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Pech 1
Common Grammar Errors
There are three major errors in sentence construction. They are: Fragment, Comma Splice, and Fused
Sentence. Today we will be focusing on fused sentences and sentence fragments.
1. Fused Sentence: Also known as a Run-On sentence, occurs when two main clauses are
combined to form one whole sentence.
a. Example: I was just calling because they were just leaving talk to me please.
The statement above is a Run-On Sentence with two main clauses.
1. I was just calling because they were just leaving.
2. Talk to me please.
There are three simple ways to fix a fused sentence:
1. Break the fused sentence into two sentences
a. I was just calling because they were just leaving. Talk to me please.
2. Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (For, An, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So)
b. I was just calling because they were just leaving, so talk to me please.
3. Use a Semi Colon to separate the two sentences
c. I was just calling because they were just leaving; talk to me please.
On your own, try to fix the fused sentence: You said you knew me I doubt you do.
2. Sentence Fragment: Is a sentence which fails to stand alone. It is missing an independent clause.
a. Example: At home, during dinner before 6pm.
1. The sentence doesn’t announce a subject or gives a verb for the reader.
There are two ways to fix a sentence fragment:
1. No Main Verb: Add a verb into the sentence. In the following example “wrote” is the verb.
Example: A letter without any words.
a. She wrote a letter without any words.
2. No Subject: Remove the preposition, in this case “by”
Example: By hate towards the same person.
b. Hate towards the same person.
On your own, try to fix the sentence fragment: Since she was gone.
Pech 2
Writing Strategies
In an argumentative essay, you the writer tries to pursue the reader or convince them to agree with
your facts, values, and conclusion.
Elements of writing a persuasive essay:
1. Establish the facts that support your argument
2. Clarify all possible values for the audience and for yourself
3. Forming a conclusion
4. Pursue the audience to agree through facts that support your point
Example of a bad argument: I think the world is round because I can go from point A to point A in a
straight line.
Example of a good argument: The world is round because when traveling in a straight line, you end
where you start.
Rhetorical Patterns
Rhetorical patterns are a mode in which describes an article’s point in an organized manner. There are
five patterns which are:
Examples- Helps the writer’s point seem convincing
Definition- Defines something unknown to the reader
Comparison and contrast – Brings similar things together to be compared and contrasted.
Sequence of Event- Presents a them in a coherent and effective way to make the point concrete
Cause and Effect- States an argument, issue, or problem and the possible effects of them
Description- detailed writing which helps enforce the writer’s purpose
Narration- Presents actions taking place over a certain period of time.