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Name _________________________________________
Period _____
World History Chapter 4: Ancient Greece (1900 – 133 B.C.)
Section One: The First Greek Civilizations
Objectives “I can statements”
1. Explain the influence of geography on the development of the independent city-states
2. Explain the importance of Homer as he relates to the development of Greek history
I. The Impact of Geography
____________________, peninsulas & numerous _________________
Small, _______________________
Encouraged political participation within, & war among
_____________________, Aegean & Black Seas
II. The Minoan Civilization
Island of _____________
Rich _________________ culture based on seafaring
Central city, palace of __________________
Suffered a catastrophe around 1450 B.C.
Tidal wave, volcanic eruption or ___________________ from the Mycenaeans
III. The First Greek State: Mycenae
__________________ was the first Greek city-state
Lived in ___________________ center within large stone walls
Poetry from __________________ reveals information on the Mycenaeans
Civil war & earthquakes damaged their civilization
Collapsed by 1100 B.C., after a new wave of ____________________
IV. The Greeks in a Dark Age
Both population & food production fell
Many Greeks immigrated to ______________, a strip of territory located alone the western shores of Asia Minor,
which is in modern day Turkey
__________ replaced bronze improving weaponry & farming
Adopted the _____________________ alphabet
______________ great poet of ancient Greece
wrote _____________ & ___________________ two epic poems of ancient Greece
_________________________ – a long poem that tells the deeds of a great hero
Gave the Greeks an _____________ past & set of _________________
Basic values of __________________ & __________________
A hero strives for excellence, which the Greeks called _______________
Ch. 4 Ancient Greece
Section Two: The Greek City-States
Objectives “I can statements”
1. Define city-state & tell how the city-state of Sparta & Athens differed
I. The Polis: Center of Greek Life
By 750 B.C., the ____________ (city-state) became the central focus of Greek life
The main gathering place was usually on a hill, topped with a fortified area called the _______________
Below was the ______________, an open area for people to assemble & for a market
_______________ was the largest city-state
Loyalty made the city-states fiercely patriotic & distrustful of one another
Military system based on _______________, Infantry who carried shield, sword & spear
___________________ a rectangular formation used by hoplites to create a wall of shields
II. Greek Colonies
Established cities of Hellespont, Bosporus & ___________________
Exports: Pottery, ___________ & ___________ oil
New wealthy class of merchants
III. Tyranny in the City-states
New wealth led to the rise of tyrants
Greek ____________________ were rulers who seized power by force from the aristocrats
Oppressive rules who fall out of favor by the 6th century B.C., new government emerge
________________________ – ruled by the many
Other city-states remained committed to government by an ___________________, rule by the few
IV. Sparta
Gained land through conquest of neighbors, ________________ captured people “slave”
Rigidly controlled & disciplined
Women expected to remain fit to bear & raise healthy children
Men expected to be brave in battle, to win or be killed, “come home with your shield or on it”
The Spartan government was an ___________________
_________ – were elected each year & were responsible for the education of youth & the conduct of all citizens
Did not _______________, but only voted
Travelers & travel discouraged, frowned upon new ideas & the arts
V. Athens
Reformist _______________ appointed leader in 594 B.C.
Canceled debts, but did not give land to the poor
___________________ was a reformer and created a new council of five hundred
Proposed new laws & supervise the treasury & foreign affairs
Assembly had final authority to pass laws after _________ & _________ debate
Reforms of Cleisthenes created the foundation for Athenian ______________________
Ch. 4 Ancient Greece
Section Three: Classical Greece
1. Examine the Age of Pericles, when Athens became the center of Greek culture.
2. Analyze how the creation of an Athenian empire led to war with Sparta.
I. The Challenge of Persia
 The Ionian Greek cites in western ______________________ revolted against the Persians in 499 B.C.
 _______________, the Persian ruler, sought revenge
 Athenians defeated the Persians at the Battle of ____________________, only 26 miles from Athens
 _______________, Persian king vowed revenge
 A Greek force of about 9,000 held off the Persian army for two day at the pass of _________________
 At this battle 300 ________________ in the Greek army were especially brave
 The swifter Greek ________ outmaneuvered the Persian ships & defeated their navy
II. The Growth of the Athenian Empire
 Formed the ____________________________, a defensive alliance headquartered on the island of Delos
 Athenians created an empire under ________________ 461 to 429 B.C.
 Democracy & culture thrived
 ________________________________, saw the height of Athenian power & brilliance
III. The Age of Pericles
 ____________________, the people participated in government decision making through mass meetings
 Every male citizen could participate & vote on major issues
 Most residents were ______ citizens
 _______________ practice of banning a person from the city to protect Athens from overly ambitious
 Pericles used the Delian League’s _________________ to rebuild Athens
 Art, architecture & philosophy flourished
IV. The Great Peloponnesian War
 Greek world divided between the Athenian Empire & Sparta
 ____________________________________ broke out in 431 B.C. between Athens and Sparta
 The Athenians stayed behind their walls
 430 B.C. a _________________ broke out in Athens
 1/3 of the people were killed and Pericles died in 429 B.C.
