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1) The science of making maps is
2) Scale is
3) 1:24,000 is an example of what kind of scale?
4) Which map would have the smallest scale?
5) A system for transferring locations from a globe to a flat map is
6) Distortion is especially severe on
7) The acquisition of data about Earth's surface from a satellite orbiting the planet or from another long
distance method is
8) A computer system that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes, and displays geographic data is
9) The first person to use the word geography and measure the circumference of Earth was
10) The name given to a portion of Earth's surface is known as
11) Situation identifies a place by its
12) Site identifies a place by its
13) New York City's ________ is on the Hudson River, approximately 100 miles northeast of Philadelphia
and 100 miles southwest of Boston.
14) What is the difference between a line of latitude and a line of longitude? How are they measured?
What are they called?
15) A ship's position is given as 0 degrees latitude and 27 degrees west longitude. We can conclude from
this information that the ship is located
16) The hulk of a ship lies on the ocean floor at 41°46'N and 50°14'W. These coordinates tell us that the
ship is located in the
17) Santa Fe, New Mexico is in the Mountain Time Zone, whereas Tampa, Florida, is in the Eastern Time
Zone. If it is 1 A.M., Monday, in Tampa, what time is it in Santa Fe?
18) A business executive calls from New York (which is located at 75°W) at 6 P.M. on Tuesday to
Sydney, Australia (which is located at 150°E). What time is it in Sydney?
19) Greenwich Mean Time is measured from
20) The International Date Line is measured approximately from
21) The U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 divided much of the country into a system of
22) The South is established as a vernacular region of the United States by
23) Holland converted the Zuider Zee into a fresh water lake by using
24) The concept that the distribution of one phenomenon is scientifically related to the location of other
phenomena is
25) The arrangement of a phenomenon across Earth's surface is
26) An area distinguished by one or more unique characteristics is a
27) Give an example of a functional region
28) The division of the United States into nine regions by the Census Bureau is an example of a
29) The frequency of something within a given unit of area is
30) The spread of something over a given study area is
31) The spatial distribution created by the U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 is an example of
32) The population of the United States is approximately 270 million, and the land area is approximately
10 million square kilometers. The arithmetic density of the United States is approximately
33) A hearth is
34) Which is not a form of expansion diffusion?
35) Diffusion of AIDS is an example of which type of diffusion?
36) Economic development through international trade is an example of what type of diffusion?
37) If a group of people migrated from Papua New Guinea to North America and adopted Western cultural
habits, this would be an example of
38) What are the three fundamental elements of culture?
39) List elements of globalization of culture
40) The global movement of money has been enhanced primarily by
41) Which is a common practice of transnational corporations?
42) Culture means to
43) What is environmental determinism,
44) The concept that the physical environment limits human actions, but that people have the ability to
adjust to the physical environment is
45) Globalization of the economy has