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Q2-1) When the bullet fired
into the spiral tubes emerges,
which path will it follow?
1) path A
2) path B
3) path C
Q2-2) Rank the following situations (A, B, and C)
according to the net force, greatest first.
1) B, C, A
2) C, A, B
3) C, B, A
4) A, C, B
10 N
10 N
10 N
10 N
10 N
20 N
Q2-3) The sketch below shows a painting staging in
mechanical equilibrium. The staging weighs 300 N and
supports two painters, one 250 N and the other 300 N. The
reading on the left scale is 400 N. What is the reading on the
right scale?
1) 250 N
2) 300 N
3) 350 N
4) 400 N
5) 450 N
Q3-1) The book on the table is at rest.
1) true
2) false
3) maybe
Q3-2) In how many of the following cases is the car’s
speed increasing? (a) A car covers longer and longer
distances in equal times. (b) A car takes longer and
longer to cover equal distances. (c) A car covers equal
distances in shorter and shorter times. (d) A car covers
shorter and shorter distances in equal times.
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) none of them
Q3-3) How many different controls in a car are usually
used to produce acceleration? (Ignore the clutch)
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) 5
Q3-4) Can an object be moving
when its acceleration is zero?
1) yes
2) no
Q3-5) A ball is thrown upwards in the absence of air
resistance. The acceleration of the ball at the top of the
path (where its speed is zero) is
1) zero
2) between zero and 10 m/s2
3) 10 m/s2
4) greater than 10 m/s2
Q3-6) If you drop an object, it will accelerate
downward at a rate of 10 m/s2. If you instead throw it
downwards, its acceleration after leaving your hand (in
the absence of air resistance) will be
1) less than 10 m/s2
2) 10 m/s2
3) greater than 10 m/s2
Q3-7) For a freely falling object, how many of the following
statements are true? (a) the distance fallen during each
second keeps increasing; (b) the speed keeps increasing;
(c) the change in speed during each second keeps increasing;
(d) the acceleration keeps increasing.
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) none
Q4-1) A car starts up from rest along a straight
highway with an acceleration of 1 m/s2. A second
car comes racing past at a steady 120 km/hr. Which
car has the larger net force acting on it?
1) the first car
2) the second car
3) neither, they both have no net force on them
Q4-2) An object moves with unchanging velocity
so its acceleration is zero. Does it then have no
forces acting on it?
1) yes, definitely
2) no, not necessarily
Q4-3) A book is accelerated downward while it is
in the palm of your hand. Which is larger, the
book’s weight or the upward force exerted by your
1) the weight of the book
2) your upward force on the book
3) neither, they are equal
Q4-4) An object weighs 30 N on Earth. A second
object weighs 30 N on the moon. Which has the
greater mass?
1) the one on the Earth
2) the one on the moon
3) they have the same mass
4) not enough information to say
Q4-5) A 10-kg brick and a 1-kg brick are both
dropped in a vacuum. The force of gravity on the
10-kg brick is
1) the same as the force on the 1-kg book
2) 10 times as much as the force on the 1-kg book
3) zero
Q4-6) A skydiver steps from a helicopter and falls for 5
seconds before reaching her terminal velocity. During this 5
second interval, her acceleration
1) is zero
2) is constant
3) increases
4) decreases
5) none of these
Q5-1) Your hands push on a heavy box to slide it
across the floor. The other member of the
action/reaction pair is
1) friction pushing backward on the floor
2) gravity pulling downward on the box
3) the box pushing downward against the floor
4) the box pushing backward against your hands
Q5-2) The attraction of a person’s body towards the
Earth is called weight. The reaction to this force is
1) the person’s body pushing against the Earth’s surface
2) the Earth’s surface pushing against the person’s body
3) the person’s body pulling on the Earth
4) none of these
Q5-3) A book at rest on the table has two forces on
it: gravity pulling it down and the support force
pushing it up. Are these forces an action/reaction
1) yes
2) no
Q5-4) A car traveling at 100 km/hr strikes an
unfortunate bug and splatters it. The force of
impact is
1) greater on the bug
2) greater on the car
3) the same for both
Q7-1) No work is done by gravity on a bowling ball that
rolls along a bowling alley because
1) no force acts on the ball
2) no distance is covered by the ball
3) the force on the ball is perpendicular to the ball’s
4) all of the above
5) none of the above
Q7-2) Which requires more work: lifting a 50 kg
sack vertically 2 meters or lifting a 25 kg sack
vertically 4 meters?
