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Plate Tectonics • Scientist, Tuzo Wilson, combined the knowledge of sea-floor spreading, earths plates, and continental drift into a single theory- The Theory of Plate Tectonics • Theory of Plate Tectonics (PT) - pieces of Earth’s lithosphere are in slow, constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle. • PT explains the formation, movement, and subduction of Earth’s plates Plate Boundaries Types of boundaries: 1. Divergent- place where two plates move apart o Most occur along mid-ocean ridges where sea-floor spreading occurs o On land, two plates slide apart creating a rift valley o Can produce EQs Examples: Mid Atlantic Ridge Iceland Great Rift Valley (Africa) 2. Convergent- place where two plates come together or collide o Ocean vs. continental- oceanic slides under o Continental vs. continental- neither crust is dense enough to sink so they squeeze the crust into mountain ranges. o Oceanic vs. oceanic- plate that is more dense sinks o Convergent boundaries produce mountains, deep ocean trenches, earthquakes, volcanoes. Examples Mariana Trench Himalaya Mountains Ring of Fire 3. Transform- two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions. o EQs often occur o Crust isn’t created or destroyed Example: San Andreas Fault http://viewpure.com/dkELENdZukI?start=0&end=0 Instructions: Repeat the words “convergent collide, divergent divide, transform boundaries slide” while mimicking the hand motions for each type of boundary. Bozeman’s Plate Tectonics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmC-vjQGSNM