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CP Biology
Final Exam Study and Review Guide
Info about the exam:
-The exam occurs: see exam schedule on Pascack Hills website
-The test will have multiple choice and short answer questions
-All questions will come from things covered in your class notes and labs
-If you are missing notes, see a classmate to copy them
-We will spend a short time in class reviewing for the exam, but you will need to study at home
if you want to do well
Major Units We Covered That You Will Be Responsible For:
1. DNA and Protein Synthesis
-Know the structure and function of DNA, the Watson-Crick model
-What are the building blocks of nucleic acids?
-How and why does DNA replicate? Understand the process
-What is RNA and how is it different from DNA?
-Know the three major types of RNA
-Understand the process of protein synthesis, including TRANSCRIPTION
and TRANSLATION. Also where they occur.
-What are the major differences between transcription and translation?
-How can the genetic code be changed? Types of mutations and their
2. Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
-Define sexual reproduction vs. asexual
-What are gametes and how does fertilization occur?
-Understand the difference in chromosome number between body cells
and sex cells
-How is meiosis different from mitosis?
-Why is meiosis important in sexual reproduction?
3. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
-Be able to label the parts of a flower on a diagram and list the functions of
the structures
-How does fertilization or pollination in a flower occur?
- difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination in flowering plants
4. Introductory Genetics
-What is genetics? What is heredity?
-Mendel’s big ideas: Dominance, Law of
Segregation, Law of independent assortment - as they pertain to his
study of pea plants
-Probability and genetics
-Know the differences between genotype and phenotype, pure-bred,
hybrid, homozygous, heterozygous, F1 and F2
-Understand how to correctly complete monohybrid and di-hybrid crosses,
using punnet squares using the procedure taught in class
-What is the ”test cross” or “back cross” and how is it useful?
-What is Incomplete Dominance? How is it different from dominance and
and how are punnet square problems set up?
5. Human Genetics and Chromosomes
-Multiple alleles and ABO blood typing: know how to set up problems and the
-Polygenic traits
-Sex determination in human beings: autosomes and XX vs. XY and
which of the parents determines the sex of their offspring
-Problems involving sex-linked traits in humans: colorblindness,
hemophilia and so on. How are these disorders inherited? What is a
carrier? Why are males more likely to be affected by these disorders than
-What is a karyotype and what kinds of information can it reveal?
-What is a pedigree and how do you interpret one?
-Nature/nurture, twin studies
-Human genetic disorders: general information about the disorders discussed
in class including: Huntington’s, Sickle cell anemia, Tay Sachs, Cystic
Fibrosis, Kleinfelter’s, Turner’s, etc.
- The Human Genome Project – goals, status, usefulness
6. Evolution and Natural Selection
-Change over time: Big Bang
-Origin of life on earth according to Oparin’s Theory, Miller’s experiment
-What were the first organisms on earth? When did humans evolve?
-Evidence for change on Earth and evolution: fossils, anatomical and
embryological, homology, vestigial structures etc., biochemical similarities
-Theories of Evolution: Lamarck vs. Darwin; know their ideas and how they
would explain change in species
-Understand the concept of Evolution through Natural Selection
-Sources of variation in species
-Modern examples of natural selection: Peppered moths, Galapagos finches
7. Taxonomy and Classification of Living Things
-Linnaeus - modern system of classification used today: binomial nomenclature
and the use of Latin for scientific names
-The seven groups used in taxonomy: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,
genus, and species. Which one has organisms within it that are the most
closely related? The least closely related?
-Name the six kingdoms, general characteristics of organisms found within
the kingdoms and examples from each.
-the three Domains of Life and examples of each
-dichotomous keys: be able to make one
8. Ecology
-Biotic vs abiotic factors, limiting factors, density dependent vs density independent
limiting factors
-Habitat, niche, endangered species
-Interactions: predator-prey, competition (intra and interspecific), symbiosis – parasitism,
commensalism, mutualism
-Energy in ecosystems, food chains/webs, trophic levels, energy pyramids, biomass
-Populations: carrying capacity, exponential growth, stabilization, current human
population status, NJ deer population issues
-Nutrient cycles: carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, how various types of organisms acquire
these nutrients, human impacts
-Ecological succession: primary vs secondary, pioneer species, climax species
9. Diversity of Organisms
-Microorganisms: Viruses and Bacteria. Know all topics covered on the recent study
guide for each.
-which do antibiotics work against?
-explain how a vaccine works
-The Vertebrates – Know the general features and examples of the 7 classes