1) lifting the 50 kg sack
2) lifting the 25 kg sack
3) both require the same amount of work
Q7-3) If an object is moving, it has energy. We call
energy of motion
1) potential energy
2) kinetic energy
3) nuclear energy
4) chemical energy
5) none of the above
Q7-4) If a bowling ball and a golf ball both move
with the same kinetic energy, can you say which
has the greater speed?
1) no, you can not say which has the greater speed
2) yes, the golf ball has the greater speed
3) yes, the bowling ball has the greater speed
Q7-5) How much kinetic energy does a car have
when it moves at 100 km/hr, as compared with
when it moves at 50 km/hr?
1) the same amount of KE
2) 2 times as much KE
3) 4 times as much KE
4) 16 times as much KE
Q7-6) A ball is thrown straight upwards. What
kind of energy does it have at the highest point?
1) only kinetic energy
2) only potential energy
3) both kinetic and potential energy
Q7-7) At position A, is the marble’s kinetic energy
less than, greater than, or the same as its kinetic
energy when it is at position B?
1) less than
2) greater than
3) the same
4) not enough information
Q7-8) Neglecting air resistance, does the total
energy of a falling rock increase, decrease, or
remain the same?
1) increase
2) decrease
3) remain the same
Q7-9) How high do you have to
release the ball for it to make a
complete loop-to-loop?
1) as high as the top of the loop
2) higher than the top of the loop
Q11-1) Which are older, the atoms in the body
of an elderly person or the atoms in the body of
a baby?
1) the atoms in an elderly person
2) the atoms in a baby
3) neither, they are the same age
Q11-2) Can two different elements contain the same
number of protons?
1) yes
2) no
3) not enough information
Q11-3) How many protons and neutrons are in U-235?
1) 235 protons, 235 neutrons
2) 143 protons,
92 neutrons
3) 92 protons, 235 neutrons
4) 92 protons, 143 neutrons
5) none of the above
Q11-4) If two protons are removed from an oxygen
nucleus, the result is
1) nitrogen
2) carbon
3) helium
4) neon
5) none of the above
Q11-5) If two neutrons are added to an oxygen
nucleus, the result is
1) nitrogen
2) carbon
3) helium
4) neon
5) none of the above
Q11-6) How many elements are in NH3? How
many atoms?
1) 2 elements, 2 atoms
2) 2 elements, 4 atoms
3) 4 elements, 2 atoms
4) 4 elements, 4 atoms
Q14-1) Two identical blocks (A and B) of the same
mass are at rest on a surface as shown below.
Which block exerts the greater pressure on the
1) block A
2) block B
3) they both exert the same pressure
Q14-2) Is the gas pressure inside a balloon
greater than, less than, or the same as the air
pressure outside the balloon?
1) greater than
2) less than
3) the same as
Q14-3) What will happen to the mercury level in
the barometer if atmospheric pressure is lowered by
removing some of the air?
1) the mercury level will stay the same
2) the mercury level will rise
3) the mercury level will drop
Q14-4) Will it be slightly more difficult to
drink soda through a straw at sea level or on top
of a very high mountain?