 ________________ was finally defeated in 405 B.C. ending the Peloponnesian War
 War weakened the Greek city-states
 Ignored the growing power of _______________________
V. Daily Life in Classical Athens
 Only ___________ citizens had political power
 Foreigners were protected by laws & shared some responsibilities
 Athens had about 100,000 _____________
 Based largely on farming & trade, grapes & olives
 ________________ could participate in religious festivals, but not public life
 Women could not own property & always had a male guardian
 Expected to be a good wife, bear children & keep up the household
 Girls did not get a formal education & married around 14 or 15
Section Four: The Culture of Classical Greece
1. Discuss the Greek philosophers and their concern with the development of critical or rational thought
about the nature of the universe.
2. Summarize the Greek belief that ritualized religion was necessary.
I. Greek Religion
 Greek ________________ were the major buildings in cities
 12 chief gods & goddesses were thought to live on Mount ___________________
 Zeus, father of the gods, Athena, goddess of wisdom & crafts, Apollo, god of the sun & poetry
 Aphrodite, goddess of love, Zeus’s brother, Poseidon, was the god of the sea
 _________________ – ceremonies or rites, were the most important element of Greek religion
 Games at Olympia honoring Zeus, first held in 776 B.C. basis of the modern ______________ Games
 _____________ – a sacred shrine where a god or goddess revealed the future through a priest or priestess
 The most famous was the oracle of Apollo at _____________
II. Greek Drama
 Original Greek dramas were ________________, which were presented in a trilogy (a set of three plays)
 __________________, most famous play was Oedipus Rex
 _____________, created more realistic characters & showed real-life situations & individual psychology
 _________________ examined universal themes of good & evil, rights of the individual, the role of the
gods in life & the nature of human beings
 _________________, criticized society to invoke a reaction
III. Greek Philosophy
 ______________________ – “love of wisdom” refers to an organized system of rational thought
 ___________________ taught that the essence of the universe was found in music & numbers
 ________________ - They argued that it was simply beyond the reach of the human mind to understand
the universe
 Stressed the importance of _____________ (the art of persuasive speaking in winning debates & swaying
an audience)
 Sophists viewed as harmful to society & dangerous to the values of the young
 __________________ believed the goal of education was only to improve the individual’s soul
 _____________________________ – uses a process of question & answer to get students to understand
things for themselves
 Socrates famous statements says, “the ______________________ life is not worth living”
 Socrates was tried & convicted of corrupting the youth & sentenced to _______________
 ____________ was one of Socrates students, he was preoccupied with the nature of reality & how we
know reality
 Plato believed individuals could not achieve a good life unless they lived in a just & rational state
 Plato’s most famous work is called ___________________ which outlines the structure of the ideal,
virtuous state
 Plato established the Academy
 _______________ pupil of Plato
 Analyzing & classifying things by observation & investigation
 Plato’s famous book is called __________
IV. The Writing of History
 ______________________ was the author of History of the Persian Wars
 Many historians today consider ______________________ the greatest historian of the ancient world
 He wrote History of the Peloponnesian War
V. The Classical Ideals of Greek Art
 Art concerned with expressing, eternal ideals
 ____________________, balance & _________________
 Ideally beautiful human being
 Architecture form was the temple dedicated to a god or goddess
 The most famous building, regarded as the greatest example of the classical Greek temple, was the
 Calm, clarity & freedom from unnecessary detail
 Sculpture often depicted ______________________, lifelike male nudes
Section Five: Alexander & the Hellenistic Kingdoms
I. The Threat of Macedonia
 Did not live in city-states, viewed as barbarians
 359 B.C., ______________________ king of Macedonia
 *Crushed the Greeks at the battle of ____________________ in 338 B.C.
 Wanted to conquer Persia, but was _____________________
II. Alexander the Great
 *______________________________________ was the son of Philip II
 Became king at age 20, educated by _______________
 Envisioned a world of ________________ cultures
 His father taught him military tactics & _____________________
A. Alexander’s Conquests
 By 331 B.C. he had conquered _______________
 Established the city of ________________________ in Egypt
 In 326 B.C. he crossed the ____________ River
 Soldiers refused to fight, so he agreed to return home
 __________ in Babylon, exhausted from wounds, fever & alcohol
B. The Legacy of Alexander
 Courage & mastery of __________________ tactics
 His example _____________________ men to follow him
 *Due to his conquests, _______________ language, architecture, literature & art spread throughout
Southwest Asia & the near East
III. The Hellenistic Kingdoms
 *Alexander created a new age, the ____________________________, “to imitate Greeks”
 *The expansion of the Greek language & ideas to the ________________________ world of
Southwest Asia & beyond
IV. Hellenistic Culture
 Cultural center was ________________________
Alexandria ____________________ was the largest of its kind
Baths, theaters & temples, sculptors added realism & emotion
*___________________________, determined that Earth was round & calculated Earth’s
circumference at 24,675 miles, an estimate that was within 200 miles of the actual figure
*_____________, wrote the Elements, a textbook on plane ________________, this work has been
used up to modern times
*____________________, believed that happiness was the goal of life, the means to achieve
happiness was the pursuit of pleasure, the only true good. Ideals known as Epicureanism
Zeno found Stoicism
*___________________, happiness could be found only when people gained inner peace by living in
harmony with the will of God