Inner aspect and telicity
... derived from primitive predicates and the structural representation in which they appear. Dynamicity that characterizes processes is represented by a particular function that maps from times to properties, and telicity is represented as a result of concatenation of one process and one state, under a ...
... derived from primitive predicates and the structural representation in which they appear. Dynamicity that characterizes processes is represented by a particular function that maps from times to properties, and telicity is represented as a result of concatenation of one process and one state, under a ...
The Syntax of Inner Aspect
... aspect, and he has provided me with many pieces of data that have turned out to be important for the main system that I argue for in the dissertation. He has also pointed out to me many facts that may very well turn the system on its head. His knowledge has made this dissertation a more respectable ...
... aspect, and he has provided me with many pieces of data that have turned out to be important for the main system that I argue for in the dissertation. He has also pointed out to me many facts that may very well turn the system on its head. His knowledge has made this dissertation a more respectable ...
... adverbials as a separate word class. Approximately the same procedure of classification adopted in chapter four will be followed. Chapter seven contains a questionnaire which can serve as a productive basis for testing Arabic adverbial positions investigated in the previous chapter. Chapter eight in ...
... adverbials as a separate word class. Approximately the same procedure of classification adopted in chapter four will be followed. Chapter seven contains a questionnaire which can serve as a productive basis for testing Arabic adverbial positions investigated in the previous chapter. Chapter eight in ...
The syntax of French adverbs without functional projections*
... ordering. Adverbs are generated higher than the verb, and verb movement (or ‘remnant VP’ movement) is used to explain the occurrence of adverbs after as well as before the verb. We propose an alternative view of adverb distribution, focusing on French adverbs. Like Ernst (1998, 2002), we observe tha ...
... ordering. Adverbs are generated higher than the verb, and verb movement (or ‘remnant VP’ movement) is used to explain the occurrence of adverbs after as well as before the verb. We propose an alternative view of adverb distribution, focusing on French adverbs. Like Ernst (1998, 2002), we observe tha ...
fulltext - LOT Publications
... Neeleman 1994 on Dutch, and Schulze-Berndt 2000, 2003 on the Australian language Jaminjung). Phenomena that fall under the notion of "complex predication" include causative constructions, permissive constructions, applicative constructions, serial verb constructions, constructions resulting from obj ...
... Neeleman 1994 on Dutch, and Schulze-Berndt 2000, 2003 on the Australian language Jaminjung). Phenomena that fall under the notion of "complex predication" include causative constructions, permissive constructions, applicative constructions, serial verb constructions, constructions resulting from obj ...
... There are two discourse referents denoting individuals: x, which needs to be unified11 with another discourse referent later in the derivation, e.g. the agent introduced by little v (Voice), and z with respect to which the representation is abstracted over by means of a λabstract.12 The DP that is a ...
... There are two discourse referents denoting individuals: x, which needs to be unified11 with another discourse referent later in the derivation, e.g. the agent introduced by little v (Voice), and z with respect to which the representation is abstracted over by means of a λabstract.12 The DP that is a ...
Morphological recoverability in Gapping
... * They want to hire someone who speaks a Balkan language, but I don’t remember which Balkan language they want to hire someone who speaks. ...
... * They want to hire someone who speaks a Balkan language, but I don’t remember which Balkan language they want to hire someone who speaks. ...
Subjunctive Obviation: an Interface Perspective
... bedded subjunctive verbs due to the consecutio temporum (that is, Sequence of Tense – henceforth, SOT). Finally, do verbs inflected in the first and second person instantiate obviation? With respect to point (b), do other subjunctive tenses instantiate obviation? With respect to (c), may phonologic ...
... bedded subjunctive verbs due to the consecutio temporum (that is, Sequence of Tense – henceforth, SOT). Finally, do verbs inflected in the first and second person instantiate obviation? With respect to point (b), do other subjunctive tenses instantiate obviation? With respect to (c), may phonologic ...
On Participial Imperatives
... Interestingly, this syntactic difference corresponds to a lexical difference. Negative participial imperatives can be made with any verb, while positive participial imperatives are restricted to a semantically coherent set of verbs. As a first approximation, we can say that the verbs in (5) all invo ...
... Interestingly, this syntactic difference corresponds to a lexical difference. Negative participial imperatives can be made with any verb, while positive participial imperatives are restricted to a semantically coherent set of verbs. As a first approximation, we can say that the verbs in (5) all invo ...