1) at sea level
2) on top of a very high mountain
3) it will be the same
Q14-5) It would be easier to pull evacuated
Magdeburg hemispheres apart when they are
1) held upside down
2) at sea level
3) 20 km below sea level
4) 20 km above sea level
5) none of these
QR-1) A truck is moving at a constant velocity. Inside the storage
compartment, a rock is dropped from the midpoint of the ceiling
and strikes the floor below. The rock hits the floor
1) exactly below the midpoint of the ceiling
2) ahead of the midpoint of the ceiling
3) behind the midpoint of the ceiling
4) more information is needed to solve this problem
5) none of the above
QR-2) While a car travels around a circular
track at constant speed its
1) acceleration is zero
2) velocity is zero
3) both of these
4) none of these
QR-3) If an object falls with constant acceleration, the
velocity of the object must
1) be constant also
2) continuously change by the same amount each second
3) continuously change by varying amounts depending on its
4) continuously decrease
5) none of these
QR-4) The force of friction on a sliding object is 10
newtons. The applied force needed to maintain a
constant velocity is
1) zero
2) between zero and 10 N
3) 10 N
4) more than 10 N
5) none of the above
QR-5) If we do not ignore air resistance, when an
object falls through the air, its velocity increases
and its acceleration
1) increases
2) decreases
3) stays the same
QR-6) A skydiver falls towards the Earth. The
attraction of the Earth on the diver pulls the diver
down. What is the reaction to this force?
1) air resistance the diver encounters while falling
2) the attraction to the planets, stars, and every
particle in the universe
3) there is no reaction to this force
4) none of these
QR-7) A ball is projected into the air with 100 J of kinetic
energy which is transformed to gravitational potential energy
at the top of its trajectory. When it returns to its original
level after encountering air resistance, its kinetic energy is
1) less than 100 J
2) more than 100 J
3) 100 J
4) not enough information given
QR-8) One car is driving 50 mi/hr and another car of the same
mass is driving 100 mi/hr. Both cars slam on the brakes and skid to
a halt. If the force of friction is the same for both cars, how much
farther will the faster car skid?
1) they will skid the same distance
2) twice as far
3) four times as far
4) sixteen times as far
5) none of the above
QR-9) Which of the following statements is true?
1) An atom is the smallest particle known to exist.
2) There are only about 100 different kinds of atoms that
combine to form all substances.
3) There are thousands of different kinds of atoms that
account for a wide variety of substances.
4) All carbon atoms contain the same number of neutrons.
5) None of the above
QR-10) Which of the following are electrically neutral?
1) proton
2) neutron
3) electron
4) all of these
5) none of the above
QR-11) A suction cup sticks to a wall. It is
1) pulled to the wall by the vacuum
2) pushed to the wall by the atmosphere
3) both of these
4) none of the above
QR-12) On a windy day, atmospheric pressure
1) increases
2) decreases
3) remains unchanged
Q22-1) Each of three objects has a net charge. Objects A and B attract one
another. Objects B and C also attract one another, but objects A and C
repel one another. Which one of the following table entries is a possible
combination of the signs of the charges on these three objects?
Q22-2) Strictly speaking, will a penny be slightly
more massive if it has a negative charge or a
positive charge?
1) negative charge
2) positive charge
3) it has the same mass either way
Q22-3) You comb your hair and the comb becomes
negatively charged. Strictly speaking, how will the
mass of your hair change?
1) it will increase
2) it will decrease
3) it will not change
Q22-4) Particle A and particle B interact with each other.
Particle A has twice the charge of particle B. Compared to
the force on particle A, the force on particle B is
1) four times as much
2) twice as much
3) the same
4) half as much
5) one-fourth as much
Q22-5) Two charged particles repel each other with a force
F. If the charge of one of the particles is doubled and the
distance between them is also doubled, then the force will be
1) F
2) 2 F
3) F / 2
4) F / 4
5) none of the above
Q22-6) Two charged particles held close to each
other are released. As they move, the force on each
particle increases. Therefore, the particles have
1) the same sign
2) opposite signs
3) not enough information given
Q22-7) Complete the following statement: When a plastic
rod is rubbed with animal fur, the rod becomes negatively
charged as
1) protons are transferred from the fur to the rod.
2) electrons are transferred from the rod to the fur.
3) electrons are created on the surface of the rod.
4) electrons are transferred from the fur to the rod.
5) protons are transferred from the rod to the fur.
