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1. Describe the creation and development of the ______________________.
2. Compare and contrast the development of ____________and __________.
Geography Shapes Greek Life
A. The Sea
The Greeks’ life revolved around the sea
The _____________, _______________, and the
________________ were all important transportation routes.
Linked most parts of Greece and other societies
Poor in _________________, _______________,
_______________, and ________________.
B. The Land
Due to landscape it was difficult to unite Greece under a
Most formed small independent communities
Travel was very difficult 60 miles could take up to 7 days
_____________ of the land was usable for farming
_____________________, meant that Greece was never able to
support a ____________________
C. The Climate
Mycenaean Civilization Develops
- Settled the Greek mainland around 2000 BC
A. Culture and Trade
- Sometime around 1500 BC either through trade the Mycenaean’s
came into contact with the _______________.
Adapted much of the Minoan culture to their own including their
writing system
B. The Trojan War
- ____________________________________________________
- Believed to have started with the kidnapping of _________ the
wife of a Greek king.
- Thought at first to be a story, evidence gathered shows that the
Trojan War may have been based on real people and events.
Greek Culture Declines
A. Epics of Homer
- With no written record learned of history through spoken word.
- Greatest storyteller was a blind man named _______________.
- Greatest epics were _____________ and ________________.
- The Iliad was about the Trojan War.
B. Greeks Create Myths
Rule and Order in Greek City States
- By 750 BC the ___________ was the fundamental unit in ancient Greece
A. Greek Political Structures
- Greek City-states had various form of government
- Monarchy- __________________________________________________
Aristocracy- _________________________________________________
______________________- ruled by a few powerful people (merchants
and artisans)
B. Tyrants Seize Power
- In many city-states the rulers and common people often clashed
- Some nobles sought to gain power by _____________________________
_______________________________ for support- these rulers called tyrants
- Unlike today, tyrants in ancient Greece were generally not cruel and
harsh- most started building programs to help the common people
Athens Builds a Limited Democracy
A. Building Democracy
- 621 BC-
Draco’s code dealt harshly towards criminals and introduced debt slavery,
work as slaves to repay debts
594 BC- Solon came to power and introduced some new reforms.
i. Outlawed debt slavery
ii. Organized Athenian citizens into __________________________
according to wealth
iii. Top three classes could hold political office
iv. ______________________________________________________
v. Any citizen could bring charges against wrongdoers
Around 500 BC Cleisthenes introduced new reforms
i. Broke power of rich by organizing social classes based on
___________________ rather than on ____________________
ii. Increased the power of assembly by allowing anyone to submit
iii. Created the Council of Five Hundred, _______________________
and managed the assembly- members chosen by
_______________ or _______________________
These reforms made Athens a __________________________________,
where only citizens could participate in government
To be a “citizen” you had to be: __________________________________
Everyone else was excluded from citizenships and had few rights
B. Athenian Education
Sparta Builds a Military State
- Sparta located in southern Greece, nearly cut off from the rest of Greece
by Gulf of Corinth
A. Sparta Dominates Messenians
- 725 BC- Defeat the Messenians and forced them to farm the land, called
them __________________, took half of their crops every year
- The Messenians revolt but fail, Spartans, fearful of another revolt, create a
new, stronger government.
