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Essential Outcomes Chart: What is it we expect students to learn?
Standard Description
What is the essential standard
to be learn need? Describe in
student-friendly vocabulary.
Example Rigor
A proficient student will use
verbs, articles, adjectives,
and nouns in everyday
writing activities and in
conversation while
-Students will know the way to collaborating with peers.
correct formal and informal
greet and say goodbye to
people while using the
appropriate articles, nouns and
A proficient student will
Nouns and articles, numbers
identify, pronounce, and
0-2000, telling time and
spell numbers 0-2000 and
present tense of ser, estar,
be able to tell time
tener, venir,ir, gustar,
conocerntar and saber.
-Students will learn and be able
Comunication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Celia Robles
Andrew Clark
Basic vocabulary (greetings,
goodbyes, descriptive
 Present tense of irregular
Ser & estar, tener, ir,
gustar & encantar
 Noun & gender agreement
 Adjective-noun
 Definite and
indefinite articles
 Collaborative skills
• Basic numbers
• Cornell notes
• Verb stems
• Comparing/contrasting
Adriana Romero
When Taught?
Extension Standards
What assessment(s) will be used to
measure student mastery?
When will this standard
be taught?
What will we do when
students have learned the
essential standard(s)?
Prerequisite Skills
What does proficient student What prior knowledge, skills, and/or
work look like? Provide an vocabulary is/are needed for a student
example and/or description.
to master this standard?
Greetings and goodbyes,
identifying yourself to
others, courtesy expressions
and the Spanish alphabet
to identify numbers and tell
time using the appropriate form
of the present tense verb Ser.
White boards
Bell work
Class presentations
Informal assessments
Tickets out the door
Online quiz(es)
August and continues
throughout the year
Proficient students will
use vocabulary, spelling,
and pronunciation in
sentences and short
writings. They will also
mark and chart the text
when students critically
read culture related
Students who have a
greater understanding of
verb conjugations in the
present tense will extend
their knowledge by using
conjugated verbs in
sentences throughout
the year.
Students who have a
greater understanding of
Mission: Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.
Vision: Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and
career ready.
Comparisons 4.1, 4.2
Present Tenses regular –ar,
verb conjugations and
forming questions &
sentences in Spanish.
-Students will know how to
conjugate regular –ar verbs
in the present tenses and be
able to use verbs in sentence
Communications 1.1, 1.2,
Comparisons 4.1
Descriptive adjectives,
Possessive adjectives,
Present tense of –er and –ir
verbs, along with using the
correct from of Tener and
Writing Process and
Communications 1.1, 1.2,
Comparisons 4.1, 4.2
Present tense of the verb ir,
stem-changing verbs
e:ie, o:ue, e:I, the the
irregular YO form verbs (-go
verbs) and all irregular
preterite tense verbs.
A proficient student will
conjugate and verbs in use
complete sentences in
writing activities and
conversation with teacher
and peers as they
collaborate together.
Proficient students will be
able to differentiate
between Tener and Venir
properly in their writing as
the use descriptive
adjectives and conjugate
correctly any other regular
verbs in the present tense.
Proficient students will be
able to differentiate
between irregular and
regular verb conjugations
by paying attention properly
to the ending of the
Cornell Notes
Present tense of irregular
verb conjugations
Noun & gender agreement
Definite and
indefinite articles
Collaborative skills
Cornell notes
Verb conjugation charts
Comparing/contrasting the
verbs Tener and Venir
Work in collaborative
groups or pairs
Dialogue writing and
Supersite activities
Cornell notes
Verb conjugation charts
Comparing/contrasting the
irregular and regular verbs
Work in collaborative
groups or pairs
• White boards-informal testing
• Bell work
• Class presentations
September and
• Online quiz (formal and
continuing throughout
the year.
Ticket out the door
• Formatives
 Class dialogues
Verb drills
Sentences starters with
appropriate verb
Informal and formal
quizzes and test
Ticket out the door
Class dialogues
Verb drills
Sentences starters with
appropriate verb
Informal and formal
quizzes and test
Ticket out the door
October and continuing
throughout the year.
verb conjugations in the
present tenses will
extend their knowledge
by using these
conjugated verbs in
sentences throughout
the year.
Students who have a
greater understanding of
verb conjugations in the
preterite tense will
extend their knowledge
by using these
conjugated verbs in
sentences throughout
the year.
Students who have a
greater understanding of
October and November
all irregular verb
Strategies will be applied
conjugations in the YO
throughout the year
form of the preterite
tense will extend their
Mission: Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.
Vision: Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and
career ready.
infinitive verb.
