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6th lecture: Summary 5th lecture: Time dependence of the density matrix
 c c
 . Pure state: {ρ}ij  ci c j ; s = ½: ρ   1 1
Mixed state: { ρ}ij  pi  ij ; s = ½: ρ   
 0 p 
 c1c2
Vector polarization P   s / s , 0  P  1 ; s = ½: P   σ  .
c1 c2 
c2 c2 
pure spin polarization:
N  N
Pz 
 13
N  N0  N
1. Mixed, 2s + 1 sublevels m: Pz   s z  / s  (1 / s)m s mpm , with  1  Pz  1 .
s = ½: Pz  σ z   Tr ( ρσ z )  p  p  ( N   N  ) /( N   N  ) .
In thermal equilibrium, Boltzmann: N  /N   exp(  μB/kT ) ,
Magnetization curve M  Nμ Pz  Nμ tanh( μB/kT ) .
For μB  2kT , magnetic susceptibility χ  M/B  Nμ 2 / 2kT = Curie Law.
pure spin alignment:
N  N   2N 0
Azz  
N  N0  N
2. Pure, coherent superposition: s = ½: σ z   Tr ( ρσ z )  c1  c 2 .
3. Mixed, coherent superposition: σ z   Tr ( ρσ z )  ( c1  c 2 )( p1  p 2 ) ,
4. Mean energy for mixed Bx, Bz-atomic spin rotation:  E   Tr ( ρE )  [(c12  c 22 )ω0  2c1c 2 ω1 ]( p1  p 2 ) .
A density matrix is pure if Tr ρ2 = 1, mixed if Tr ρ2 < 1.
Liouville equation for the density operator: iρ  Hρ  ρH  [ H , ρ] . →
σ x   iσ y  
 1  σ z 
 , the Liouville equation becomes:
With ρ  12 
 x
  ω  M , with Larmor frequency ω  γB .
Bloch equation for the magnetization M  N  μ  N  s : M
Uncertainty relation N  φ  N  φ  1 fixes magnetisation direction for large N.
Many atoms,
N >>1: well
determined phase
A process/system is called coherent when interference is possible.
Interference is possible within the same cell volume 3 x 3 p x  V   3 of phase space (x, p).
Whether a beam of particles is coherent or not depends only on its divergence and spot size.
A density matrix has coherence when it has off-diagonal elements.
In contact with the environment, the off-diagonal elements fade away: decoherence.
 1 ).
Coupled to a heat bath, the pi aquire a statistical Boltzmann distribution (quantum statistics necessary when nλdB
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
Addendum to 3.4:
So far we have used as input only the Schrödinger equation and the rotation matrices.
We can derive the Bloch equation also from the Heisenberg equation of motion, which is (without proof)
A  i/ [ H , A] . For the the angular momentum operator A = J and the Hamiltonian H  γ J  B it reads
J   i/ [J  B, J ] , or J x   i/ [ J x Bx  J y By  J z Bz , J x ]   i/ ( Bx [ J x , J x ]  By [ J y , J x ]  Bz [ J z , J x ]) , ...,
We use the commutation relations (without proof) [ J x , J x ]  0 , [ J y , J x ]  iJ z , [ J z , J x ]  iJ y , ... :
J   ( B J  B J )   ( B  J ) , ... , i.e. J  ω0  J .
3.5 Angular distribution of radiation
light- detector
photons, s = 1,
electrons, s = ½,
s = 0,
gravitons, s = 2, ...
emitted by polarized 'system' = atoms, nuclei, particles, galaxies, ...
linear polariz.
max. intensity
What is the angular distribution of radiated total intensity,
or the angular distribution of radiated intensity with a certain polarization?
no intensity
a) Emission of photons from polarized atoms
classical picture:
atom = electron coupled to nucleus by a spring
light- detector
π-light, Δm = 0: angular distribution of electric dipole antenna: W(θ) = ½sin2θ.
σ±-light, Δm = ±1: each with angular distribution of ring antenna: W(θ) = ¼(1+cos2θ).
linear pol.
