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Name: ______________________________ Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Ch 23 & 24 Self Assessment: Bacteria & Viruses
1. Bacteria are… (circle the right ones then define each word)
o unicellular or multicellular
o heterotrophic or autotrophic
o prokaryotic or eukaryotic
Here are some unique structures bacteria posses. Explain what they look like
and what they do (structure and function).
2. pilus
3. capsule
4. flagella
5. plasmid
6. – 7. Bacteria can be classified by shapes/groups. Explain how.
8. - 9. Bacteria can also be classified by Gram stain. Explain how.
10. – 11. Name/explain two positive and two negative things bacteria do for us.
Please be specific.
12. – 13. Why are viruses not considered to be alive? Give several reasons.
14. Describe the basic structure of a virus.
15. – 16. Briefly describe what happens in the lytic and lysogenic cycles.
17. – 18. Name/describe at least 2 ways to control viral diseases.
Name: ______________________________ Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Ch 23 & 24 Self Assessment: Bacteria & Viruses
1. Bacteria are…(circle the right ones then define each word)
unicellular…one cell
heterotrophic…“eat” food
prokaryotic…no nucleus
Here are some unique structures bacteria posses. Explain what they look like
and what they do (structure and function).
used for attaching to other bacteria and
transferring DNA (reproduction)
2. pilus
outer protective layer on some bacteria,
helps stick together
3. capsule
4. flagella
whip-like tail for movement
smaller “extra” loop of DNA, exchanged
during conjugation, often contains
antibiotic resistance (R-plasmid)
5. plasmid
6. – 7. Bacteria can be classified by shapes/groups. Explain how.
coccus (round)
spirilla (spiral)
bacillus (rod)
strepto (chains)
staphylo (clusters)
8. - 9. Bacteria can also be classified by Gram stain. Explain how.
Stains cell wall
+ simple cell wall…stains purple
- complex cell wall…stains pink
10. – 11. Name/explain two positive and two negative things bacteria do for us.
Please be specific.
Food…pickles, sour cream, buttermilk,
Cheese, sauerkraut, coffee, chocolate, soy
Pesticides (Bt)
Medicines (antibiotics)
Waste (sewage treatment, garbage,
Digestion, dead things)
Part of nitrogen cycle
Diseases: strep throat, salmonella, typhus,
whooping cough, tuberculosis, staph
infections, E. coli
12. – 13. Why are viruses not considered to be alive? Give several reasons.
reproduce (on own)
metabolize (make/use energy)
perform homeostasis
14. Describe the basic structure of a virus.
Protein coat surrounding a piece of nucleic acid
(DNA or RNA)
15. – 16. Briefly describe what happens in the lytic and lysogenic cycles.
Lytic: nucleic acids enter cell, cell makes new
phages, which burst out and kill the cell
(virulent), fast
Lysenogenic: viral nucleic acids become part of
host genome (genes), enters lytic cycle
later (temperate), slow
17. – 18. Name/describe at least 2 ways to control viral diseases.
Vaccine: inactive virus or part of virus, causes
immune response (slow) so next time get
faster response
Control vector: way it spreads, kill animal (e.g.
ticks, Lyme disease)
Antiviral drugs (note: antibiotics will not work
against viruses, only bacterial infections)