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AP Biology Course Syllabus
Unit 1: MOLECULES AND CELLS- Chemistry of Life
Objectives: Students should be able to:
Define the term atomic mass.
Calculate the number of neutrons in an atom.
Identify the elements most common in organisms.
Identify covalent and ionic bonds.
Describe the nature of polar covalent and nonpolar covalent bonds.
Explain the importance of hydrogen bonding in organic molecules.
Define and give examples of an isomer.
Name and draw the molecular structure for the following functional groups:
a. hydroxyl
b. carbonyl
c. carboxyl
d. amino
e. sulfhydryl
f. phosphate
Define the physical and chemical properties of water.
Describe water’s versatility as a solvent.
Describe the nature of acids and bases.
Give the relative concentration of H+ and OH- ions in any pH.
Describe the electron structure of carbon.
Explain carbon’s versatility in bonding to other atoms.
Give examples of structural isomers.
Write an equation for the condensation synthesis of a disaccharide.
Identify the general composition of chitin, amylase, cellulose and amylopectin.Draw the
condensation reaction of glycerol and three fatty acids to form a triglyceride.
Define the terms saturated and unsaturated fats. Give examples.
Draw the general molecular structure of a phospholipid.
Identify the general structure of steroids.
Draw an amino acid molecule.
Give an example for each of the following types of amino acids: ionized, polar, and nonpolar.
Identify the nature of each of the four levels of protein structure.
Give examples of an alpha helix, beta sheet, and globular proteins.
Define the properties that contribute to the folding of a polypeptide chain.
Draw the general structure of a nucleotide.
Describe the general structure of a nucleotide.
Briefly describe the nature of genetic code.
Identify the differences between DNA and RNA.
Define the types of energy.
Define entropy.
Draw a molecule of ATP and explain its regeneration.
Describe the relationship between free energy of activation and enzymes.
Describe the function of enzymes in living systems.
Describe the affect of temperature and pH and concentration of substrate on enzymes.
Describe the factors that affect enzyme activity.
Explain allosteric regulation of enzymes.
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Objectives: Students should be able to:
Identify the fundamental differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Identify the differences in plant and animal cells.
Explain the functions of the following cell organelles:
a. cell wall
b. cell membrane
c. ribosome
d. rough endoplasmic reticulum
e. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
f. lysosome
g. golgi apparatus
h. peroxisome
Describe the organization of the nucleus, including all structures associated with it.
Identify the constituents of the cytoskeleton, including the ultra structure of each.
Describe the process of breaking up a cell to separate organelles.
Explain the principles of diffusion.
Describe the process of osmosis, compare it to diffusion.
Define the terms: isoosmotic, hyperosmotic, and hypoosmotic.
Draw the fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane.
Solve an osmosis problem involving solutions of different concentration.
Describe facilitated diffusion.
Explain the sodium-potassium pump.
Define phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
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Unit 3: MOLECULES AND CELLS- Cellular Energetics
Objectives: Students should be able to:
Understand the nature of electron gain and electron loss in redox reactions.
Describe the 10 reactions of glycolysis in correct order.
Identify the reactants and products of glycolysis.
Describe the role of enzymes in glycolysis.
Write out the intermediate reactions between glycolysis and the Krebs cycle.
Write the reactions that occur in anaerobic respiration.
Explain why lactate is produced in overworked muscle cells.
Explain the function of acetyl COA in the transfer of energy in the Krebs cycle.
State the reactants and products of the Krebs cycle.
Describe chemiosmotic phosphorylation.
Identify the final acceptor of electrons in the mitochondria.
Identify the source and total number of ATP molecules derived from one glucose molecule.
Draw a model of the mitochondrion and indicate where each major energy activity occurs.
Write the overall reaction for photosynthesis.
Draw the structure of the chloroplast and identify its constituent parts.
Draw the structure of a leaf and identify the tissue layers and important cells.
Explain how gas interchange occurs between the leaf and the atmosphere.
Describe the structure and function of chlorophyll.
Describe the Hill Reactions.
Explain how oxygen is produced from water.
Describe the differences between photosystem I and photosystem II.
Explain cyclic electron flow.
Describe the differences between cyclic and non-cyclic electron flow.
Describe how ATP is produced in the thylakoids.
Describe the steps in the Calvin Cycle.
Identify the reason for the existence of the C4 pathway.
Diagram the C3 and C4 pathways.
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Objectives: Students should be able to:
Describe the process of binary fission in bacteria.
Identify the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosomes.
Draw the cell cycle and describe the events in G0, G1, G2 and S phases.
Name the mitotic phases in correct order.
Identify and describe the spindle, kinetochore, centrosome, centriole, centromere, asters, cell plate
and cleavage furrow.
Describe the major events in the mitotic phases.
Describe the process of cytokinesis in plants and animals.
Define karyotype.
Explain the purpose of meiosis.
Identify the correct phases of meiosis in order.
Describe the major events in each meiotic phase.
Diagram and explain the process of crossing over.
State the meiotic phase where crossing over takes place.
Explain how meiosis and random fertilization contribute to genetic diversity.
State Mendel’s Laws.
Explain how Mendel’s work led to defining his laws.
Define homozygous, heterozygous, allele, dominant gene, recessive gene, phenotype, genotype,
Solve genetic word problems.
Explain the inheritance pattern of sex-linked genes.
Solve a chi-square problem.
Explain the work of Thomas Morgan and others, which led to the chromosome theory.
Describe the effect of recessive lethal genes on a population.
Identify a particular inheritance pattern using experimental data .
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Unit 5: HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION- Molecular Genetics
Describe the experiments of Griffith, heresy and Chase, which proved the function of DNA.
Describe the work of Beadle and Tatum, which led to the gene-enzyme hypothesis.
