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Unit B Chapter 9 Study Sheet
Landform- natural feature on Earth’s surface such as mountains, hills, valleys,
plains, plateaus, and coastal features.
Peninsulas are landforms that are always found on the coast.
Weathering causes the Earth’s surface to change constantly.
Weathering- rocks being broken, worn, or carried away by wind, water, animals,
or roots.
Acid rain forms when rain mixes with carbon dioxide.
2 Types of weathering:
a. Physical: (only size and shape change)
 Animals step on rocks and break them.
 Wind blows pieces of rock away.
 Water carries pieces of rock away.
 Ice expands and breaks the rock.
 Plants’ roots grow and break rocks (like cement or blacktop)
b. Chemical:
 Acid rain eats rock away.
 Chemicals from plants eat away rocks.
7. Erosion- when water or wind carries soil away.
8. Plants’ roots and sandbags can reduce erosion.
9. Deposition- when wind or water carry soil to another area and “deposit” it. This
can build up new areas on the surface of Earth. (Deltas at the mouth of rivers)
10. Landslide- rocks and soil are pulled down quickly by gravity—caused by heavy
rain and earthquakes.
11. Avalanche- snow and ice being pulled down quickly by gravity, strong winds,
earthquakes (vibrations), and explosions.
12. Volcanoes erupt when gases force magma up to the Earth’s crust through weak
spots in the crust.
13. Magma- hot molten rock below Earth’s surface.
14. Lava- hot molten rock above Earth’s surface.
15. Lava can change the surface of Earth by covering it with a layer of rock and ash.
16. Rapid changes in Earths surface can be caused by:
 Volcanoes
 Earthquakes
 Fires
 Tornadoes/Hurricanes
17. Earth’s crust is divided into plates. Plates ALWAYS move.
18. Earthquake- (waves) shaking of Earth’s crust due to plate movement.
19. Fault- a break or crack in rock plates where Earth’s crust can move.
20. Plate tectonics- movement of Earth’s plates.
21. Focus- The point UNDER THE GROUND where the plates move during an
earthquake. (where the movement starts)
22. Epicenter- the point ON Earth’s surface above the focus.
23. Volcanoes- cone shaped landforms at a weak spot in the Earth’s crust where
magma reaches the Earth’s surface. (most are near faults) Volcanoes can affect
climate—ash can cause less sunlight=cooler temperatures.
24. Active volcanoes= still erupts Dormant=haven’t erupted for a long time
25. Tsunami-huge waves, caused by an earthquake under the sea, that flood land near
the shore.
26. Mountains change slowly when moving water or wind carries pieces of the rock
27. Canyons and valleys are formed when moving water or glaciers wash/move rock
and soil.
28. Caves are formed when moving water eats and/or carries limestone away.
29. Mountains can be created by the movement of Earth’s plates.
Homework: 278-279 1-6, & 15-18