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Bio 4 – Study Guide 3
Chapter 12 & 13 – Mitosis and Meiosis
Know the difference between a genome and a gene pool. Know the cell cycle and all the stages. What is binary fission? Know the
phases of mitosis and meiosis (interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, interkinesis). Know how they are different from
each other. Know the following structures: centromeres, asters, spindle fibers, cell plate, metaphase plate, cleavage furrow,
kinetochores, chiasma, tetrad, chromatin, chromosome, chromatids, homologous chromosomes. What is haploid vs. diploid? What is
crossing over? What is independent assortment? What controls cell division? What is MPF? Cyclin? Cdk? What is cancer? Know
the different types of sexual and asexual reproduction talked about in class (binary fission, regeneration, fragmentation, budding,
hermaphrodites, parthenogenesis). What are the four sources of sexual variation? What is fertilization? What is a zygote? What is a
karyotype? Compare and contrast mitosis with the first division of meiosis. At what points during meiosis does the potential for
genetic variation occur?
Chapter 14 & 15 – Mendelian Genetics & Inheritance
Who is Mendel? What is a trait? Gene? Know the following terms: dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous,
monohybrid, dihybrid, allele, genotype, phenotype, testcross, incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles,, ABO blood
groups, Rh factor, amniocentesis, chorionic villi sampling, ultrasound. What are the differences between a recessively inherited and a
dominantly inherited disease? Know the examples discussed in class. Be able to work genetic problems with the correct genotypic
and phenotypic ratios (monohybrid, dihybrid, sex-linked, sex influenced, incomplete dominance, and blood types). What is
nondisjunction? Aneuploidy? What is an ultrasound? Amniocentesis? Chorionic villi sampling?
Chapter 46 & 47 – Animal Reproduction and Development
What are gametes? Zygote? Know the male and female parts discussed in class along with their functions. Know the menstrual cycle
and the ovarian cycle. Summarize the reproductive cycle of the human female. Be sure to include the gonadotropins, the ovarian
hormone levels, the ovarian cycle and the phases. How does a pregnancy test work. Know the human embryology discussed in class
(aygote, morula, blastula, blastomeres, blastocoel, blastopore, blastocyst, embryo, fetus).
Chapter 22 – Evolution
What is evolution? What is the difference between micro and macroevolution? Who is Darwin? Where did he travel? What
did he discover? What was the name of the ship? What was the name of his book? What is speciation? Who is Plato? Cuvier?
Catastrophism? Hutton? Gradualism? Lyell? Uniformitarianism? Lamarck? Inheritance of acquired traits? What were the two basic
concepts from Darwin’s book?
Who was Malthus? What are the 5 statements and three conclusions summing up Darwin’s theory
(written by Mayr)? What are the 6 pieces of evidence for evolution?
Notes – Taxonomy
Know the following: Binomial Nomenclature, DKPCOFGS. Know the 3 domains. Know the evolution of terrestrial plants
(from charophytes to flowering plants). Be sure you understand the change in plants from nonvascular seedless plants to vascular seed
plants. Know the different animal kingdom phyla. Know the characteristics and examples given. What are the four characteristics
seen in chordates? Know the different classes found in the chordate phylum. Know examples and characteristics that make them
different. What are the two primate characteristics? What makes hominids different?