N.B.: emission from unpolarized atoms = incoherent superposition of π + σ+ + σ−:
W(θ) = ½sin2θ +½(1+cos2θ) = 1 = isotropy.
l + r-circular
max. intensity
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
quantum picture: Atom ≠ electron coupled to nucleus by a spring.
Method of attack:
1. conservation of angular momentum
2. use of rotation matrices
1. Decay of excited atoms, S = 1, 100% polarized along axis z↑: Sz = +1ħ,
into S = 0 ground state by photon emission:
before emission:
excited atom:
 M  1
g.s.: S = 0:
σ+ π
from conservation of angular momentum:
after emission of photon:
+ photon flying upwards:
ground state atom:
e.s.: S = 1:
M = −1
M = +1
atomic el.magn. trans.:
  m  1
 M 0
ground state atom:
 M 0
+ photon flying downwards:   m  1
s = spin
NB: massive particles have 2s + 1 magnetic quantum numbers m = −s, ..., +s.
But (without proof):
k = wavevector
Massless particles fly with the speed of light and have only 2 values m = −s and m = +s.
Photons have s = 1, and m = ±1, that is there are only circularly polarized photons.
Linearly polarized light is a coherent superposition of m = +1 and m = −1 photons.
Be I0 = intensity into a small solid angle about z-axis (i.e. under polar angle θ = 0).
What is the intensity into direction z' (polar angle θ > 0)?
This can be read off the S = 1 rotation matrix:
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
S  1:
M  1
 2 (1  cos θ )
R y (θ )   sin θ/ 2
 1
 2 (1  cos θ )
M 0
 sin θ/ 2
σ+ :
M  1
 M '  1
2 (1  cos θ )
 sin θ/ 2  M '  0
1 (1  cos θ )  M '  1
cos θ
sin θ/ 2
θ m=+1
If the atom has spin up  with probablity 1 along z-axis,
its probability to be spin up  with respect to axis z' is
 M  1 | R y (θ ) | M  1 
(1  cos θ ) .
σ− :
As there is no preferred direction in space, the probability for
emission of the photon to fly into direction z',
with spin along its direction of flight z', is
W  (θ )  I 0 1 | R y (θ ) | 1 
I 0 (1  cos θ ) 2 .
This is the angular distribution of circularly polarized σ -light,
as seen for instance through a λ/4-plate in direction z'.
The distribution is rotationally symmetric about z.
The angular distibution of σ−-light, emitted from an excited spin up  atom is
W  (θ )  I 0 1 | R y (θ ) | 1 
I 0 (1  cos θ ) 2 ,
σ+ + σ− :
with spin opposite to its direction of flight z'.
The angular distibution of light from an excited aligned atom
without polarization analysis then is the incoherent sum of both:
W (θ )  W  (θ )  W  (θ )  14 I 0 (1  cos θ ) 2  14 I 0 (1  cos θ ) 2 , or:
W (θ )  12 I 0 (1  cos 2 θ ) , which is the classical σ-distribution.
(the photon circular polarization is measureable, even if it is not done,
hence its spin direction is certain, hence there is no interference term).
Cos t
Sin t
2, 1
Cos t
Cos t
2 , t, 0, 2
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
2. Decay of the excited S = 1 atom from its M = 0 state, i.e. Sz = 0:
before emission: the excited atom has no spin component along the quantization axis z:  M  0 ,
after emission: the atomic ground state also has no spin component along z:
O M  0.
But the photon spin cannot have m = 0, it can only be along or opposite to the quantization axis z.
From the S = 1 rotation matrix we find the probability to find an atomic M = 0 admixture along z',
starting with spin up along z, to be 1 | R y (θ ) | 0 
sin 2 θ , and the same for starting
with spin down along z, so the angular distribution of π-light comes out to W (θ )  I 0 sin 2 θ ,
which is the emission characteristic of the classical electric dipole.
