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Plate tectonics
1. Continental drift? What evidence did Alfred Wagner use to support his
theory of? He thought that continents were an only piece of
land but then they were separated.
2. Why do you think people didn't believe continental drift theory when
Wagner first explained it? Because he didn’t prove why
continents were separated.
3. Who were the two scientists that brought forth supporting evidence to
Wagner's theory, and what was their evidence? They were Arthur
Holmes and Harry Hess. Their evidence was that
thermal convection in the earth’s mantle could
cause continents to move, but they suggested that
the continents didn’t move but were by larger
pieces of the earth’s crust called tectonic plates.
And it let to the development of plate tectonics.
4. What are the three different types of plate boundaries, describe each type?
• Divergent boundaries: where new crust is generated as
the plates pull away from each other.
• Convergent boundaries: where crust is destroyed as one
plate dives under another.
• Transform boundaries: where crust is neither produced
nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each
5. Give an example of a location on Earth where each type of plate boundary is
present. • Divergent boundaries: the oceanic Nazca Plate and
the South American Plate.
• Convergent boundaries: the Indian and Eurasian plates.
• Transform boundaries: the Pacific Plate and the North
American Plate.
6. What are the three different types of convergent plate boundaries?
Divergent boundaries, convergent boundaries and
transform boundaries.
7. Give an example of a location on Earth where each type of convergent plate
boundaries occurs. Oceanic-continental convergence: the coast
of South America along the Peru-Chile trench.
- Oceanic-oceanic convergence: the Marianas Trench.
- Continental-continental convergence: in Asia (Himalaya).
8. Explain what plate tectonics and ocean trenches have in common? Plate
tectonic and ocean trenches have in common the process
that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one
tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate called
9. How old are the rocks off the east coast of North America relative to the rocks
right along the mid Atlantic ridge, why do you think this is the case? Over 4.6
billion years and it’s because the age of the formation of
the Earth and the age of the rocks are the same.
10. What is a convection current or cell, describe how it works (use a picture if you
want)? A Convection current is the internal movement of
the flow of hot fluid in a circular motion caused by
heating and cooling.
11. What are the two main sources of heat inside the Earth? There are two
main sources of heat inside the Earth: radioactive decay
and residual heat.
12. What types of tectonic forces create mountains?
13. What are horsts and grabens, and where can they be found?
14. Describe how the mountains across the Utah and Nevada were formed?
They were formed by erosion.
15. What are two bad things that can happen as a result of plate tectonics, how did
plate tectonics cause these events? Two bad things that can happen
as a result of plate tectonics
are: volcanoes and earthquakes.
16. What are three good things that plate tectonics provide for humans, how
do plate tectonics provide these things? Fertile soils, ore deposits
and fossil fuels. Making their plate-tectonic processes.