Q22-8) A thin stream of water bends toward a
negatively charged rod. When a positively charged
rod is placed near the stream, it will bend in the
1) opposite direction
2) same direction
3) it will not bend at all
Q22-9) (a) A charged rod is brought near a suspended object,
which is attracted by the rod. Can we conclude that the
suspended object is charged? (b) What if the suspended
object is repelled by the rod?
(a) yes
(a) yes
(a) no
(a) no
(b) yes
(b) no
(b) no
(b) yes
Q22-10) Which one of the following statements is true concerning
the excess charge on a conductor?
1) It is evenly distributed throughout the entire conductor.
2) It is distributed throughout the entire conductor and it is
distributed according to the object’s shape.
3) It is only on the surface of the conductor and is evenly
4) It is only on the surface of the conductor and it is distributed
according to the shape of the conductor.
Q23-1) Will the current in an ordinary light
bulb be greater immediately after it is turned on
or a few minutes later?
1) immediately after it is turned on
2) a few minutes later
3) the current will be the same
Q23-2) What is the effect on the current in a wire if the
voltage across the wire is doubled and the resistance is cut in
1) the current decreases by a factor of four
2) the current decreases by a factor of two
3) the current stays the same
4) the current increases by a factor of two
5) the current increases by a factor of four
Q23-3) The voltage across the ends of a wire is
doubled. Which one of the following statements
concerning the resistance of the wire is true?
1) The resistance is decreases by a factor of four.
2) The resistance is decreases by a factor of two.
3) The resistance is not changed.
4) The resistance increases by a factor of two.
5) The resistance increases by a factor of four.
Q23-4) In which of the circuits below does a
current exist to light the bulb?
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) 5
Q23-5) Modern automobile headlights are
connected in
1) series
2) parallel
3) perpendicular
4) none of these
Q23-6) Two lamps, one with a thick filament and
one with a thin filament, are connected in series.
The current is greater in the lamp with the
1) thick filament
2) thin filament
3) the current is the same in each lamp
Q24-1) The geographic north pole of the earth is
magnetically a
1) north pole
2) south pole
Q24-2) If you place a chunk of iron near the
south pole of a magnet, attraction will occur.
Will attraction also occur if you place the iron
near the north pole of a magnet?
1) yes
2) no
Q24-3) Several paper clips dangle from the north
pole of a magnet. The induced pole in the bottom
of the lowermost paper clip is a
1) north pole
2) south pole
3) north or south pole – no difference really
Q24-4) Compared to the huge force that attracts an
iron tack to a strong magnet, the force that the tack
exerts on the magnet is
1) relatively weak
2) equally huge
3) more information is needed
Q24-5) (a) Can an electron at rest in a magnetic field be set
into motion by the magnetic field? (b) Can an electron at
rest in an electric field be set into motion by the electric
1) (a) yes
2) (a) yes
3) (a) no
4) (a) no
(b) yes
(b) no
(b) no
(b) yes
Q19-1) Which of the following are transverse waves: (a) An ocean
wave rolling toward Santa Cruz beach, (b) The sound of one whale
calling another whale under water; (c) A pulse sent down a
stretched rope by snapping one end of it.
1) a
2) b
3) c
4) a and c
5) a, b, and c
Q19-2) If the waves are going at the same speed,
which wave has the greatest period of oscillation?
1) I
2) II
3) III
4) IV
Q19-3) You dip your fingers repeatedly into water
and make waves. If you dip your finger more
frequently, the wavelength of the waves
1) increases
2) decreases
3) stays the same
Q19-4) In the standing wave shown, what is its
1) 40 centimeters
2) 20 centimeters
3) 10 centimeters
Q19-5) In the standing wave shown, how many
nodes are there?
1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6
Q19-6) The Doppler effect also occurs when the
source of sound is stationary and the listener is in
motion. In which direction should the listener move
to hear a higher frequency?
