers, zero, and positive numbers.
Integers, Opposites, Absolute Value (SEE ATTATCHED FOR ACTIVITY)
Teaching Strategies:
Guided Note-Taking, pp. 8&9
GO (Number Line) Use overhead or number line. Ask students to put a dot on different
integers and their opposites. As a class, count how far away from zero the integers
are to show absolute value. Both the number and its opposite will have the same
absolute value(distance from zero.) Use absolute value graphic organizer with
cooperative pairs. Discuss correct answers as a class.
Go over vocabulary.
Discuss temperature and below zero.
Numbered Heads- 1s tell 2s…
1. What happens when the mercury in the thermometer rises? Falls? Explain that it is a
number line written vertically.
2. On a number line which direction is positive? Negative? Label them on your notes.
Model how to graph points on a number line to help compare integers and put them in order
from least to greatest.
1. Graph and compare -1, 4, and -5
2. Graph and compare 0, 2, and -6
Have students remind each other what absolute value is (a number’s distance from zero). Have
them find the absolute vale of the following numbers.
1. |-2| and |2|
2. | 7| and |-7|
What do you notice about the absolute values in the problems above?
What happens when a negative sign is placed before the absolute value sign?
1. - |-10|
2. - |49|
Lesson 1-4
Distributed Guided Practice/Summarizing Prompts:
Have students find their 3:00 partner(s). Students decide who is a 1 and who is a 2.
1s complete 1-15, 28-34, 41-43, and 47-57
2s complete 16-27, 35-40, 44-46, and 55
Ask the following questions:
 Which words in problems 1-9 represented positive numbers? Negative numbers?
 How can number lines help you find the greatest and least numbers in a set?
 If there is a negative sign before an absolute value sign, what will the answer always be?
Homework (Practice Worksheet 1-4)
Summarizing Strategies:
Ticket Out the Door: What is the opposite of the absolute value of negative seven?
Assessment: Checkpoint Quiz pg. 35 Top
LEQ Answer:
 A number line can be used to graph integers. Once they are graphed the numbers are
automatically in order from least to greatest going left to right.
 Opposites are found by either placing a negative sign or removing a negative sign from
an integer.
 Absolute value is found by counting how many spaces from zero the integer is.
Lesson 1-4
A numbers distance
from zero on the
Whole numbers and
number line. Always
their opposites
Absolute value
Numbers that are
the same distance
from zero on the
number line but in
opposite directions
l -3 l = 3
19, -19
6, -6
10, -10
l -1 l = 1
Lesson 1-4
Absolute Value Graphic Organizer
What do you think absolute value is?
How far from zero is:
Point A
Point B
Point C
Point D
Absolute value is:
What is the absolute value of:
Point A
Point B
Point C
Point D
Lesson 1-4