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 Eukaryotic
 Autotrophic
 Multicellular
 Sexual
 Cellulose in cell walls
Need to survive…
 Sunlight
 Gas
– role in photosynthesis
exchange – Oxygen/carbon dioxide
 Water
and minerals – symbiotic
 Thought
to evolve from Green algae,
presently classified as a Protist
May be moved to plant kingdom due to
cellulose in cells walls and pigment, similar
life cycles and their genome
 475mya
– move to land
Small, non vascular, needed water to
Life cycle
 Alternation
of generations – has 2
alternating phases
Diploid (2n) – Sporophyte – spore producing
Haploid (n) – gametophyte – gamete
producing plant
4 types of plants
 Non-vascular
 Vascular
 Gymnosperms
 Angiosperms
(naked seed)
(flowering plants)
Non –vascular - Bryophytes
 No
true roots, stems or leaves
 Water (green algae) and land (mosses)
 Bryophytes have a protected embryo
 lack vascular system – why they are small
 Gametophyte is dominant generation
Archegonia – eggs
Antheridia - sperm
Vascular seedless
types of vascular tissue
Xylem – transports water and minerals
Phloem – transports food
 Sporophyte
Examples - ferns
Gymnosperms – seed plants
 Seed
– plant embryo and a food supply
 Pollen grain – where male gametophyte is
Carried by wind, animals
Seed coat – surrounds and protects the
embryo, keeps from drying out.
Angiosperms – flowering plants
 Advantage
– helps to attract animals and
insects to increase reproduction.
 Fruits
– structure containing 1 or more
matured ovaries
 Eating
of fruits by animals help to disperse
seeds for growth
Classification of angiosperms
 Monocots
Single cotyledon
Parallel veins
Flower parts in multiples of 3
 Dicots
Two cotyledon
Branched veins
Flower parts in multiples of 4 or 5
Plants and Humans
 Benefits:
Agriculture, food
Clothing, fibers
Wood, construction
Keep the environment clean and green!!
 Harmful:
toxins, poisons, allergies