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Name __________________________________
TEST Date ____________
Space Test Review
1. Write the sentence to help you remember the order of the planets:
My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nachos.
List the planets in order
List a major characteristic of each
This planets year is only 88 Earth days long.
This inner planet spins with a retrograde (clockwise)
Has the hottest surface.
Third planet from the sun, only planet with sustainable
Often referred to as the Red Planet because there is so
much iron oxide
Gas Giants (below)
Largest planet in the solar system; Has 63 confirmed
Has a spectacular ring system
Has 15 moons; is the coldest planet
Has a storm system called the Great Dark Spot
3. List the two
Types of Tides
Describe the alignment
of the Sun, Moon & Earth
Describe the tides
How often does this
occur in a month?
During which moon
New moon and
Full moon
Spring Tide
In a straight line:
Exceptionally high
and low tides
Twice a month
Neap Tide
When the moon is at a
right angle from the earth
High and low tides
do not change
Twice a month
1st Quarter moon
and 3rd Quarter
4. What is rotation?
When a planet turn on its axis
5. What is revolution?
When a planet or celestial body orbits another planet or star. Most orbits are in the shape of an elipse.
6. What is Isaac Newtons Law of Motion?
That what is at rest will stay at rest AND what is in motion with remain in motion.
7. Draw and Label a lunar eclipse
When the earth is between the sun and the moon
8. Draw and Label a solar eclipse.
When the moon passes between the sun and the earth
9. Gravitational pull is influenced by _________gravity_________ and ___________inertia________________.
10. Fill in the number of ….
a) days in a lunar month _____~30__(29.5)_____
b) days it takes to go from a new moon to a full moon __~15___
c) hours it takes for the earth to make one full rotation _24___
d) days it takes for the earth to make one full revolution of the sun ____365____
11. Define the following moon terms:
a) waxing-The lit part of the moon is getting bigger
b) waning-The lit part of the moon is getting smaller
c) crescent-The lit part of the moon is less than 50 percent
d) gibbous-The lit part of the moon is more than 50 percent
12. What is the Heliocentric theory of the solar system and who first discussed this?
Heliocentric means "sun-centered", or the current way astronomers look at our solar system.
Copernicus is given credit for first discussing this.
13. What is the Geocentric theory of the solar system?
Geocentric means "earth-centered", or the astrological or pre-Copernicus view of our solar system
14. What is the Big Bang Theory?
The theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the
cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature.
15. Name the 3 types of galaxies and show which one we live in.
Eliptical Galaxy
Spiral Galaxy…..we live here
Irregular Galaxy
16. What is inertia?
The quality in matter (matter is anything you can touch) that lets it stay at rest if it is at rest, or keep moving if it is
moving. (This is Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Motion - INTERTIA).
17. Using the picture below…List the New moon (A), Full moon (D), Waxing Cresent ( B ), Waning Cresent ( E ) , 3rd
quarter moon ( F ), Waning gibbous ( E ), waxing gibbous ( between D & C )
Move to FLIPCHART REVIEW & have students fill in
phases of the moon.
ADD the terms: Gravity-the force of attraction between two bodies that have mass
Mass-measures the amount of Matter an object has