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Unit 5 Review Name_____________________________ Date________
5. Why is DNA replication called a “semi-conservative” process?
6. What are the three components of a DNA nucleotide?
7. DNA contains C,G,A & T, while RNA has C,G,A & ___.
8. Which of the following pairings of bases agrees with the rules of base pairing?
a. A/T and C/G
c. C/C and U/U
b. U/T and U/G
d. G/T and C/A
9. The nitrogenous base pairs forming the “rungs” of the DNA structure are held together
by ___________ bonds.
10. What are two parts of Watson and Crick’s model for a DNA molecule?
11. Which types of RNA is(are) involved in protein synthesis?
12. Correct this sentence and write two reasons why it’s wrong:
During transcription, an RNA molecule is formed that is complementary to both strands of DNA.
13. How many codons are needed to specify 9 amino acids?
14. What is the tRNA sequence, or anticodon, for the
codon UAC?
16. A gene that is transcribed into RNA is said to be ________.
17. True or False: Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic gene expression is regulated by DNA binding
18. If an mRna molecule = AUG ACG UUU, what amino acids does it code for?
19. What is the original DNA sequence for the mRNA molecule in Question # 17?
20. Illustrate what the DNA (from Q. 18), mRNA and amino acid sequences would look like with a
substitution mutation.
21. Illustrate what the DNA (from Q. 18), mRNA and amino acid sequences would look like with a
substitution mutation.
Type of RNA
Function in Protein
23. Describe the three structural differences between DNA and RNA.
24. Draw a line matching each scientist, or group of scientists, with a conclusion that they are
historically known for
Frederick Griffith
Through X-ray diffraction, the structure of the
DNA molecule was revealed to be a double helix
Alfred Hershey & Martha Chase
The percentages of guanine [G] and cytosine [C] bases
are almost equal in any sample of DNA. The same is
true for adenine [A] and thymine [T]
Erwin Chargaff
When DNA and proteins of bacteriophages were
radioactively labeled, the bacteriophages injected only
DNA into the bacteria, not proteins.
Rosalind Franklin
A factor in heat-killed, disease-causing bacteria can
“transform” harmless bacteria into disease bacteria.
25. Using the parent strands below, fill in the daughter strand sequence and write out your
procedure in complete sentences.
26. What three steps lead up to traits and together are considered to be the “Central Dogma of
Molecular Biology?”