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Define or explain each term or concept as it relates to our study. Complete this review and you’ll be set
for the final exam!
Chapter 1: The Science of Biology
1. List and define the steps of the scientific method.
2. What are the characteristics of life?
3. How do you determine total magnification of a compound microscope?
Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life
1. How do you read a pH scale? What are acids? What are bases?
2. Give some examples of monosaccharides
3. What are proteins?
4. What are lipids?
Chapters 3 & 4: Biomes and Ecology
1. biotic vs abiotic?
2. Autotroph vs heterotroph?
3. Know the Characteristics of:
- Tundra
- Rain Forest
- Temperate Forest
- Desert
4. What is a niche?
5. What is succession?
6. What factors change in an ecological pyramid?
7. Examples of fossil fuels?
8. Biodegradable vs. Nonbiodegradable
9. Types of symbiotic relationships?
10. Factors that impact population growth rates?
11. What’s desertification?
12. Define endangered species
13. Threats to biodiversity?
Chapter 7: Cell Structure and Function
1. Cell
Describe the function of the following:
2. Tissue
- nucleus
3. Organs
- cell wall
4. List the levels of organization (atoms to cells to…)
- cell membrane
5. Difference between plant and animal cells
- mitochondria
6. Chromosomes
- ribosomes
7. Difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
8. What are the pieces of the cell theory?
9. What are the different types of cell transport?
Chapters 8 & 9: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
1. producer
6. omnivore
2. consumer
7. herbivore
3. heterotroph
8. chemical equation for photosynthesis
4. autotroph
9. chemical equation for cellular respiration
5. carnivore
(label all parts of 8 and 9)
10. List the sequence of events in cellular respiration.
11. What are the 2 types of fermentation?
12. When is ATP released?
Chapters 10: Cell Growth and Division
1. List and describe the phases of mitosis & meiosis
2. Difference between sex cells and body cells
3. What’s the role of cyclins?
Chapter 11: Genetics
1. homozygous
10. carrier
2. heterozygous
11. dominant
3. genotype
12. recessive
4. phenotype
13. hybridization
5. trait
14. Selective breeding
6. Number of chromosomes in body cells and sex cells
7. How do fragments of DNA separate during gel electrophoresis?
8. What are sex-linked disorders?
9. 2 sources for genetic variation?
Chapter 12: DNA and RNA
1. nitrogenous bases of RNA and DNA
2. complimentary base pairs
3. structure of DNA
4. Codon and Anticodon
5. What are the types and jobs of the different types of RNA?
6. Transcription and translation
Chapters 15 & 16: Evolution
1. evolution
2. natural selection
3. adaptation
4. main points of the theory of natural selection
5. Charles Darwin
6. Significance of Galapagos Islands
And the finches and tortoises
7. Lamarck’s Evolution Hypothesis
8. vestigial structures
9. homologous structures
10. analogous structures
11. mutation
12. gene pool
13. Identify the following people:
- Hutton
- Lyell
- Malthus
- Wallace
14. When did dinosaurs dominate?
15. What is a cladogram?
16. What is coevolution?
17. What is genetic equilibrium?
Chapter 18: Classification and the Six Major Kingdoms
1. List the seven levels of classification (from broadest to smallest)
2. List the six major kingdoms and examples of each.
3. List the three domains of classification
4. What is Binomial Nomenclature? What are the two names?
5. vertebrates
6. invertebrates
7. flagella
8. cilia
Chapter 19: Bacteria
1. Importance of Bacteria (3 roles)
2. Controlling bacteria (3 ways)
Unit 8: Invertebrates
Know the following phyla’s characteristics and examples of each:
1. Porifera (26-2)
6. Mollusca (27-4)
2. Cnidaria (26-3)
7. Arthropoda (28-1)
3. Platyhelminthes (27-1)
8. Echinodermata (28-4)
4. Nematoda (27-2)
5. Annelida (27-3)
Unit 9: Vertebrates (Phylum Chordata)
Know the following classes characteristics and examples of each:
1. Fish (30-2)
4. Birds (31-2)
2. Amphibians (30-3)
5. Mammals (32)
3. Reptiles (31-1)
6. Montromeres (32)