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Chapter 9 Study Guide (Complete)
Ancient Greece
Name: ____________________________________
Describe the physical features of Greece. (p. 247-248)
mountains, long coastline, deep valleys, rugged highlands
Which bodies of water surround Greece? (p. 247-248)
Mediterranean Sea, Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea
True or False? In ancient times, Greece was a unified
country. If the answer is false, correct the underlined
part to make it true. (p. 247)
Describe the religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks. (p.
False. In ancient times, Greece was divided into many small,
independent communities.
What is an aristocracy? (p. 255)
A government ruled by a few wealthy people.
Who were considered citizens in the democracy in
Athens? (p. 255)
all men born in Athens
What was the result of the Battle of Salamis? (p. 261)
Athenian ships destroyed the Persian fleet.
What was the Delian League and why did it begin? (p.
The Delian League is an alliance of Greek city-states. It began as an
alliance to protect the Greeks from the Persians.
How did Alexander spread Greek culture? (p. 268)
He created a vast empire in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
10. True or False? Continuous warfare was a feature of the
Hellenistic culture. If the answer is false, correct the
underlined part to make it true. (p. 268-269)
11. True or False? A system of writing was created during
the Hellenistic Age. If the answer is false, correct the
underlined part to make it true. (p. 268-269)
Use the picture below to answer questions 12 and 13.
Gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus and behaved much
like humans.
False. The founding of new Greek cities, young people reading the
works of Greek writers, and international trade are features of the
Hellenistic culture.
False. A system of plane geometry, understanding of how the
human body works, and understanding of how levers work are
discoveries of the Hellenistic Age.
12. Slim and graceful Greek columns are called _____Ionic______.
13. Corinthian columns have _____a leafy ornament______ at the
Use the chart below to answer questions 14-16.
14. In America, who has the right to vote?
all citizens, 18 years and older
15. Athenian laws are _proposed by the council_.
16. In America, citizens with voting rights can __vote for or
against the officials who make the laws_.
Use the following excerpt from The Persian Wars, Book VII
to answer questions 17-19.
17. What was Xerxes planning to do?
conquer Greece
Herodotus’s History
Xerxes addresses the Persians: “I have found out a way whereby we
may at once win glory, and likewise get possession of a land which is
as large and as rich as our own . . . while at the same time we obtain
satisfaction and revenge. . . . My intent is to . . . march an army
through Europe against Greece, that thereby I may obtain vengeance
from the Athenians from the wrongs committed by them against the
Persians and against my father.”
The Persian Wars, Book VII
Use the chart below to answer questions 20-22.
18. If Xerxes’ plan is successful, what will he gain?
possession of a rich land, satisfaction and revenge, and glory
19. According to the reading, who committed the wrongs against
the Persians?
20. Who did the Greeks call the god of the underworld?
21. Zeus is Aphrodite’s _father__.
22. Artemis is the goddess of __the hunt and wild
Use the map below to answer questions 23-25.
23. Alexander’s empire extended to which river in the
24. Which body of water bordered Alexander’s empire
on the west?
Mediterranean Sea
25. Which city of Alexander’s empire was in Egypt?
26. How did the physical geography of ancient
Greece cause it to separate into independent
SENTENCES! (p. 247-248)
Mountains, deep valleys, and rugged terrain separated Greece into different
regions. People did not frequently travel to other regions, making it difficult
to unite the regions under one government.
27. How was democracy in ancient Athens
different from democracy in the United
(p. 255 and chart)
Women, slaves, and men born outside Athens were not eligible to
participate in the government. Most people in Athens did not have the right
to vote, own property, or testify in court. Today in the U.S., all citizens over
the age of 18 have those rights.
STUDY THE FOLLOWING VOCABULARY WORDS! – aristocracy, democracy, Plato, Athens, Sparta, myth, Socrates, Aristotle, Golden Age,
Delian League, Alexander, Hippocrates, Archimedes, Pythagoras, Euclid, Hellenistic Age