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Bio181-Quiz 6
1. The section of the electromagnetic spectrum used for photosynthesis is ___. a)
infrared; b) ultraviolet; c) x-ray; d) visible light; e) none of the above
2. In which phase of mitosis do centromeres divide and chromatids begin to
separate? a) interphase; b) anaphase, c) prophase, d) telophase, e) metaphase
3. The cell produced by the fusion of an egg and a sperm is the?; a) gamete; b)
haploid; c) zygote; d) germ line cell; e) somatic cell
4. Cells in all of the following are diploid (2N), except; a) gametes; b) muscles; c)
nerves; d) skin; e) heart
5. Which of the following are typical of both mitosis and of the first division of
meiosis? a) The genetic material in the nucleus is duplicated prior to division; b)
Spindle fibers form; c) Two nuclei form as a result of the division; d) None of the
above; e) All of the above
6. Which of the following is characteristic of the first division of meiosis but not
mitosis? a) Chromosomes are duplicated prior to division; b) Nuclear membrane
and nucleolus disappear in prophase; c) Sister chromatids are attached to each
other at the centromere; d) Homologous chromosomes pair; e) none of the above.
7. An advantage of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that it allows;
a) protection for the offspring; b) more offspring to be produced; c) more genetic
variation among the offspring; d) all of the above; e) none of the above
8. In meiosis chromosomes may exchange genetic information by a process known
as; a) fertilization; b) mitosis; c) syngamy; c) DNA replication; e) crossing over
9. Between the two divisions of meiosis there is; a) a full cell cycle; b) a pairing of
homologous chromosomes; c) replication of chromosome parts; d) no S phase;
e) random assortment of chromatids
10. At the end of Telophase II of meiosis, each of the four resulting cells contains; a)
one set of chromosomes, each with two chromatids; b) two sets of
chromosomes, each with two chromatids; c) one set of chromosomes, each a
single chromatid; d) two sets of chromosomes, each a single chromatid; e) a
different number of chromosomes from each other
11. In Mendelian genetics, the trait that is expressed in an individual is; a) recessive;
b) dominant; c) independent; d) repressed; e) autosomal
12. In a typical Mendelian experiment on pea-seed color, if a homozygous dominant
yellow plant is crossed with a recessive green plant, the next generation (F1)
generation will be what? a) 1 yellow: 3 green; b) all homozygous yellow; c) all
homozygous green; d) all heterozygous yellow; e) all heterozygous green
13. Each individual carries two ‘factors’ for most traits because; a) it is haploid; b) it
carries two copies of each gene; c) it has a full haploid complement of
chromosomes; d) it is homozygous; e) it is heterozygous
14. When the two haploid gametes that fuse to forma zygote contain two different
forms (alleles) of a particular gene, the resulting offspring is; a) discrete; b)
haploid; c) homozygous; d) fused; e) heterozygous
15. An allele (or gene) that is present but unexpressed is; a) redundant; b) recessive;
c) functional; d) epistatic; e) hyper-expressed
16. In peas, yellow seeds are dominant and green seeds are recessive. A male
yellow-seed plant may be homozygous or heterozygous. We could find out
which it is by crossing this male plant with ___ female plant and producing many
offspring… a) another homozygous yellow; b) another heterozygous yellow; c)
another homozygous green; d) another heterozygous green; e) no
17. Let P= purple flowers and p= white, and T= Tall plants and t= short. What would
be the appearance of a plant with the genotype ppTt? a) white, tall; b) purple, tall;
c) purple, short; d) white, short; e) pale purple color, medium height
18. From #17 above, what possible gametes could this plant produce: a) ppTt; b) pT
only; c) pt only; d) pT and pt; e) pp, pT, pt and Tt
19. Mendel’s observation that different genes (= factors) separate independently of
each other is known as: a) first law of heredity; b) Second Law of Heredity; c)
Pea Manifesto; d) Assortment Principle; e) Genetic Independence
20. The most common fatal genetic disorder of caucasians is; a) cholera; b) cystic
fibrosis; c) hemophilia; d) sickle cell anemia; e) Down’s syndrome