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Unit II Concepts
600-1450: Regional and Transregional Interactions
Chapters 6-15
AP World History
Explain the significance of each of the following words and events in your Concept
Notebook. These must be written out. No typing. (write 1-2 sentences for each)
Shyakhs, Mecca, Umayyad, Quraysh, Ka’ba, Medina, Muhammad, Khadijah, Qur’an, Ali,
Umma, Zakat, Five Pillars, Ramadan, Hajj, Caliph, Abu Bakr, Ridda Wars, Jihads, Copts &
Nestorians, Uthman, Battle of Siffin, Mu’awiya, Sunnis, Shi’a, Karbala, Damascus, Mawali,
Jizya, Dhimmi, Hadiths, Abbasid, Battle of the River Zeb, Baghdad, Wazir, Dhows, Ayan
al-Mahdi, Harun al-Rashid, Buyids, Seljuk Turks, Crusades, Saladin, Shah-Nama, Ulama, alGhazali, Sufis, Mongols, Chinggis Khan, Hulegu, Mamluks, Muhammad ibn Qasim, Mahmud of
Ghazni, Muhammad of Ghur, Qutb-ud-din Aibak, Bhaktic cults, Mira Bai, Kabir, Shrivijaya,
Malacca, Demark
Stateless Societies, Ifriqya, Maghrib, Almohadis, Juula, Sundiata, Griots, Ibn Battuta, Timbuktu,
Songhay, Muhammad the Great, Hausa, Sharia, Benin, Kongo, Great Zimbabwe,
Hagia Sophia, Belisarius, Greek Fire, Bulgaria, Icon, Cyril & Methodius, Kiev, Rurik, Vladimir I,
Russian Orthodox, Yaroslav, Boyars, Tatars
Middle Ages, Vikings, Manorialism, Serfs, Moldboard, Three-Field System, Clovis,
Carolingians, Charles Martel, Charlemagne, Holy Roman emperors, Vassals, William the
Conqueror, Magna Carta, Parliaments, Three Estates, Hundred Years War, Urban II, Gregory
VII, Investiture, Peter Abelard, Bernard of Clairvaux, Thomas Aquinas, Scholasticism, Gothic,
Hanseatic League, Guilds, Black Death
Indians, Toltec Culture, Topiltzin, Quetzalcoatl, Tenochtitlan, Tlaloc, Huitzilopchtli,
Nezhualcoyotl, Chinampas, Pochteca, Calpulli, Pachacuti, Twantinsuyu, Split Inheritance,
Temple of the Sun, Tambos, Mita, Yanas, Quipu
Hangzhou, Wendi, Yangdi, Li Yuan, Changan, Ministry of Rites, Jinshi, Pure Land, Chan, Zen,
Empress Wu, Wuziong, Xuanzong, Yang Guifei, Zhao Kuangyin, Liao Dynasty, Khitan, Zhu Xi,
Neo-Confucians, Tangut, Xi Xia, Wang Anshi, Jurchens, Jin, Southern Song, Grand Canal,
Junks, Flying Money, Footbinding, Li Bo
Taika Reforms, The Tale of Genji, Fujiwara, Bushi, Samurai, Seppuka, Taira & Minamoto,
Gempei Wars, Bakufu, Shoguns, Hojo, Ashikaga Takuaji, Ashikaga Shogunate, Choson,
Koguryo, Silla & Paekche, Sinification, Yi Dynasty, Khmers, Trung Sisters, Chams, Nguyen,
Kuriltai, Khagan, Tumens, Karakorum, Batu, Ogedei, Golden Horde, Khanates, Battle of
Kulikova, Prester John, Baibars, Berke, Kubilai Khan, Tatu, Chabi, The Romance of the West
Chamber, White Lotus Society, Ju Yuanzhang, Ming Dynasty, Timur-I Lang
Zhenghe, Renaissance, Francesco Petrarch, Castile & Aragon, Vivaldis, Vasco de Gama, Henry
the Navigator
The following questions are NOT REQUIRED for you to answer as part of the
concepts above. However, it would be to your best interest to review these questions
for your preparation for the Unit and or AP Exam.