1) toward the sound source
2) away from the sound source
Q20-1) The speed of a sound wave in air depends
1) its frequency
2) its wavelength
3) the air temperature
4) all of these
5) none of these
Q20-2) If the frequency of sound is doubled, what
change will occur in (a) its speed? (b) In its
1) (a) double
2) (a) double
3) (a) remain the same
4) (a) remain the same
5) (a) cut in half
(b) double
(b) cut in half
(b) double
(b) cut in half
(b) remain the same
Q20-3) Beats are produced when two tuning forks, one of
frequency 240 hertz and another of frequency 246 hertz are
sounded together. The frequency of the beats is
1) 3 hertz
2) 6 hertz
3) 12 hertz
4) 240 hertz
5) 246 hertz
Q20-4) A 1056-hertz tuning fork is sounded at the same time
a piano note is struck. You hear three beats per second. What
is the frequency of the piano string?
1) 1053 hertz
2) 1056 hertz
3) 1059 hertz
4) 2112 hertz
5) not enough information given
Q26-1) When we look at the sun, we are seeing it
as it was 8 minutes ago. So we can only see the sun
“in the past.” When you look at the back of your
own hand, do you see it “now” or “in the past”?
1) now
2) in the past
Q26-2) The main difference between a radio wave
and a light wave is its
1) speed
2) wavelength
3) frequency
4) all of these
5) two of these
Q26-3) Is it correct to say that in every case,
without exception, any radio wave travels faster
than any sound wave?
1) yes
2) no
Q26-4) Consider light that is momentarily absorbed in
glass and then re-emitted. Compared to the absorbed
light, the frequency of the re-emitted light is
1) considerably less
2) slightly less
3) the same
4) slightly more
5) considerably more
Q26-5) What astronomical event would be seen by
observers on the moon at the same time the Earth
was seeing a lunar eclipse?
1) a partial lunar eclipse
2) a total lunar eclipse
3) a solar eclipse
4) none of the above
Q26-6) Things seen by moonlight aren’t colored because
1) doesn’t have many colors in it
2) is too dim to activate the retina’s cones
3) is too dim to activate the retina’s rods
4) all of these
5) none of these
QR-1) When a light switch is turned on in a DC circuit,
the average speed of electrons in the lamp is
1) the speed of sound waves in metal
2) the speed of light
3) 1000 cm/s
4) less than 1 cm/s
5) none of the above
QR-2) Which of the following electromagnetic
waves has the shortest wavelength
1) radio waves
2) infrared waves
3) X-rays
4) ultraviolet waves
5) light waves
QR-3) When you tune a radio to a certain radio station, you
match the frequency of the internal electrical circuit to the
frequency of the wanted radio station. In doing so you are
employing the principle of
1) interference
2) resonance
3) beats
4) reverberation
5) none of the above
QR-4) To say that an object is electrically polarized is
to say
1) it is electrically charged
2) its charges have been rearranged
3) its internal electric field is zero
4) it is only partially conducting
5) it is to some degree magnetic
QR-5) Surrounding every stationary electron is
1) a magnetic field
2) an electric field
3) both of these
4) none of these
QR-6) A Doppler effect occurs when the source of
sound moves
1) towards you
2) away from you
3) both of these
4) none of these
QR-7) Wave interference occurs for
1) sound waves
2) light waves
3) water waves
4) all of these
5) none of these
QR-8) If a light signal and a radio signal were
emitted simultaneously from Alpha Centauri, the
first to reach Earth would be the
1) radio signal
2) light signal
3) both would reach Earth at the same time
QR-9) A positive charge and a negative charge
held near each other are released. As they move,
the force on each particle
1) increases
2) decreases
3) stays the same
QR-10) The headlights, radio, and defroster fan
in an automobile are connected in
1) series
2) parallel
QR-11) Unlike a transverse wave, a longitudinal
wave has
1) no amplitude
2) no frequency
3) no wavelength
4) no speed
5) … a longitudinal wave has all of these
QR-12) Red-hot and blue-hot stars appear white to the eye
1) the eye has difficulty seeing color at night
2) they are too dim to fires the rods
3) they are too dim to fire the cones
4) they are overwhelmed by the blackness of the nighttime
