Download Geometry Notes – Lesson 8.3/8.4 Sin, Cos, Tan Part 1 Sides

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Notes – Lesson 8.3/8.4 Sin, Cos, Tan Part 1 Sides
Name ________________________
Trigonometry: Calculators must be in Degree Mode (Check the Mode Button and Highlight Degree. Press Enter.)
Used to find ____________________ and ____________________ in a _______________ ______________.
Relationships of Sides and Angles:
Trig. Ratios
_____ - _____- _____-_____-_____-_____-_____-_____-_____
_____ - _____- _____-_____-_____-_____-_____-_____-_____
Use the Triangle to find the Sin or Cos Ratio for each Angle...
1) sin(T)
2) cos(T)
Finding Sides:
Calculator Work!!!
3) sin(G)
4) cos(G)