1. Describe the social organization of the Arabs prior to the introduction of Islam.
2. Compare and contrast the status of women in Islam during the pre-Islamic period and the
Abbasid Empire.
3. Why was Islam able to appeal to people of so many different cultures?
4. What was the essential dispute within Islam over the succession to the Prophet?
5. What was the difference between the Abbasid Empire and the Umayyad Empire?
6. Explain the reasons for the political disruption of the Abbasid Empire prior to the rise of the
7. Describe the general economy of the later Abbasid Empire. Include a comparative evaluation
of urban and rural economies.
8. Discuss the religious trends of the Abbasid era and their impact on the expansion of Islam.
In what sense did the Muslim incursions into the Indian subcontinent result in Islamic
influences on Hindus? To what extent were Muslims affected by Indian culture?
9. By what means did Islam spread to southeast Asia?
10. What were the common elements of African society prior to the incursion of Islam?
11. By what means was conversion of sub-Saharan Africa carried out? What were the primary
avenues of Islamic entry into sub-Saharan Africa?
12. Islamic influence was strongest in the Sudanic states and the Swahili coast. Compare and
contrast the political forms of these regions. What does this suggest about the nature of Islamic
influence in Africa?
13. Compare and contrast the political forms of the African states not affected by Islam (Yoruba,
Benin, Kongo, Zimbabwe) with those that were (the Sudanic states and the Swahili coast).
14. Given the geographical location of those African states most affected by Islam, what were the
most important points of contact between African and Islamic societies? What does this
suggest about the nature of Islamic conversion?
15. Compare and contrast the spread of European civilization in eastern and western Europe.
16. What was the political organization of the Byzantine Empire?
17. What were the factors in the decline of the Byzantine Empire?
18. In what ways was the culture of Kievan Russia an extension of the Byzantine Empire?
19. Define manorialism and feudalism. How do they provide the building blocks for medieval
political structure and society?
20. What were the characteristics of feudal monarchy as demonstrated in France and England
between 1000 and 1300?
21. How did the theological outlook of western Europe change between 1000 and 1400?
22. What were the developments that led to increases in monarchic power at the end of the
Middle Ages? How was royal authority limited?
23. In what ways did the Aztecs continue the culture of the classical Mesoamerican civilization
and the Toltecs?
24. Describe Aztec social organization.
25. Compare and contrast the Inca and Aztec empires in terms of political administration.
26. How did the Indian cultures outside the Andean and Mesoamerican civilization zones contrast
in political and social organization with the Aztec and Inca empires?
27. How have historians explained the existence and prevalence of human sacrifice among the
28. Contrast the Era of Division with the Sui-Tang era.
29. Explain the decline of Buddhism in the later Tang and Song dynasties.
30. Compare and contrast the empire under the Tang and the Song dynasties.
31. What were the elements of Tang-Song economic prosperity?
32. In what ways did the Chinese empire during the Tang-Song era depart from previous
developments in Chinese civilization?
33. How did the Japanese importation of Chinese culture differ from that of Vietnam and Korea?
34. Discuss the government of Japan between the Gempei wars and the Tokugawa Shogunate.
35. How did the social development of post classical Japan differ from the development of Korea
during the period of Chinese influence?
36. Why was China unable to assimilate the Vietnamese despite direct rule for almost a
37. How did the extension of Chinese culture to its satellite civilizations differ from other global
civilizations such as Islam?
38. Define the territorial extent of the Mongol empire at its largest. How did this affect
inter-cultural exchange?
39. In what way was the political impact of the Mongol conquests of Russia and the Islamic
heartland similar?
40. In what ways did the Mongol dynasty of China (the Yuan) attempt to alter the traditional
Chinese social structure?
41. What can be said to have been the positive aspects of the Mongol conquests?
42. Account for the decline of the Middle East in the1400s.
43. Evaluate the position of China in the international balance of power in 1450.
44. What were the sources of dynamism that fueled the Western advances relative to other
45. Describe early Western exploration and colonization patterns.
46. In what sense were the civilizations outside the world network of cultural exchange (the
Americas, Africa, and Polynesia) vulnerable to interaction with other civilizations?