5) eye receptivity peaks in the yellow-green part of the
QR-13) Compared to the resistance of two resistors
connected in series, the same two resistors
connected in parallel have
1) more resistance
2) less resistance
3) the same resistance
QR-14) Charge carriers in a metal are electrons rather
than protons because electrons are
1) negative
2) smaller
3) loosely bound
4) all of these
5) none of these
QR-15) Double the frequency of a sound wave and you
halve its
1) wavelength
2) speed
3) amplitude
4) all of these
5) none of these
QR-16) Outside a magnet, magnetic field lines are
conventionally drawn from
1) north to south
2) south to north
3) either way
Q27-1) An object that reflects light
of all frequencies always appears
1) True
2) False
Q27-2) An object that absorbs light
of all frequencies always appears
1) True
2) False
Q27-3) The worst thing you can do for the health of a
green-leafed plant is to illuminate it with only
1) red light
2) green light
3) blue light
4) all are equally naughty
5) none of these
Q27-4) Which will warm up quicker in
1) a piece of colored glass
2) a piece of clear glass
3) both will warm up the same
Q27-5) A sheet of red paper will look black when
illuminated with
1) red light
2) yellow light
3) magenta light
4) cyan light
5) none of these
Q27-6) White – blue =
1) red light
2) green light
3) magenta light
4) cyan light
5) yellow
Q27-7) If the sky on a certain planet in the solar system
were normally orange, what color would sunsets be?
1) orange
2) yellow
3) green
4) blue
5) none of these
Q28-1) An observer O, facing a
mirror, observes a light source S.
Where does O perceive the mirror
image of S to be located?
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) some other location
Q28-2) When you look at yourself in a (plane)
pocket mirror, and then hold the mirror farther
away, you see
1) more of yourself
2) less of yourself
3) the same amount of yourself
Q28-3) Which kind of road surface is it easier to
see when driving at night, a pebbled uneven surface
or a mirror-smooth surface?
1) a pebbled uneven surface
2) a mirror-smooth surface
3) they are both the same
Q28-4) A light ray passes from water into air.
Of the diagrams below, which most clearly
resembles the light ray’s path?
1) I
2) II
3) III
Q28-5) (a) If while standing on a bank you wished to spear a fish
in front of you, would you aim above, below, or directly at the
observed fish to make a direct hit? (b) If instead, you zapped the
fish with a laser, would you aim above, below, or directly at the
observed fish?
1) (a) above
2) (a) above
3) (a) below
4) (a) below
5) (a) below
(b) above
(b) directly at
(b) above
(b) below
(b) directly at
Q28-6) A primary rainbow is brighter than a secondary
rainbow because
1) larger raindrops produce primary rainbows
2) the secondary bow is a dim reflection of the primary bow
3) there is one less reflection (and refraction) inside the
water drops
4) it is closer to the viewer
Q35-1) Two lightning bolts are seen to strike two
distant locations at the same time. Seen from a
different location, the two lightning bolts
1) will also be seen at the same time
2) will not be seen at the same time
3) may or may not be seen at the same time
Q35-2) Event A occurs before event B in a certain
frame of reference. In another frame of reference, event
A could occur
1) after event B
2) simultaneous with event B
3) either of these
4) neither of these
Q35-3) Suppose you and your sister travel in space in
such a way that you notice a slowing of time for your
sister. Your sister will notice that your time runs
1) faster than hers
2) slower than hers
3) the same as hers
4) not enough information given
Q35-4) According to the special theory of
relativity, if you measure your own pulse while
traveling at very high speeds, you would notice
your pulse rate to
1) increase
2) decrease
3) be the same as usual
Q35-5) A twin who makes a long trip at
relativistic speeds returns younger than his stayat-home twin sister. Could he return before his
twin sister was born?
1) yes
2) no
Q35-6) A 10 meter long spear is thrown at relativistic speeds
through a 10 meter long pipe (both lengths are measured when
each is at rest). When the spear passes through the pipe, which of
the following statements is true?
