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Name: ____________________________ Per: _____
Immunity and Disease (Ch. 23)
Vocab Builder
germ theory of disease
non-specific immunity
specific immunity
killer T cell
helper T cell
I. Infectious Disease
A. Disease
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Caused by________________
B. Pathogens
1. Disease causing agent such as _____________________________________________________
C. Disease in History
1. For centuries, humans believed sickness was caused by ___________________________________
2. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch observed that
_______________________________________________________________________ (germs).
This is the “________ __________ of _______________”
Germ Theory Movie
What infection was killing women during childbirth in 1800’s Vienna? _____________________
Why were the physician’s patients dying in greater numbers than the midwive’s?
How did the doctor test his theory? ______________________________________________
What killed 3 of Pasteur’s children? ______________________________________________
What was spoiling wine? _________________
How did Pasteur kill the germs in wine? _____________________________________
D. How diseases are spread
1. Physical contact
a. Direct – ____________________________________________
b. Indirect – _________________________________________________
2. Contaminated Food or Water
a. ________________________________________________________________________
3. Infected Animals
a. ____________________ – animals that transmit disease to humans
Ex: ________________________________________________________________________
E. Fighting Infectious Diseases
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________ (ex: __________________)
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. Your immune system!
II. Immune System
A. What is immunity?
1. _____________________________________________________________________
B. Human immune system includes two general categories against infection:
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
C. Non-specific Immunity
1. 1st Line of Defense
a. __________ is a barrier that prevents _______________ from entering the body
b. _______ and ________ glands create an acidic environment that _______________________
c. Mucus, saliva, & tears have enzymes that break down _________________________________
d. Respiratory and digestive tracts
How do these organ systems slow down or kill pathogens?
Skin as Barrier Movie:
What is our first line of defense against pathogens? _____________
How is the skin of an apple like ours?
What serves as a substitute barrier when we puncture or cut our skin? _____________________
2. 2nd Line of Defense (after pathogen enters body)
a. When tissue is damaged by _____________or ____________, it becomes ________________
i. Inflammation is a ______-______________ immune response that causes blood vessels to
expand (causes _____________ and ____________) and white bloods to enter infected area
and attack ___________________
Inflammation Movie
When does inflammation occur?
What type of cells are attracted to an area of infection? _______________________________
b. ______________ = elevated body temperature that occurs in response to ________________
1. Increased _______________ can kill a pathogen
2. Also increases heart rate, so that
D. Specific Immunity
1. If a pathogen gets past the ______________ defenses, immune system responds with
____________ defenses that _____________________________________________________
2. _______________ - any substance that causes the immune system to respond
(ex: ____________________________________________________)
3. ___________ ___________ __________ protect us from pathogens in several ways:
a. ______________________ are big white blood cells that "eat" antigens
b. _____ cells and _____ cells are special types of white blood cells called ___________.
They produce ______________.
c. Antibodies are ___________________________________________________________
4. Once an antigen has been ________________, the following steps occur:
a. Recognition: _________________ surround and engulf pathogens using phagocytosis
("_____ _______ "). This causes two things to happen:
i. __________ ____ cells destroy the invading pathogen.
ii. __________ ____ cells turn on the immune system which causes B cells to be made.
b. Mobilization: B cells produce ________________.
c. Disposal: Antibodies destroy the ___________________.
d. Immunity: Memory B cells and antibodies _________________________. Their job is to
III. Vaccines
A. Can only ___________ disease, not cure it.
B. Vaccination:
1. Take a virus or other pathogen and ___________ it. Why do we want to do this?
2. Leave the capsid (protein coat) ______________. Why?
3. ________________ the mixture (__________________) into humans or other animals.
4. Your body responds as if you had the disease and you _______________________ for this disease.
Why don’t you get this disease?____________________________________________________
5. Next time you're exposed to the pathogen, your body will recognize and destroy the pathogen before
the disease affects the body. Why can you fight it off so fast? ____________________________
Vaccine movie
What two things make someone immune to a disease? ___________________________________
Who invented the polio vaccine? ____________________________________________________
IV. Immune System Diseases
A. _____________ diseases - spread by an infected organism or from the environment to another organism
1. _______________ - MRSA, chlamydia, gonorrhea, cholera, etc
2. ___________ - herpes, flu, polio, HPV, HIV
a. Human Immunodeficiency virus (______)
i. Exists in _______________________________
ii. HIV attacks T cells and antibodies are not effective in stopping the disease alone
HIV Movie
What three types of white blood cells make up our immune system?
Which type of white blood cells look out for viruses and alerts the immune system? ___________
Which type of white blood cells do HIV viruses attach to and infect? ____________
When is a person considered to have AIDS? _______________________________________
iii. Causes the disease _________
iv. Except in rare cases, AIDS is fatal because _________________________________
(their immune system is so weak)
v. 4 ways to get HIV
1) __________________________________________________________________
2) __________________________________________________________________
3) __________________________________________________________________
4) __________________________________________________________________
vi. Once infected, there is no _______
HIV and AIDS Movie