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Substance Use And Addiction Disorders, Parts 1 & 2
1) Harm to self develops when a person uses substance(s) despite:
a) having a physical or psychological condition made worse by using substance(s).
b) trouble with the law.
c) family conflict.
d) long-term polysubstance use remission.
2) With the CAGE or CAGE-AID, a positive screening test is:
a) greater than 3 “yes” responses.
b) greater than 6 “yes” responses.
c) greater than 10 “yes” responses.
d) one or more “yes” responses.
3) DAST is a screening instrument that surveys a person’s:
a) marital-family relationships, social relationships, employment, legal and physical conditions.
b) comorbid mental health and physical diseases.
c) family history and genetic predisposition to addiction.
d) demographic and cultural background.
4) The DAST is highly reliable and corresponds well with the DSM diagnosis of substance use, however
it does not
a) address the impact substance use is having on a person’s life.
b) obtain information regarding specific substances used.
c) it does not attempt to discern if multiple substances are used.
d) it does not identify the severity of substance use.
5) The dimensions of substance addiction are interrelated but also operate independently on a
continuum from
a) dependency to addiction.
b) no withdrawal symptoms to high withdrawal symptoms.
c) less severe or low risk to more severe or high risk.
d) awareness of diagnosis to non-awareness of diagnosis.
6) Screening for addiction of more than one substance use requires screening with
a) one single standard instrument.
b) multiple instruments.
c) collateral information (as more valid than the patient’s self-report).
d) a physical evaluation.
7) In the Epidemiologic Catchment Area Study, lifetime prevalence of alcohol use disorder was highest
among persons with
a) major depression and anxiety.
b) bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
c) borderline personality and narcissistic traits.
d) Borderline personality disorder and dependency traits.
8) Biologically based screens are
a) a substitute for self-report data.
b) have high sensitivity (low false positive rate).
c) not a substitute for self-report data.
d) not impacted by one’s age, gender, smoking status, or metabolism.
9) In the DSM-5, a “2-3 symptom” would indicate a substance use disorder that is
a) mild.
b) moderate.
c) severe.
d) None of the above (there is no “2-3” criteria in DSM-5)
10) A histrionic personality disorder is characterized by
a) unstable and turbulent emotions, actions and relationships.
b) acting emotional or dramatic to draw attention.
c) inflated ego and an obsession with the self.
d) excessive dependence on other people.
11) An individual who typically seeks relationships that make him/her look good and for gain, and
unable to show empathy to others would have a(n)
a) narcissistic personality disorder
b) organic brain disorder
c) bipolar disorder
d) histrionic personality disorder
12) Behavioral problems that should alert a clinician of a potential substance use disorder include all
a) legal problems
b) poor work history
c) afraid of taking risks
d) erratic behavior
13) If substance use is suspected, the clinician should ask permission to involve family, friends, or others
because of
a) the need for a second opinion.
b) a patient’s need for support.
c) a patient’s tendency to deny a use problem.
d) likelihood the other person is also using substances.
14) Which of the following is the last stage of the transtheoretical model?
a) Determination
b) Relapse
c) Maintenance
d) Action
15) It is the responsibility of the provider to establish ________________ the patient and maintain a
treatment environment with the greatest opportunity for success.
a) a relationship with
b) control over
c) judgment of
d) superiority over
16) Most patients are willing and able to provide reliable, factual information regarding their drug use;
however, many cannot articulate
a) their feelings about others.
b) their life goals.
c) how drugs affect their lives.
d) why they use drugs.
17) Interview questions should be asked
a) using accepted, defined medical terms.
b) indirectly to elicit information craftily.
c) using simple language.
d) using “street” terms familiar to the patient.
18) _______________ produce extensive vasoconstriction and can produce profound acute vascular and
cardiovascular problems, i.e., myocardial infarction.
a) Inhalants
b) Hallucinogens
c) Opioids
d) Stimulant drugs
19) Under the DEA Schedule marijuana is classified as follows:
a) Not scheduled because of its medicinal uses
b) Schedule I (high potential for substance use disorder)
c) Schedule III (low risk of dependence)
d) Schedule IV
20) Skin tissue may become reddened, hot, painful, and swollen as a result of cellulitis, which occurs
when ___________________ is/are injected subcutaneously.
a) cocaine
b) hallucinogens
c) stimulants
d) sedative-hypnotics
21) Since ___________ is/are more toxic to brain chemistry than most substances, users with fragile
brain chemistry are more likely to have chronic neurochemical imbalance and mental illness.
a) marijuana
b) inhalants
c) stimulants
d) opioids
22) Part of the assessment process includes identifying “triggers” that may cause the patient to:
a) use substances.
b) become depressed.
c) become aggressive.
d) quit the assessment process.