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Chapter Twenty-Two Notes
“Plant Diversity”
22-1 Objectives:
1. Explain _____________________________________________________________.
2. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
3. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
Chapter 22, Section 1
Introduction to Plants
A. What Is a Plant?
1. Plants provide the _________________________________________________ ;
they also provide ________________________________________________
2. The oldest fossil evidence of plants dates from about _________________________
3. Plants are members of the ____________________________________
4. Plants are ____________________________________ that have cell walls made
of ___________________. They develop from multicellular embryos and carry out
photosynthesis using the green pigments, chlorophyll a and b.
5. Plants include _________________________________, as well as other organisms,
such as ____________________________________.
6. Most plants are _____________________, although a few are parasites or saprobes
that live on decaying material
B. The Plant Life Cycle
1. The plant life cycle has ________________________, a diploid (2N) phase and a
haploid (N) phase, known as ____________________________________.
2. ____________ ____________ __(diploid (2N) phase) forms _________________,
which are _________________(N), by meiosis
3. Spores grow into ________________________.
4. ________________________ plant (N phase) forms _______________ by mitosis
5. Gametes fuse during fertilization to produce _______________________________.
6. ________________________—diploid (2N) phase; spore-producing plant
7. ________________________—haploid (N) phase; gamete-producing plant
C. What Plants Need to Survive
1. ____________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________
D. Early Plants
1. Origins in the Water
a) The first green plants evolved from an organism _________________________
b) Multicellular green algae have the __________________________________.
c) They also have __________________________ similar to plants, along with cell
walls and photosynthetic pigments.
2. The First Plants
a) The oldest known fossils of plants date to nearly ________________________.
b) It shows that the earliest plants were similar to ________________________.
c) From these plant pioneers, ______________________________________.
E. Overview of the Plant Kingdom
1. Botantists divided the plant kingdom into ___________ groups based on three
important features:
a) ________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________
2. The four groups are the following, with ________________________ plants
consisting of almost ______% of all living species of plants.
a) ____________ ___________________ ____________ (235,000 species)
b) ____________ ___________________ ____________ (15,600 species)
c) ____________ ____________________ ____________ (11,000 species)
d) ____________ ____________ ____________ _________(760 species)
22-2 Objectives:
1. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
2. Identify ____________________________________________________________.
3. Explain _____________________________________________________________.
Chapter 22, Section 2
A. Characteristics of Bryophytes
1. ________________________—do not have vascular tissues, or specialized tissues
that conduct water and nutrients
2. Have life cycles that ________________________________________________
3. Draw up water by _______________ only a _________________ above the ground
4. Stay relatively ________________________________________________.
B. Groups of Bryophytes
1. ________________________
a) ________________________________________________
b) Grow abundantly in _______________________________________—
swamps and bogs, ____________________________________
c) Since they are nonvascular plants, they ___________________________;
instead they have a ________________ (long, thin cells that anchor them in
the ground and absorb water and minerals)
2. ________________________
a) Get their name from the fact that some species _____________________
b) Gametophytes form broad and thin structures that __________________
c) When the plants mature, the gametophytes produce structures that look like
tiny green umbrellas. These “umbrellas” __________________________
d) Some reproduce ___________________by means of _____________—
small multicellular reproductive structures.
e) In some species of liverworts, gemmae are produced in ________________
called ______________________________.
When washed out of the gemma cup, the gemmae can ________________
3. ________________________
a) Found only in soil that is ______________________________
b) Their gametophytes ________________________________________.
c) The hornwort ____________________________________________.
C. Life Cycle of Bryophytes
1. The ______________________________ is the dominant, recognizable stage of the
life cycle and is the stage that _________________________________________.
2. The ____________________ is dependent on the gametophyte for ____________
3. Dependence on Water
a) For fertilization to occur, the ___________________________________
b) Bryophytes must live in habitats where water is available ________________
D. Human Use of Mosses
1. Peat moss can be used for ____________________ because it ________________
2. Peat moss also has a _______________________________________________
22-3 Objectives:
1. Explain _____________________________________________________________.
2. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
3. Identify ____________________________________________________________.
Chapter 22, Section 3
Seedless Vascular Plants
A. Evolution of Vascular Tissue: A Transport System
1. _________________________—specialized to conduct water and nutrients
throughout the plant
2. ______________—hollow cells with thick cell walls that resist pressure in plant tissue
3. ______________—carries water upward from the roots to the plant parts
4. ______________—carries nutrients and minerals from the soil to the plant parts
5. Both forms of vascular tissue—xylem and phloem—can _______________________
6. ______________—substance that makes cell walls rigid, enabling vascular plants to
B. Plant Structures
1. ____________________—underground organs that absorb water and minerals
2. ____________________—photosynthetic organs that have vascular tissues
3. ____________________—bundles of xylem and phloem
4. ____________________—supporting structures that connect roots and leaves, and
carry water and nutrients
C. Ferns and Their Relatives
1. ____________________________
a) ________________________________________________________
b) Look like _________________________________________________
2. ____________________________
a) Scale-like leaves arranged in distinctive whorls at joints along the stem
b) Stems look similar to ____________________________
c) During colonial times, horsetails were used to ______________________
3. ____________________________
a) ________________________________________________________
b) ______________—underground stems
c) ______________—large leaves
d) Most abundant in ____________________________
22-4 Objectives:
1. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
2. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
3. Identify ____________________________________________________________.
Chapter 22, Section 4
Seed Plants
A. ____________________________
1. ________________________________________________________
2. Include conifers like __________________________________________
B. ____________________________
1. ____________________________ that have seeds ______________________
2. Include ________________________________________________________.
C. Reproduction Free From Water
1. Cones and Flowers
a) ______________—Holds the seeds in gymnosperms (seed-bearing structure in
b) ______________—holds the seeds in angiosperms (seed-bearing structure in
2. Pollen
a) ____________________________—Male gametophyte with sperm
b) ____________________________—transfer of pollen from male to female
reproductive parts by wind, insects, or small animals
3. Seeds
a) ________________________________________________________
b) _____________________—surrounds and protects the embryo and keeps
the seed moist
22-5 Objectives:
1. Identify ____________________________________________________________.
2. Explain _____________________________________________________________.
3. Describe ____________________________________________________________.
Chapter 22, Section 5
Angiosperms—Flowering Plants
A. Flowers and Fruits
1. ______________—has ovaries which surround and protect seeds
2. ______________—wall of tissue surrounding the seed
B. Diversity of Angiosperms
1. Monocots and Dicots—named for the ____________________________, or
a) ______________—have ______________seed leaf
b) ______________—have ______________ seed leaves
2. Woody and Herbaceous Plants
a) ____________________________—made primarily of cells with thick cell
walls that support the plant body; include __________________________
b) ____________________________—has smooth and nonwoody plant
stems; do not produce wood as they grow; include _____________________
3. Three Categories of Life Spans:
a) ______________—complete life cycle in _________ growing season;
include many garden plants such as ________________________________
b) ______________—complete life cycle in ______________; include ______
c) ______________—live for ________________; include _____________