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3. This Flemish painter used bright colors to create scenes from peasants’ lives.
7. English writer who criticized his own society by comparing it to an ideal society in Utopia, he was convicted of treason and beheaded
11. Although originally from Greece, this artist created paintings of Spain including View of Toledo.
13. German invention that helped to increase learning, literacy and the number of books across Europe
16. This author produced the best-known work of Spanish Renaissance literature, Don Quixote.
17. Term relating to the ancient Greek and Roman world and especially to its literature, art, architecture, or ideals
18. Scholar who believed the sun was at the center of the universe and the earth revolves around the sun, most experts rejected this scholar’s theory
20. Scientist who disproved idea that food turns into blood in the heart
22. Italian painter famed for his religious pictures and works such as School of Athens
24. The everyday languages of ordinary people, not Greek or Latin
25. Scientist who some viewed as committing a sin because he dissected human bodies to better understand anatomy
27. Intellectual movement that emphasized worldly subjects rather than religious subjects, worth and abilities of individuals, and admiration for classical culture
28. Artistic technique in painting makes distant objects smaller than those close to the viewer
29. Italian painter who made the Mona Lisa; a “Renaissance Man” – he was talented in many areas e,g, science, writing and inventing
33. Inventor of the printing press, a complete edition of the Bible was first printed with movable metal type by this person
35. Italian author who described the ideal courtier as shapely, athletic, and ready to fight in his work, The Book of the Courtier
36. scientist who discovered the law of gravity
38. Scientist who used a telescope to discover the composition and nature of the planets
39. Renaissance author who wrote a guide for rulers on how to gain and maintain power, he believed “the end justifies the means”
1. an Italian architect, he created the Dome fore the cathedral in Florence.
2. Dutch author who used his writings, such as In Praise of Folly, to call for reforms in the Church
4. The English enjoyed this prolific author’s numerous sonnets and plays such as Romeo and Juliet.
5. Italian sculptor, engineer, poet, painter and architect who created such works as The Pieta and statue of David
6. The most influential Italian city-state during the Renaissance, the center or “flower” of the Renaissance
8. to withdraw a statement or belief publically or formally
9. family who dominated the economy, society and politics of Florence during the Renaissance
10. Medieval country that included an area of present day N. France, Belgium and the Netherlands, its inhabitants were called Flemish
12. A painting of Judith Slaying Holofernes was created by this female, Italian artist.
14. Transitional period in European history beginning in Italy in the 1300s and lasting until the 1600s, marked by a revival of classical studies
15. Referring to attitudes, activities and other things that have no religious or spiritual basis
19. Country where the Renaissance began; its city-states held reminders of Roman culture, centers of trade and manufacturing, and rich merchants
21. Force that keeps the planets in orbit around the sun
23. Person who provided financial support for artists and writers
26. Describes music that has several interweaving melodic lines and thus has many sounds
30. Principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through
observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses
31. Model of planetary motion in which movement centers around the sun
32. Epidemic that decimated the European population at the end of the Middle Ages, also referred to as the Black Death
34. Painter and woodblock carver helped to spread the Italian Renaissance in Germany.
37. Italian writer considered the father of Humanism
Albrecht Durer
Andreas Vesalius
Artemisia Gentileschi
Baldassare Castiglione
Bubonic plague
El Greco
Erasmus Desiderius
Filippo Brunelleschias
Galileo Galilei
Isaac Newton
Johann Gutenberg
Leonardo daVinci
Miguel Cervantes
Niccolo Machiavelli
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pieter Brueghel
Printing Press
Scientific method
Thomas More
William Shakespeare
William Harvey