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Chapter 12 Test Review
1. What are the discoveries of the following scientist:
Griffith - Used mice to see how a bacteria caused disease (transformation of harmless bacteria into
disease causing ones)
Avery - Destroyed all cell products but DNA to find what causes transformation
Hershey and Chase - Radioactive viruses used to show DNA is molecule of heredity
Chargraff - % of “A” = % of “T” and the % of “C” = % of “G”
Rosalind Franklin - Discovered the shape of DNA through x-ray diffraction
Watson and Crick – Built 3 dimensional model of DNA - double helix2. Chargaff’s rules state that in DNA, the amount of adenine (A) equals the amount of Thymine (T).
3. Because of base pairing in DNA, the percentage of A = T & C = G
4. What is the polymer of nucleotide – nucleic acid
5. A DNA nucleotide is composed of a phosphate, Deoxyribose sugar and a nitrogen base.
6. Watson, Crick, and Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize for their work on structure of DNA
7. The two types of nucleic acids are DNA and RNA
8. Which molecule carries the genetic code? DNA
9. DNA is composed of 2 strands. RNA is composed of 1 strand.
10. Which nitrogen base is NOT found in RNA? Thymine.
11. Which nitrogen base is NOT found in DNA? Uracil
12. The sugar in RNA is called ribose.
13. Which three nitrogen bases do RNA and DNA have in common? Adenine , Cytosine, Guanine.
14. DNA’s shape is described as a Double helix. It has 2 antiparallel strands, one is from 5’ – 3’ and the other
is from 3’ – 5’
15. Special structures that contain DNA located in the nucleus that carry genetic information are called as
16. The process of DNA replication is necessary before a cell divides into 2 cells.
17. The first step in DNA replication is the DNA strand unwinds and unzips.
18. The term replication refers to DNA’s ability to make copies of itself.
19. When DNA is replicated, the result is 2 identical molecules of DNA.
20. A gene is a segment of DNA that contains instructions for the manufacture of a particular amino acid
21. The parts of DNA that provide the code for proteins are the nitrogen bases.
22. Proteins are composed of monomers called amino acids
23. The order of nitrogenous bases in DNA determines the order of amino acids in proteins.
24. The process of transferring information from DNA to RNA is called transcription.
It results into manufacturing a complementary strand of RNA.
25. The process of transcription takes place in the nucleus.
26. During transcription, the hydrogen bonds between base pairs are broken.
27. A three-base code (on mRNA) for an amino acid is called a codon.
28. During transcription, DNA serves as a template for producing mRNA, which leaves the nucleus. mRNA
carries coded instructions from DNA to ribosome
29. Met-Val- Ser
Write the sequence of DNA that codes for the above chain of amino acid.
30. This type of RNA, along with proteins, makes up the structure of a ribosome rRNA.
31. Which organelle makes proteins when its rRNA moves along the mRNA and reads the message during
protein synthesis? Ribosome
32. Which process changes the mRNA base sequence into the amino acid sequence for protein synthesis?
33. Which type of RNA carries specific amino acids to the ribosome to be put in the correct sequence? tRNA
34. Transfer RNAs have a region on them called a anti-codon that compliments a mRNA.
35. The anti-codon of a tRNA molecule determines the type of amino acid that bonds with the tRNA.
36. When the codon “AUG” is read by a ribosome, it tells protein production to start.
37. When the ribosome reads a stop codon , the process of protein synthesis ends.
38. How many amino acids are there? 20
39. What are the two codons for Lysine (LYS)? AAA & AAG.
40. Write the sequence of mRNA that would result from the transcription of the following section of DNA.
Then referring mRNA codons write down the correct amino acid sequence in the polypeptide chain (you
can write first 3 letters/abbreviations of amino acids) using the table above.
Amino acid sequence - Met-Val- Ser-stop.
41. Define Mutation - Change in the DNA sequence.
42. When one or more bases from the DNA of a gene is lost, it is a deletion mutation.
43. A gene mutation can be thought of as a change in nucleotide sequence.
44. Write down the types of gene mutations - substitution (point mutation) , insertion (frameshift) , deletion
45. What kind of chromosomal mutation results from processes A, B, C, and D?
A-Deletion, B- Duplication, C-Inversion, D- Translocation.
46. In prokaryotes, an operon is a group of genes that are operated together.
47. A series of genes, known as the Hox genes, tell the cells of the body how they should differentiate as
the body grows.
48. RNA polymerase binds only to region of DNA known as promoter to begin transcription.
49. Look at the gel elecrtophoresis picture above. Who is the possible father horse? 3
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