1) the spear shrinks so the pipe completely covers it
2) the pipe shrinks so the spear extends from both ends
3) either of these, depending upon the motion of the observer (i.e.
moving with the spear, at rest with the pipe)
4) none of these
Q35-7) Relativity equations for time and length
hold true for
1) relativistic speeds
2) everyday low speeds
3) both of these
4) none of these
Q35-8) Two safety pins, identical except that
one is latched and one is unlatched, are placed
in identical acid baths. After the pins are
dissolved, is anything different in the two acid
1) yes
2) no
QR-1) Which of the following statements is true?
1) An atom is the smallest particle known to exist.
2) There are only about 100 different kinds of atoms that
combine to form all substances.
3) There are thousands of different kinds of atoms that
account for a wide variety of substances.
4) All carbon atoms contain the same number of neutrons.
5) None of the above
QR-2) For a freely falling object, how many of the following
statements are true? (a) the distance fallen during each
second keeps increasing; (b) the speed keeps increasing;
(c) the change in speed during each second keeps increasing;
(d) the acceleration keeps increasing.
1) 1
2) 2
3) 3
4) 4
5) none
QR-3) A 10-kg brick and a 1-kg brick are both
dropped in a vacuum. The force of gravity on the
10-kg brick is
1) the same as the force on the 1-kg book
2) 10 times as much as the force on the 1-kg book
3) zero
QR-4) If we do not ignore air resistance, when an
object falls through the air, its velocity increases
and its acceleration
1) increases
2) decreases
3) stays the same
QR-5) A book at rest on the table has two forces on
it: gravity pulling it down and the support force
pushing it up. Are these forces an action/reaction
1) yes
2) no
QR-6) If two neutrons are added to an oxygen
nucleus, the result is
1) nitrogen
2) carbon
3) helium
4) neon
5) none of the above
QR-7) If the frequency of sound is doubled, what
change will occur in (a) its speed? (b) In its
1) (a) double
2) (a) double
3) (a) remain the same
4) (a) remain the same
5) (a) cut in half
(b) double
(b) cut in half
(b) double
(b) cut in half
(b) remain the same
QR-8) Particle A and particle B interact with each other.
Particle A has twice the charge of particle B. Compared to
the force on particle A, the force on particle B is
1) four times as much
2) twice as much
3) the same
4) half as much
5) one-fourth as much
QR-9) (a) Can an electron at rest in a magnetic field be set
into motion by the magnetic field? (b) Can an electron at
rest in an electric field be set into motion by the electric
1) (a) yes
2) (a) yes
3) (a) no
4) (a) no
(b) yes
(b) no
(b) no
(b) yes
QR-10) Things seen by moonlight aren’t colored because
1) doesn’t have many colors in it
2) is too dim to activate the retina’s cones
3) is too dim to activate the retina’s rods
4) all of these
5) none of these
QR-11) While a car travels around a circular
track at constant speed its
1) acceleration is zero
2) velocity is zero
3) both of these
4) none of these
QR-12) If an object falls with constant acceleration, the
velocity of the object must
1) be constant also
2) continuously change by the same amount each second
3) continuously change by varying amounts depending on its
4) continuously decrease
5) none of these
QR-13) One car is driving 50 mi/hr and another car of the same
mass is driving 100 mi/hr. Both cars slam on the brakes and skid to
a halt. If the force of friction is the same for both cars, how much
farther will the faster car skid?
1) they will skid the same distance
2) twice as far
3) four times as far
4) sixteen times as far
5) none of the above
QR-14) A suction cup sticks to a wall. It is
1) pulled to the wall by the vacuum
2) pushed to the wall by the atmosphere
3) both of these
4) none of the above
QR-15) Which of the following electromagnetic
waves has the shortest wavelength
1) radio waves
2) infrared waves
3) X-rays
4) ultraviolet waves
5) light waves
QR-16) If a light signal and a radio signal were
emitted simultaneously from Alpha Centauri, the
first to reach Earth would be the
1) radio signal
2) light signal
3) both would reach Earth at the same time