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Practice Exam 4
Worksheet 4.5
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Chapter 12 & 13:
BIOL 211 (2)
Dr. Waldman
1.) Label the parts of the following figure: chromosome, centromere, chromatid, sister
chromatids, homologous chromosomes. How many chromosomes & chromatids are
2.) What are the 4 phases of the cell cycle? What occurs during each of these phases?
3.) Fill out the table comparing mitosis and meiosis.
# of cell
# of chromosomes
(parent vs.
daughter cell)
Synapsis of
(parent vs.
4.) How does cytokinesis differ between plants and animals?
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
Role in life
5.) Compare the events that occur during mitosis and both meiosis I and II.
Meiosis I
Late prophase:
Meiosis II
Telophase &
6.) What is cancer? What are the two main causes and types of tumors?
7.) What are the 2 hypotheses proposed in lecture for the existence of sexual reproduction?
8.) What are 3 ways sexual reproduction creates genetic variability. When do they occur
and why are they important?
9.) Turner’s syndrome (a monosomy) and Down syndrome (a trisomy) occur when
nondisjunction occurs. What does this mean and where does it occur?
10.) Use the picture below to answer the following questions.
a. Is this organism a male or a female?
b. How many pairs of autosomes does this organism have?
c. What is the haploid number of this organism? Diploid number?
d. If this organism was triploid instead of diploid, how would mitosis and meiosis be
e. How will the ploidy of each daughter cell in this organism change after meiosis I
and II?
f. How will the number of chromatids of each daughter cell in this organism change
after meiosis I and II?
Chapter 14:
11.) Match the following terms.
a. Trait
b. Gene
c. Allele
d. Phenotype
e. Genotype
f. Homozygous
g. Heterozygous
1. A specific form of a gene
2. The physical expression of the trait (observable)
3. Two copies of the same allele (TT or tt)
4. Two different alleles (Tt)
5. A specific observable characteristic
6. The alleles found in an individual
7. A hereditary factor influencing a particular trait
12.) I crossed a blue-flowered and white-flowered plant and allowed the F1 progeny to selfpollinate. If I found that there were always more blue-flowered plants than whiteflowered plants in a 3:1 ratio, what could we say about the alleles?
13.) In order to get a 3:1 ratio in the F2 generation, what do the initial and F1 parental
lineages need to be for the trait (pure lines, homozygous, or heterozygous)?
14.) If you cross a heterozygote with a recessive homozygote for a trait, what is the chance of
producing an offspring with the dominant phenotype?
a. 0%
b. 25%
c. 50%
d. 75%
e. 100%
15.) What is the frequency of each phenotype in the F2 generation of a cross between 2
homozygous parent peas with the genotypes RR and rr?
a. 1 round, 2 slightly wrinkled, and 1 wrinkled
b. ¼ RR, ½ Rr, and ¼ rr
c. 3 round, 1 wrinkled
d. 1:1:1:1
16.) What is the difference between a monohybrid and a dihybrid cross?
17.) If an F1 plant with the genotype RrYy self-fertilizes, what is the phenotypic ratio of the
F2 generation? (Keep in mind that R is the dominant allele for seed shape (round), r is the
recessive allele for seed shape (wrinkled), Y is the dominant allele for seed color
(yellow), and y is the recessive allele for seed color (green)).
a. 9 round, yellow: 3 round, green: 3 wrinkled, yellow: 1 wrinkled, green
b. 3 green, wrinkled: 1 yellow, round
c. 3 green: 1 yellow
d. All of the peas would be round and yellow
18.) What is a testcross?
19.) What is the difference between incomplete dominance and co-dominance? Give
20.) What is pleiotropy? How is this different from polygenic inheritance? Give examples.
21.) What is a pedigree?
a. How do autosomal linked traits differ from x-linked traits?