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SC BIO I UP11: Taxonomy of Animals (Vertebrates and Invertebrates)
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of simplicity versus complexity in
organism structure and function?
 What are the significant differences in form and function between the organisms
in each major kingdom?
 What are the important trends in animal evolution?
What should you know/be able to do at the end of this unit?
 Explain how pheromones contribute to social behaviors, and specifically
courtship behaviors, in various organisms.
 Analyze how organisms in the animal kingdom are classified according to their
evolutionary relationships.
 Identify the similarities and differences among the eukaryotic kingdoms:
Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista.
 Identify the similarities and differences between kingdom Animalia and the
prokaryotic kingdoms: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria.
 Identify the major characteristics of members of kingdom Animalia.
 Compare and contrast the animal phyla by describing methods of transport,
excretion, regulation, respiration, nutrition, synthesis, reproduction and growth
and development.
 Identify and explain the impact of structural adaptations in the animal kingdom.
 Analyze and differentiate between the different types of animal behavior
including: innate, learned and social behavior.
 Explain the ways complex animals are different from simple ones.
 Compare and contrast the characteristics and unique adaptations found in each of
the vertebrate classes (jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, bony fish, amphibians,
reptiles, aves, mammals).
 Differentiate between and provide examples for the following types of body
symmetry: asymmetrical, radial, and bilateral
 Setae
 Nephridia
 Exoskeleton
 Endoskeleton
 Cephalizatoin
 Amniotic Egg
 Ectotherm
 Endotherm
 Homeostasis
 Endoderm
 Mesoderm
 Ectoderm
 Metamorphosis
 Cell to organ transport in animals
 Excretion in animals
 Regulation and control of processes by hormones and the nervous system
 Respiration in animals
 The process of obtaining and utilizing nutrients in animals
 Various methods of reproduction in animals
 Growth and development in animals
 Animal behavior
 Create a poster sectioned into eight squares. Place a title in each square:
1.Transport, 2.Excretion, 3.Regulation, 4.Respiration, 5.Nutrition, 6.Synthesis,
7.Reproduction, 8.Growth and Development. In each section, explain the body
system and create a list of adaptations and characteristics found throughout the
animal kingdom. Be sure to include the following information: Transport (cells to
organs), Excretion (balancing pH levels, glucose levels, and water), Regulation
(control of body processes by hormones and the nervous system), Respiration
(obtaining oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide), Nutrition (breaking down food),
Synthesis (building necessary molecules), Reproduction (sexual vs. asexual
processes, gametes, internal and external fertilization), Growth and development
(complete and incomplete metamorphosis, development in egg or uterus).
 Using the cause and effect portion of the “Five Habits of Mind” explain how body
symmetry and cephalization are related.
 Create a list of the characteristics that all members of the animal kingdom share.
 Investigate how hunger is an internal feedback mechanism for maintaining
homeostasis. In paragraph form, summarize your findings using the “Five
Habits of Mind”.
 Research and describe the two types of circulatory systems. Give an example of
an animal that has each.
 In paragraph form, compare and contrast internal and external fertilization.
Provide example organisms.
 In paragraph form, distinguish among the following terms: acoelomate,
pseudocoelomate, and coelomate.
 Research and draw (or cut out) a picture of an organism with a one-way digestive
system as well as an organism with a two-way digestive system. Beneath the
picture, explain why the development of a one-way digestive system is important
to the evolution of animals.
 Create a list of the challenges that early vertebrates faced as they moved from
water to land habitats during the course of evolution. Include beneficial
adaptations that aided the transition.
 Investigate why the amniotic egg is considered to be one of the most important
adaptations to life on land. Explain its importance using the “Five Habits of
Investigate the various types of animal behavior. Create a list of each type, an
explanation of the behavior, and one example of an animal exhibiting the
1. Evidence (How do you know that?)
 How do we know what’s true and false?
 What evidence counts?
 How sure can we be?
 What makes it credible to us?
 This includes using the scientific method and more.
2. Viewpoint (Who said it and why?)
 How else might this look if we stepped into other shoes?
 If we were looking at it from a different direction?
 If we had a different history or expectation?
 This requires the exercise of informed “empathy” and imagination.
 It requires flexibility of mind.
3. Cause and Effect (What led to it? What else happened?)
 Connections?
 Is there a pattern?
 Have we seen something like this before?
 What are the possible consequences?
4. Hypothesizing (What if? Suppose that?)
 Could it have been otherwise/
 Supposing that?
 What if…?
 This habit requires use of the imagination as well as knowledge of
alternative possibilities.
 It includes the habits described above.
5. Matter (Who cares?)
 Relevance?
 Does it matter?
The virtual pig dissection!
Watch a lot of cool animal behavior and animal characteristics videos from
national geographic. Click on the video tab. (Be
sure to watch the 600 pound octopus squeezing through a maze the diameter of a
The game at this site allows you to identify an animal based on the characteristics
they provide you – one characteristic at a time!
1. Light, sound, and temperature are examples of
a. response
b. behavior
c. circadian rhythms
d. external stimuli
2. The fact that you sleep at night and attend school during the day is an example of
a. migration
b. circadian rhythm
c. aggressive behavior
d. social behavior
3. In chordates with four-chambered hearts, there is
a. a total mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood
b. a partial mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen poor blood.
c. no mixing of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood.
d. a perforated separation between the atrium and ventricle
4. An animal that relies on interaction with the environment to help it control body
temperature is known as a(n)
a. endotherm
b. ectotherm
c. mesoderm
d. endoderm
5. The single most important characteristic that separates birds from other living
animals is the presence of
a. two legs
b. feathers
c. hollow bones
d. laying of eggs
6. An adult amphibian’s heart typically has
a. one chamber
b. two chambers
c. three chambers
d. four chambers
7. In a closed circulatory system, blood
a. comes in direct contact with tissues
b. remains within blood vessels
c. empties into sinuses
d. does not transport oxygen
8. The simplest nervous systems are called
a. ganglia
b. motor neurons
c. nerve nets
d. sensory neurons
9. All arthropods have
a. gills
b. jointed appendages
c. paired antennae
d. radial symmetry
10. Most animals reproduce sexually by producing
a. buds
b. spores
c. clones
d. gametes
11. A multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotroph whose cells lack cell walls is a(n)
a. protist
b. virus
c. animal
d. plant
12. Many animals have body symmetry with distinct front and back ends. This type
of symmetry is
a. radial
b. bilateral
c. circular
d. dorsal
13. An animal that has a backbone, also called a vertebral column, are also known as
a. vertebrates
b. prokaryotes
c. protosomes
d. invertebrates
14. The process where animals take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide is known
a. circulation
b. respiration
c. adaptation
d. reproduction
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. B