S  1:
M  1
 12 (1  cos θ )
R y (θ )   sin θ/ 2
 1
 2 (1  cos θ )
M 0
 sin θ/ 2
cos θ
sin θ/ 2
M  1
1 (1  cos θ )  M '  1
 sin θ/ 2  M '  0
1 (1  cos θ )  M '  1
b) Emission of spin ½ particles from particles or nuclei
Neutron β-decay n  p  e   ν e , all with spin ½. Intensity for emission into z-direction:
I 0 with electron spin sz parallel to z-axis: m = +½,
I 0 with electron spin sz antiparallel to z-axis: m = −½, with W (θ  0)  I 0  I 0 .
From the spin-½ rotation matrix, the intensity into direction z' is W (θ )  I 0 cos 2 θ/ 2  I 0 sin 2 θ/ 2 .
With cos 2 θ/ 2  12 (1  cos θ ) and sin 2 θ/ 2  12 (1  cos θ ) this becomes
W (θ )  12 [( I 0 ) 2  ( I 0 ) 2 ]  12 [( I 0 ) 2  ( I 0 ) 2 ] cos θ , or W (θ )  1  A cos θ .
The emission is isotropic unless the emitted particle has a parity violating helicity, i.e. I 0  I 0 .
neutron β-decay asymmetry A = 0.12:
: m   12 m   12
 cos θ/ 2  sin θ/ 2  m'   12
R y (θ )  
 sin θ/ 2 cos θ/ 2  m'   12
neutron  e -asymmetry B = 1.0:
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
4. Spin manipulations
4.1 Spin rotation experiments
a) Spin rotation with stored particles:
Transversally polarized particles, e.g. atoms or nuclei in a strong magnetic field along z,
start Larmor precession about the field.
ΔE plastic
local B
μ-beam from
stopped μ
Examples are NMR, ESR, stored ultracold neutrons, etc.: see later chapters. Here:
1st example: μSR = muon spin rotation:
photo multiplier
A pion beam from: p + A → A' + π's ( = 'Bremsstrahlung' of strong interaction),
decays weakly in-flight into polarized muons: π± → μ±↑ + νμ (muon Helicity = υμ/c).
Positive muons are stopped in condensed matter, for instance a ferromagnet,
with muon polarization at right angles to the internal B-field,
and start spin precession about this field.
How can this süin-precession be observed? Through the decay of the muon:
μ± → e± + νμ + νe, with a lifetime of τ = 2.2 μs.
From the preceding page, due to parity violation, muon decay has a β-asymmetry
W (θ )  1  A cos θ with respect to the polarization of the muon.
As the polarization of the muon precesses about the magnetic field B,
so does the angular distribution, like the rotating radiation pattern of a light house.
The count rate in the detector after the start pulse therefore is given by
the exponential decay law for the muon, modulated by the precessing β-asymmetry:
W (t )  W (0) exp( t / τ )(1  A cos(ω0 t )) .
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
In this way one can measure the distribution of Larmor precession frequencies ω0  γB ,
and, with the known gyromagnetic relation of the muon γμ = 850 MHz/Tesla,
one obtains, via Fourier analysis, the distribution of internal magnetic fields in the sample.
2nd example: 'γγ-Perturbed Angular Correlations'.
Emission of two successive particles, for instance in the sequence:
1. unpolarized nuclear excited state, with nuclear spin I = 0,
populated e.g. by a preceding β-transition. 1st γ-transition to:
↓ γ1
2. intermediate state with lifetime τ, nuclear spin I = 1. 2nd γ-transition to:
↓ γ2
3. stable ground state, nuclear spin I = 0.
(Z, A)
γ1 is emitted either with m = +1 or with m = −1, relative to its flight direction z.
Therefore, in the intermediate state, only the levels M = +1 or M = −1 are populated:
the intermediate state is 'aligned', i.e. has a tensor polarization Azz.
I = 0:
Therefore, γ2 emitted from the intermediate state has a
W (θ )  12 I 0 (1  cos 2 θ ) distribution with respect to the direction γ1.