Theory and method in grammaticalization
... The following discussion presupposes the concept of grammaticalization. Although definitions of grammaticalization are not wanting (cf. Campbell & Janda 2001, section 2), most of them are propaedeutic rather than formal. For present purposes, the definition in P1 should suffice: P1. Grammaticalizati ...
... The following discussion presupposes the concept of grammaticalization. Although definitions of grammaticalization are not wanting (cf. Campbell & Janda 2001, section 2), most of them are propaedeutic rather than formal. For present purposes, the definition in P1 should suffice: P1. Grammaticalizati ...
Issues in Salish Syntax and Semantics
... are many more or less accidental gaps in the expected output of derivational operations, including many bound roots that fail to surface unless affixed.3 We do not find these arguments convincing, because they are based on the assumption that any irregularity in distribution or meaning precludes the ...
... are many more or less accidental gaps in the expected output of derivational operations, including many bound roots that fail to surface unless affixed.3 We do not find these arguments convincing, because they are based on the assumption that any irregularity in distribution or meaning precludes the ...
... accounts will be shown to be grounded in diachronic considerations. Specifically, the transition from Koine Greek to the medieval dialects of Greek and from these medieval dialects to the dialects under consideration is discussed and it is argued that the positioning system of each dialect is the re ...
... accounts will be shown to be grounded in diachronic considerations. Specifically, the transition from Koine Greek to the medieval dialects of Greek and from these medieval dialects to the dialects under consideration is discussed and it is argued that the positioning system of each dialect is the re ...
Copyright by Ulf Hermjakob 1997 - Information Sciences Institute
... The parsing of unrestricted text, with its enormous lexical and structural ambiguity, still poses a great challenge in natural language processing. The diculties with traditional approaches, which try to master the complexity of parse grammars with hand-crafted rules, have led to a trend towards mo ...
... The parsing of unrestricted text, with its enormous lexical and structural ambiguity, still poses a great challenge in natural language processing. The diculties with traditional approaches, which try to master the complexity of parse grammars with hand-crafted rules, have led to a trend towards mo ...
Copula Variation in African American Vernacular English: an investigation... individual- and stage-level predicate hypothesis
... polled, the environment of polling, and the counting method used. Not only do variation studies pivot on the reliability of the statistical analysis and data collection methods, but they also hide the structure accounting for the absence or presence of the copula itself. While these researchers do p ...
... polled, the environment of polling, and the counting method used. Not only do variation studies pivot on the reliability of the statistical analysis and data collection methods, but they also hide the structure accounting for the absence or presence of the copula itself. While these researchers do p ...
Construction of grammar from the semantic basis
... It is naturally not our intention to provide an exhausting overview; the aforementioned works are listed in order to provide an illustration and an example neither is it our aim to, which will become clear in our further discussion, capture the difference between the works listed, on the contrary, w ...
... It is naturally not our intention to provide an exhausting overview; the aforementioned works are listed in order to provide an illustration and an example neither is it our aim to, which will become clear in our further discussion, capture the difference between the works listed, on the contrary, w ...
Interlingua Based English Hindi Machine Translation and Language
... former include Schank’s (1972, 1973, 1975; Schank and Abelson, 1977; Lytinen and Schank, 1982) use of Conceptual Dependency (CD), the UNITRAN system (Dorr, 1992, 1993) using Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) and Wilk’s (1972) system, while CETA (Vauquois, 1975), KBMT (Carbonell and Tomita, 1987; (N ...
... former include Schank’s (1972, 1973, 1975; Schank and Abelson, 1977; Lytinen and Schank, 1982) use of Conceptual Dependency (CD), the UNITRAN system (Dorr, 1992, 1993) using Lexical Conceptual Structure (LCS) and Wilk’s (1972) system, while CETA (Vauquois, 1975), KBMT (Carbonell and Tomita, 1987; (N ...
More on the Anaphor Agreement Effect
... very interesting question of which strategy is used in which language and why.4 It should be noted that there is nothing special about these alternative constructions (that is, they are not reserved for languages in which anaphors would otherwise agree; they are merely constructions that occur indep ...
... very interesting question of which strategy is used in which language and why.4 It should be noted that there is nothing special about these alternative constructions (that is, they are not reserved for languages in which anaphors would otherwise agree; they are merely constructions that occur indep ...
Theoretical Approaches to Locative Inversion
... triggers subject agreement. It is now the preverbal locative the verb agrees with. The question of whether locative inversion involves a reversal of grammatical functions has attracted the interest of theoretical linguistis for quite some time. Various proposals have been advanced, some supporting, ...
