Download Chapter 6 Solar System Chapter Test Lesson 1 Sun Aurora borealis

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Chapter 6 Solar System
Chapter Test
Lesson 1 Sun
A. Aurora borealis
B. Chromospheres
C. Convection layer
D. Core
E. Corona
V. Einstein
F. Energy
G. Fusion
H. Helium
I Hydrogen
J. Mass
R. Star
K. Mass
S. Speed of light
M. Photosphere
T. Sunspot
N. Radiation layer
P. Solar flare
1. __R__ It is an object that produces its own energy.
2. __D__ Most of the energy that the Sun produces is formed in this center
3. __N__ Layer of the Sun that moves energy produced in the core in every
4. __C__ Layer of the Sun containing gases with different energies which move
in a circles similar to air with different densities.
5. __M__ Layer of the Sun that is visible. It is not solid, but rather a layer of
6. __B__ Inner most layer of the Sun’s atmosphere that looks like a red circle
around the sun.
7. __E__ Outer most layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. It takes on different
shapes around the Sun depending on changes in the temperature of the
8. __P__ Bursts of heat and energy that stretch out from the corona and
chromospheres into space. This energy can disrupt satellites resulting with
interference of TV, radio, and cell phone communications.
9. __A__ Solar flares cause displays of different colored lights called this in the
northern sections of Canada and the US.
10.__T__ Dark spots on the Sun that are regions on the photosphere that have
a lower temperature than the surrounding regions.
11.__V__He discovered as relationship between energy and mass.
12. Einstein expressed his discovery in the equation: __F__ = __K__ __S__.
13. __G__ This is the smashing together of particles.
14. __I__ Particles of this smash together in the sun to make helium.
15.__H___ Particles of hydrogen smash together in the sun to make this.
16.Which one of the following processes produces the sun’s energy?
a. Solar power
b. Fusion
c. Fission
d. Winds
17. Outer most layer of the Sun’s atmosphere. It takes on different shapes around the Sun
depending on changes in the temperature of the photosphere.
a. Corona
b. Chromospheres
c. Core
d. Convection sphere
18. In Einstein’s famous formula for energy (e=mc2), c stands for:
a. Energy
b. Mass
c. Speed of Light
d. None of the above
19. The sun produces helium for smashing together atoms of:
a. Oxygen
b. Hydrogen and oxygen
c. Carbon and oxygen
d. Hydrogen
e. Carbon
Lesson 2 Solar System
A. Asteroid
F. Gas
B. Comet
G. Jupiter
C. Crater
H. Mars
D. Earth
I. Mercury
E. Galileo
J. Meteors
P. Satellite
Q. Saturn
R. Solar system
S. Uranus
T. Venus
1. The four planets closest to the sun are called the __O__ planets.
2. These 4 planets (in order from closest to the Sun) are __I__, __T__, __D_,
and __H__.
3. The four planets farthest from the sun are called the __F___ planets.
4. These 4 planets (in order from closest to the sun) are __G__, __Q__,
__S__, and __M__.
5. The __R__ is a system of objects of, or around, the Sun.
6. _E____ used a telescope to observe the planets and saw the moons
revolving around Jupiter. He proved Copernicus’ theory that the planets,
including Earth, revolved around the sun.
7. __N___ used to be considered a planet, but is now considered a dwarf
8. A __P__ is an object in space that circles around another object. The
planets and moons are examples of this.
9. A __L__ is a satellite that orbits around a planet.
10. When objects in space collide, the impact forms a __C_, or a hole.
11. An ___A__ is an rock that revolves around the sun.
12. A _B___ is a mixture of frozen gases, ice, dust, and rock that moves in an
irregular circle around the sun. The coma is a glowing ball of gases and
dust that forms around it.
13. ___K___ are small objects in space. If they cross path with Earth and enter
Earth’s atmosphere they are called __J__.
14.What planet is closest to the sun?
a. Uranus
b. Mercury
c. Venus
d. Mars
15.Which of the following lists give the names of the planets in order of their
distance from the sun?
a. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth
b. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
c. Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Earth]
d. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn
16.What object’s name changes based on its location?
a. Planet
b. Moon
c. Meteoroid
d. The Sun
17. Your science teacher suggests that you do an experiment to study how
comets form. What is the next step you will likely take?
a. Make a hypothesis
b. Collect data
c. Draw conclusions
d. Write a report
18. A _____ is a mixture of frozen gases, ice, dust, and rock that moves in an irregular circle
around the sun. The coma is a glowing ball of gases and dust that forms around it.
a. Meteoroid
b. Asteroid
c. Comet
d. moon
19. He is given credit as the first person to write that the Earth revolved around the sun.
a. Galileo
b. Newton
c. Copernicus
d. Einstein
Lesson 3 Gravity and Orbits
A. Distance
E. Inertia
B. Ellipse
F. Low
C. Gravity
G. Neap
D. High
H. Spring
__C__ is a force of attraction between any two objects.
__L__ is the product of mass and gravity.
__A__ impacts the strength of gravity.
__J__ is a path one object takes around another object.
__E__ is the tendency of a moving object to keep moving in a straight line.
__B__ describes the shape of the near circular orbit of the Earth and other
planets around the sun.
7. __K__ are the rippling effect on the surface of the oceans caused by the
gravitational pull of the sun and the moon.
8. __D__ tides occur when the moon is on the opposite side of the planet from
where the tides are occurring. The moon’s gravity is weaker, enabling the water
to get closer to the land.
9. __F__ tides occur when the moon is above the area. The moons gravity causes
the water to go away from the land.
10. __G_ tides occur during the first and third quarter moon. The moon and the
Sun pull in different direction, canceling each other out. The waves are more
moderate during this time.
11.__H__ tides occur during full and new moons. The sun and the moon line up
and pull in the same direction. This causes higher high tides and lower low
12.Which of the following best describes the effect of the Sun’s gravity on the
a. Each planet is drawn towards the sun.
b. Each planet is drawn away from the sun.
c. Each planet is drawn closer to each other.
d. Each planet is drawn away from each other.
13. What happens to the force of gravity when the distance between two object
a. No attraction
b. Stays the same
c. Decreases
d. Increases
14. If the sun increased in size, what would happen to the planets?
a. They would be released from their orbits.
b. They will move farther away from the sun.
c. They will reverse their orbits.
d. They will be drawn closer to the sun.
15. Jupiter has greater gravity than Earth. Would your mass be:
a. Greater on Jupiter than Earth
b. Greater on Earth than Jupiter
c. Less on Earth than Jupiter
d. Less on Jupiter than Earth
e. None of the above
16. The Earth is farthest from the sun on the summer solstice (June 21st) and winter solstice
(June 21st).
True False
17. Spring tides occur during the first and third quarter moon. The moon and the Sun pull in
different direction, canceling each other out. The waves are more moderate during this