Download The Digestive System ENG 114

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Student’s name: __________________
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King Saud University
College of languages and Translation
Languages Unit
English 114
Final Examination
Exam duration: 90 Minutes
Total Marks: 50
PART 1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
(20 Marks)
The digestive system consists primarily of the alimentary canal, a tube that extends from
the mouth to the rectum. As food moves through this canal, it is ground and mixed with
various digestive juices. Most of these juices contain digestive enzymes, chemicals that
speed up reactions involved in the breakdown of food. The stomach and the small
intestines, which are parts of the alimentary canal, each produce a digestive juice. Other
digestive juices empty into the alimentary canal from the salivary glands, gallbladder, and
pancreas. These organs are also part of the digestive system.
The fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (starches and sugars) in foods are made up of very
complex molecules and must be digested, or broken down. When digestion is completed,
starches and complex sugars are broken down into simple sugars, fats are digested to
fatty acids and glycerol, and proteins are digested to amino acids and peptides. Simple
sugars, fatty acids and glycerol, and amino acids and peptides are the digested foods that
can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Such foods as vitamins, minerals, and water do
not need digestion.
Digestion begins in the mouth. Chewing is very important to good digestion for two
reasons. When chewed food is ground into fine particles, the digestive juices can react
more easily. As the food is chewed, it is moistened and mixed with saliva, which
contains the enzyme ptyalin. Ptyalin changes some of the starches in the food to sugar.
After the food is swallowed, it passes through the esophagus into the stomach. In the
stomach it is thoroughly mixed with a digestive juice by a vigorous, to-and-fro churning
motion. This motion is caused by contractions of strong muscles in the stomach walls.
The digestive juice in the stomach is called gastric juice. It contains, in most people,
hydrochloric acid and the enzyme pepsin. This juice begins the digestion of protein
foods such as meat, eggs, and milk. Starches, sugars, and fats are not digested by the
gastric juice. After a meal, some food remains in the stomach for two to five hours. But
liquids and small particles begin to empty almost immediately. Food that has been
churned and partly digested is called chyme. Chyme passes from the stomach into the
small intestine.
A. Choose the best answer and circle it. (10 marks)
1. The __________ is inside the stomach.
a. esophagus
b. digestive juice
c. rectum
2. Fats, protein, and carbohydrates are also known as _______________ .
a. starches
b. sugars
c. both a and b
3. Which of the following organs is not part of the digestive system.
a. gallbladder
b. pancreas
c. brain
4. After eating, ____________ start to leave the stomach immediately.
a. fluids
b. juices
c. meat
5. __________ contains the enzymes called ptyalin.
a. Sugar
b. Saliva
c. both a and b
6. Food that is partially digested is called ______________ .
a. gastric juice
b. digestive juice
c. chime
7. When digestion takes place, proteins change into ______________ .
a. fatty acids and glycerol b. peptides and amino acids c. organs
8. _________ people have hydrochloric acid and pepsin in their stomachs.
a. All
b. Some
c. Many
9. The ________ is the vessel that extends from the mouth to the rectum.
a. enzyme
b. alimentary canal
c. salivary gland
10. Digestion begins in the ________________ .
a. mouth
b. teeth
c. intestine
B. Say whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (10 Marks)
1. T
F Chewing food isn’t important in digestion.
2. T
F Some food stays in the esophagus for two to five hours.
3. T F Saliva is a vital chemical in the digestive process.
4. T F When food is chewed, it changes into some tiny particles.
5. T F Digestion is the result of some contractions in the chest.
6. T F The pancreas empties digestive juice into the alimentary canal.
7. T F Protein is found in foods like meat, eggs, and milk.
8. T F The stomach and small intestine each produce some digestive juice.
9. T F Vitamins need not be digested before being taken into the bloodstream.
10. T F Ptyalin means changing sugar into starch.
Part 2A. Circle the letter of the best answer. (10 Marks)
1. The earliest known surgical procedure was an operation called __________ .
a. trephining
b. cauterizing
c. acupuncture
2. Some medical ______________ that were used in the past are still used today.
a. techniques
b. illness
c. physicians
3. Doctors sometimes __________ tissues to stop bleeding.
a. insert
b. cauterize
c. hemorrhage
4. The procedure to determine a patient’s illness is called ___________ .
a. specimen
b. auscultation
c. diagnosis
5. ___________ is part of checking the patient’s body.
a. palpation
b. both a and c
c. percussion
6. The third layer of the skin is known as the _______________ .
a. cutis
b. subcutis
c. derma
7. Medical students use microscopes to study ______________ .
a. gross anatomy
b. histology
c. contraction
8. Urine is disposed of through the ____________ system.
a. digestive
b. circulatory
c. urinary
9. The ____________ are the lower chambers of the heart.
a. atria
b. ventricles
c. ligaments
10. _____________ is the contraction period of the heart.
a. Systole
b. Diastole
c. Respiration
2B. Write True (T) or False (F) to the following statements below. (10 marks)
1. T F Acupuncture involves the inserting of needles into the heart.
2. T F Anesthesia is an insensibility to pain or touch.
3. T F During the Renaissance, many traditional surgical techniques were revised.
4. T F An organ is a part of the body that has a special function.
5. T F The cutting of parts of the body in order to study them is called transfusion.
6. T F The reproductive system enables humans to have offspring.
7. T F An important organ that protects the body from microbes is the liver.
8. T F Motor impulses control our thoughts.
9. T F Our skin is divided into three layers.
10. T F Bones are held together by a cementlike substance called periosteum.
Part 3A. Match the words on the left to their synonyms (words with same or
similar meanings) on the right. (5 marks)
1. ____ clavicle
a) specimen
2. ____ therapy
b) collarbone
3. ____ cadaver
c) protect
4. ____ sample
d) treatment
5. ____ shield
e) corpse
3B. Match the words on the left to their definitions on the right. (5 marks)
1. ____auricle
a) an upper chamber of the heart
2. ____ tissue
b) pain of suffering
3. ____ affliction
c) a pain lasting a long time
4. ____ chronic
d) taking of food/fluid into the body by swallowing
5. ____ ingestion
e) a group of similar cells