... triggers subject agreement. It is now the preverbal locative the verb agrees with. The question of whether locative inversion involves a reversal of grammatical functions has attracted the interest of theoretical linguistis for quite some time. Various proposals have been advanced, some supporting, ...
Reflexive Clitics in the Slavic and Romance Languages.
... In this work, I offer a unified analysis of all the constructions that involve a reflexive clitic SE in Slavic and Romance languages. Next to canonical constructions, in which the reflexive clitic semantically identifies the two arguments of a transitive verb, cf. John SE wash means John washes hims ...
... In this work, I offer a unified analysis of all the constructions that involve a reflexive clitic SE in Slavic and Romance languages. Next to canonical constructions, in which the reflexive clitic semantically identifies the two arguments of a transitive verb, cf. John SE wash means John washes hims ...
Updating Empiricist Mentalist Semantics
... debates about meaning, which date back as far as the ancient Greek. This long history might supply satisfactory models that account for with a lot of empirical data concerning the semantic phenomenon. Philosophy is also known for the strictness and rigour of its analyses, properties that might faci ...
... debates about meaning, which date back as far as the ancient Greek. This long history might supply satisfactory models that account for with a lot of empirical data concerning the semantic phenomenon. Philosophy is also known for the strictness and rigour of its analyses, properties that might faci ...
20_chapter 8
... The introduction given in the beginning of Unit II whichcf>scuss«.& the structural details of simple sentences holds good in the case of Unit III also as it deals with the structural details of complex and compound sentences, therefore a glance over the matter therein discussed will not be a waste b ...
... The introduction given in the beginning of Unit II whichcf>scuss«.& the structural details of simple sentences holds good in the case of Unit III also as it deals with the structural details of complex and compound sentences, therefore a glance over the matter therein discussed will not be a waste b ...
The distribution of pronoun case forms in English
... This thesis investigates the influence of linguistic factors on the distribution of pronoun case forms in Modem English and argues that the alternation between nominative and objective pronoun forms is a surface phenomenon best captured in a probabilistic constraint-based approach, where constraints ...
... This thesis investigates the influence of linguistic factors on the distribution of pronoun case forms in Modem English and argues that the alternation between nominative and objective pronoun forms is a surface phenomenon best captured in a probabilistic constraint-based approach, where constraints ...
On the notion of subject for subject-oriented adverbs
... within the broad tradition of generative grammar. It is concluded that those properties that have been assumed to define subjecthood in earlier theories are distributed across different syntactic positions, and there is no unified category of ‘subject’ or ‘subject position’ in the current theory. In ...
... within the broad tradition of generative grammar. It is concluded that those properties that have been assumed to define subjecthood in earlier theories are distributed across different syntactic positions, and there is no unified category of ‘subject’ or ‘subject position’ in the current theory. In ...
4.1 A new classification of antonym functions in text
... teaching me shell script programming. Last but not least, to mom and dad - I wish you were here. ...
... teaching me shell script programming. Last but not least, to mom and dad - I wish you were here. ...
An On-Line Computational Model of Human Sentence Interpretation
... These include the need to produce a high-level interpretation, to embed a linguistically motivated grammar, and to be compatible with psycholinguistic results on sentence processing. The model includes a theory of grammar called Construction-Based Interpretive Grammar (CIG) and an interpreter which ...
... These include the need to produce a high-level interpretation, to embed a linguistically motivated grammar, and to be compatible with psycholinguistic results on sentence processing. The model includes a theory of grammar called Construction-Based Interpretive Grammar (CIG) and an interpreter which ...
In linguistics, antisymmetry is a theory of syntactic linearization presented in Richard Kayne's 1994 monograph The Antisymmetry of Syntax. The crux of this theory is that hierarchical structure in natural language maps universally onto a particular surface linearization, namely specifier-head-complement branching order. The theory derives a version of X-bar theory. Kayne hypothesizes that all phrases whose surface order is not specifier-head-complement have undergone movements that disrupt this underlying order. Subsequently, there have also been attempts at deriving specifier-complement-head as the basic word order.Antisymmetry as a principle of word order is reliant on assumptions that many theories of syntax dispute, e.g. constituency structure (as opposed to dependency structure), X-bar notions such as specifier and complement, and the existence of ordering altering mechanisms such as movement and/or copying.