If the intermediate state sees an internal or external magnetic field B (or el. field gradient Vzz),
it starts, within its lifetime τ, Larmor precession about these fields.
I = 1:
M = +1
M = −1
In (T1/2= 2.83 d):
stable (Z+1, A)
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
3rd example: atomic Hanle effect
When an atom in zero magnetic field is excited with polarized light,
for instance with π-light, linearly polarized along z, then the reemitted light has the
angular distribution of the dipole antenna W (θ )  I 0 sin 2 θ , p.6.5.
A small detector under θ = 0 or π sees almost no light.
When a magnetic field is turned on along x, then the angular distribution as a whole
precesesses about x, during the lifetime τ of the excited state,
with a mean precession angle θ  ω0 τ  γBτ .
no intensity
As long as θ << 1, that is B  1/γτ (γ = gyromagn. ratio), the intensity stays low.
For θ >> 1, that is B  1/γτ , the time average of the rotating dipole distribution
becomes W (θ )  12 I 0 (1  cos 2 (π/ 2  θ )) , which is a tilted σ-distribution.
The magnetic field dependence of the signal
2ω02 τ 2
W ( B, θ  0)   sin 2 ω0 t exp( t / τ ) dt 
1  4ω02 τ 2
with ω0  γB , is called the Hanle effect.
It can be used to measure lifetimes τ of atomic states.
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
b) spin rotation 'in-beam':
1st example: Atomic beam spin precession.
Let a continuous atomic beam with initial polarization Pz0 pass a region of transversal magnetic field Bx.
polarizer Pz0
analyser Pz(B0) detector
For a given atomic velocity υ, the outgoing polarization is Pz  Pz 0 cos φ ,
with the spin precession angle φ  ω0 t  γB0 L/υ  (γm/h) B0 L λ ,
and with the deBroglie wavelenght λ  h/mυ .
Usually, Pz must be averaged over the atomic flux spectrum Φ(λ),
and, for non-uniform field with B( x)  B0 b( x) , with dimensionless b(x),
B0L must usually be replaced by the magnetic field integral along the flight path:
Pz ( B0 )  Pz 0 cos φ  Pz 0  Φ( λ) cosφ( λ)dλ  Pz 0  Φ( λ) cos(κλ)dλ ,
with   (γm/h) B0
b( x) dx .
If one measures the outgoing polarization as a function of the magnetic field B0,
then Pz ( B0 ) is the Fourier transform of the wavelength spectrum Φ(λ) of the beam.
This is an elegant method to measure the time-of-flight spectrum of a continuous atomic beam.
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
2nd example: magnetic moment of hyperons
The neutral Λ0 lives τ = 0.26 ns. Its mass is mc2 = 1.1 GeV.
When it is produced at Ekin = 400 GeV, its lifetime in the laboratory system is boosted to
γτ = (Ekin /mc2)×0.26 ns ≈ 100 ns, and its mean flight length becomes cτ ≈ 30 m.
The main decay mode is Λ0 → p+ + π0, by weak interaction, B.R. = 64%,
with spins
s = ½ s = ½ s = 0.
Due to parity violation, the angular distribution of the p+ is asymmetric: W (θ )  1  A cos θ .
The magnetic moment of the Λ is measured in-flight by passage through a strong transverse magnetic field:
There is a small spin precession, detected by the precession of the angular distribution of the emitted protons.
The result is μΛ = −0.613(4) μN, or gyromagnetic ratio γΛ = 59 MHz/Tesla.
In a 3 m long magnetic field of B = 5 Tesla, the spin precession angle is
φ = ω0τ/10 = γΛBτ/10 = 7.7·10−3 = 0.4o.
proton intensity:
←without B-field
←with B-field
proton detector
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09
3rd example: muon g − 2 experiment
delayed Muon decay:
W (t )  W (0) exp( t/γτ )(1  A cos(ωt ))
with γτ ≈ 50×2.2 μs = 110 μs,
and ω  g  2
Muon-storage ring in Brookhaven
Dubbers: Quantum physics in a nutshell WS 2008/09