A proficient student will be
able differentiate the
meanings of poder/querer
and saber/conocer when
they are used in affirmative
or negative sentences
Communications 1.1, 1.2,
Comparisons 4.1, 4.2
The verb Estar with
conditions and emotions,
the present progressive,
revisit Ser and Estar with
direct and indirect nouns &
Class dialogues
Dialogue writing and
Supersite activities
Basic vocabulary (greetings,
goodbyes, descriptive
adjectives, family, food,
school activities)
• Cornell notes
 Present tense of irregular
Ser & estar, tener, ir,
gustar & encantar
 Noun, adjectives & gender
 Definite and
indefinite articles
 Collaborative skills
• Verb stems
• Comparing/contrasting
Verb drills
Sentences starters with
appropriate verb
Informal and formal
quizzes and test
Ticket out the door
Class dialogues
knowledge by using
these conjugated verbs
in sentences throughout
the year.
Students who have a
greater understanding of
Ser and Estar verb
conjugations in the
preterite tense will
extend their knowledge
by using these
November and December conjugated verbs in
will continue through the sentences throughout
reminder of year
the year.
Communications 1.1, 1.2,
Comparisons 4.1
Preterit tense of regular
verbs, demonstrative
adjectives and pronouns,
Saber & Conocer and poder
& conocer verb conjugation
and usage.
Communications 1.1, 1.2,
A proficient student will be
able differentiate the
meanings of poder/querer
and saber/conocer when
they are used in affirmative
or negative sentences
• Cornell notes
 Collaborative skills in small
 Present tense verb
 Compare/contrast usage of
Verb drills
Sentences starters with
appropriate verb
Informal and formal
quizzes and test
Ticket out the door
Class dialogues
extended through the
Students who have a
greater understanding of
verb conjugations in the
preterite tenses will
extend their knowledge
by using these
conjugated verbs in
sentences throughout
the year.
Mission: Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.
Vision: Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and
career ready.
Comparisons 4.1
Preterite tense of verbs,
double object pronouns,
comparisons and
Communications 1.1, 1.2,
Comparisons 4.1
Panorama & Flash Cultura:
Students will critically read
about the geography, the
history, and the particular
culture of Spanish speaking
countries around the world.
Students will Analyze a
particular point of view or
cultural experience reflected
in a work of Spanish
A proficient student will
conjugate and compare
different uses of the
subjunctive through oral and
written activities in
collaboration with peers by
using double object
A proficient student will
demonstrate understanding
of marking and charting
different aspects of Spanish
speaking countries’ culture
through readings and the
class discussions while
collaborating with peers.
• Cornell notes
 Collaborative skills in small
 Present tense verb
 Graphic organizers
Marking and charting
Making Inferences and analyzing
Graphic organizers
Comparing & contrasting
different cultural aspects in
Spanish speaking countries
and the U.S. in their Focus notes
White boards
Bell work
Supersite activities
Class presentations
Online quiz
Chapter exam
extended through the
Proficient students will
extend their knowledge
of the topic by using the
preterite in sentences
and in writing pieces.
They will also use this
knowledge to critically
read short passages or
stories that use the
preterite throughout the
Throughout the yeareach essential has a
Proficient students will
• Informal observations/ticket out
Spanish Speaking country extend their knowledge
the door
to focus on:
by critically reading short
• End of the year project
articles and novel
• Class presentations
USA and Canada
excerpts throughout the
• Final exam
Puerto Rico
Communication 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Cultures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Connections 3.1, 3.2
Comparisons 4.1, 4.2
Literacy RL 9-10.6
Mission: Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.
Vision: Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and
career ready.
A proficient student will
learn to use writing
strategies, integrate
Writing Process
vocabulary, and sentence
Communication 1.3
structure principles to write
Students will learn the basic a composition in Spanish.
structure of a composition in
A proficient student will learn to use
writing strategies, integrate
vocabulary, and sentence structure
principles to write a composition in
sentences, transitional
words, body, conclusion
 3 key star outline
• Self-evaluating
• Revising
• Peer-editing
• Philosophical chairs
• Socratic seminar
Bell work (writing)
Informal observations
Short essay questions
Peer analysis
Final draft
Throughout the year
Proficient students will
extend their writing skills
by critically reading
articles and stories in
Spanish and exploring
different writing styles
and purposes of writing.
Mission: Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.
Vision: Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and
career ready.
Mission: Thomas Alva Edison High School will deliver challenging and meaningful instruction within programs that are designed to prepare all students for a variety of post-secondary opportunities.
Vision: Thomas Alva Edison High School will be a locally and nationally renowned learning environment where students, staff, parents and community members collaborate to ensure that all students are college and
career ready.