- Spartan Government- Several branches:
i. Assembly—____________________________________________
ii. Council of Elders—_____________________________________
iii. _____________________________________—carried out the
laws passed by the Assembly also in charge of education and court
iv. Kings- ________________________________________________
- Spartan Social groups:
B. Spartan Daily Life
The Persian Wars (490 BC)
A. A new kind of Army emerges
- Cheaper _______________replaces bronze, making arms and armor
cheaper= new, bigger armies made up of all classes of people
- New army tactic feared by all, the Phalanx— ______________________
B. Battle of Marathon
- Persian Wars—between Greece and the Persian Empire—began in Ionia
- Greeks lived in Ionia but had been conquered by the Persians
- Greeks revolt and ___________________ sends ships to help fight off the
- Persians win and vow to destroy Athens in revenge
- Persian army attacks Athens __________________________
- Greeks arranged in phalanx, Persians attack and are defeated
- Runner, Pheidippides races to Athens to announce Greek victory and dies
C. Persians attack again
- 10 years after Marathon, _____________________________________
- Persians invade and have some early success but halted at a mountain pass
called ______________________________where 7,000 Greek (including
300 Spartans) fight the Persians
- Greeks are betrayed and must flee, 300 Spartans volunteer to hold Persians
back while the rest of the Greeks retreat, all 300 killed
- Persians finally defeated for good at _______________________
D. Consequences of the Persian Wars
Greece’s Golden Age
Pericles’ Plan for Athens
- Wise statesmen named _______________ led Athens during much of its
golden age
- Well respected Athenian and general in the army
- Had three goals:
i. ______________________________________________________
ii. ______________________________________________________
iii. ______________________________________________________
A. Stronger Democracy
- ___________________________________________________________
- Had more citizens engaged in the government than any other city state in
- ____________________________________________________________
Introduced a direct democracy—________________________________
B. Athenian Empire
C. Glorifying Athens
Glorious Art and Architecture
- Pericles ultimate goal was to have the greatest artists and architects create
magnificent sculptors and buildings to glorify Athens.
- ____________________________________________________________
A. Architecture and Sculpture
- Parthenon—_________________________________________________
- In the middle of the temple he sculpted a giant statue of Athena (30 ft. tall)
Greek sculptors created sculptures that were __________________,
strong, and ________________________________- showed the values of
harmony, ________________, balance, and ________________________
This standard became known as classical art.
Drama and History
A. Tragedy and Comedy
- Greeks invented drama as an art form
- Wrote two kinds of drama—____________________________________
- Tragedy— __________________________________________________
- Comedy— __________________________________________________
Dramatists include Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes
B. History
- Accurate history recorded and studied by Herodotus and Thucydides.
- Herodotus’ book on the Persian Wars is considered the first work of
- Thought that events reoccur over time and by studying history one
Athenians and Spartans Go to War
A. Peloponnesian War
B. Sparta Gains Victory
C. Philosophers Search for Truth
- after war many lose faith in democracy
- philosophers, “_______________________________________” seek
- These Greek thinkers based their search for truth on two principles
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
D. Important Philosophers
1. Socrates-
2. Plato-
3. Aristotle-
- These philosophers and their teachings dominated European society and culture for
nearly 1,500 years and still have impact today.
Chapter 5 Section 4 Notes
Alexander’s Empire
Name ____________________________
1) What was the result of the Peloponnesian War?
2) Where is Macedonia in relation to Greece and what is is the land like?
3) How did the Macedonians view themselves and how did the Greeks view the
4) Who is Philip II?
5) Describe how Philip II organized his army?
6) Describe the conquest of Greece.
7) Why was Philip unable to invade Persia?
8) Who took the throne after Philip II’s death?
9) Who taught Alexander? What did he study?
10) Why did Alexander destroy Thebes? What did other Greek city states do after
Thebes was destroyed?
11) Where did the Persian and Macedonian forces first meet?
12) What did Darius III do after learning of the Macedonians’ victory at the Granicus
13) What did Alexander do after he rejected Daruis’s’ peace settlement?
14) What happened to Alexander’s army after they confronted an Indian army?
15) What happened to Alexander’s Empire after his death?
16) What cultural impact did Alexander’s conquests have?
Hellenistic Culture in Alexandria
- Alexander the Great had sought to combine Greek culture with the culture
of the lands he conquered
A. Trade and Cultural Diversity
- Among the many cities of the Hellenistic world the Egyptian city of
_________________________became the center of business and
Hellenistic culture.
- ____________________________________________________________
- Ships from all over the Mediterranean docked in its harbor making it an
B. Alexandria’s Attractions
- A beautiful, organized city with grand palaces and broad avenues lined
with statues of Greek gods
- Two big attractions:
A. The Museum—
B. The Library—
Science and Technology
A. Astronomy
- The Museum in Alexandria contained a small observatory (place to study
the stars)
- Aristarchus—estimated that the sun was 300 times the size of the Earth.
Proposed ____________________________________________________
Ptolemy—incorrectly placed the _________________________________
___________________________, which was accepted for the next 14
- Eratosthenes—calculated the circumference of the Earth between 28,000
29,000 miles ( 24,860 miles is the true distance)
B. Mathematics and Physics