Explain the work of Erwin Chargaff, which provided a clue to the formation of the DNA model by
Watson and Crick.
Diagram a model of DNA, including all monomers, sugars, and phosphates.
Identify the differences and similarities between DNA and RNA.
Describe the base pairing of DNA and RNA.
Describe the process of semi conservative replication of DNA.
Describe the “central dogma” of nucleic acids.
Describe the process of transcription.
Explain RNA processing after synthesis.
Define promoter, exon, and intron.
Describe the process of translation.
Describe initiation.
Explain translocation.
Explain termination.
Explain how operons operate.
Define operator, regulator.
Explain the process of transformation.
Describe the process of restriction analysis.
Explain the process of DNA electrophoresis.
Describe how restriction enzymes work.
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Unit 6: HEREDITY AND EVOLUTION- Evolutionary Biology
Objective: Students should be able to:
Identify the influences of the works of Malthus and Llyell on Darwin’s early thinking.
Explain the errors in Lamarck’s theory of evolution.
State the facts and inferences that form the theory of natural selection.
Identify and explain evidence of evolution:
a. biogeography
b. fossil record
c. taxonomy
d. comparative anatomy
e. comparative embryology
f. molecular biology
Define the term gene pool
State the Hardy-Weinberg theorem, including the conditions that must be in effect.
Solve word problems involving the frequency of genes in a population.
Define the term microevolution.
Define genetic drift. Explain how it contributes to microevolution.
Define and explain bottleneck effect and founder effect.
Describe how gene flow, mutation, nonrandom mating and natural selection can cause
Identify the sources of genetic variation.
Identify the modes of natural selection: frequency-dependent selection, stabilizing selection,
directional selection, and diversifying selection.
Define species.
Explain why any definition of a species is limited.
List and describe six types of isolation that may serve as barriers between dissimilar individuals.
Identify and give an example for the two major types of speciation.
Define and explain adaptive radiation.
Describe the two major mechanisms of speciation: divergent evolution and convergent evolution.
Compare and contrast punctuated equilibrium and gradualism.
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Unit 7: ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS- Structure and Function of AnimalsInvertebrates
Objective: Students should be able to:
Briefly explain the criteria used to classify organisms.
Define the term domain.
Explain the evolutionary relationships between the domains Eubacteria, archebacteria and
Name the major Protist phyla and the main characteristics of each phylum
Identify the main characteristics of Paramecium, Amoeba and Euglena.
Diagram and explain the life cycle of the malaria parasite.
Define cell, tissue, organ and organ system
Describe the concept of specialization.
Draw and identify the various cells which are found in a sponge.
Name the phylum to which sponges belong.
Describe the body plan of a coelenterate.
Differentiate between hydra polyp and medusa stages of a coelenterate.
Identify the distinguishing characteristics of a coelenterate (cnidarian).
Diagram and label a Hydra.
Describe the life cycle of Obelia.
Explain how coral reefs form.
Name the distinguishing characteristics of the phylum P/atyhelminthes.
Name the three classes of the phylum Platyhelminthes and give an example of each.
Define the term triploblastic.
Explain why three tissue layers are needed to form an organ.
Name the three embryonic tissue layers and give an example of an organ
which forms from each layer.
Define cephalization.
Explain the process of regeneration.
Explain why the tapeworms are thought to be a degenerated animal type.
Diagram and explain the life cycle of a liver fluke.
Diagram and explain the life cycle of a tapeworm.
Identify the tapeworm structures: scolex, proglottid, hooks, suckers.
Define the terms: acoelomate, pseudocoelomate and eucoelomate.
Identify the major animal phyla which are eucoelomate or pseudocoelomate.
Name the three major phyla of worms and give the distinguishing characteristics of each.
Diagram and explain the life cycle of Trichina.
Explain the significant advances in structure found in the phylum Annelida.
Identify five different mollusks which are eaten by humans.
Name the distinguishing characteristic of the phylum Mollusca.
Name the distinguishing characteristics of the phylum Arthropoda.
Name the classes of the phylum Arthropoda, and give three examples of each class.
Name and give examples of six insect orders.
Explain the terms protostomata and deuterostomata.
Give examples of protostomes and deuterostomes.
Describe the language of the bees”.
Explain why Echinoderms are placed on the same side of the phylogenetic
tree as Chordates.
List the distinguishing characteristics of Echinoderms.
Draw and label the early stages of development in a starfish.
Define invagination, gastrulation, archenteron, blastopore.
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Unit 8: ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS - Structure and Function of AnimalsVertebrates
Objective: Students should be able to:
Name the vertebrate classes and give an example of each class.
Describe the major characteristics of the three classes of fish.
Draw and explain the circulation of blood in a fish.
Describe countercurrent exchange using the fish gill as an illustrative example.
Identify the body covering found in each vertebrate class.
Identify the type, number and names of the appendages found in each class.
Describe the adaptations to land which were necessary during the evolution of
amphibians to reptiles.
Compare the circulatory system in fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
Name the orders of mammals and give an example of each.
List the distinguishing characteristic of each vertebrate class.
Compare the adaptations to full live birth as found in the monotremes, the
marsupials and the placental mammals.
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Unit 9: ORGANISMS AND POPULATIONS - Structure and Function of Plants
Objective: Students should be able to:
Identify the phylum associated with various plant specimens.
Diagram and label the parts of a flower.
Describe the process of ovule development.
Describe the process of pollen development.
Name the parts of the flower and identify the function of each part.
Describe the process of double fertilization.
Explain some of the various methods of flower pollination.
Diagram and label the life cycle of mosses.
Diagram and label the life cycle of ferns.
Diagram and label the life cycle of flowering plants.
Identify the parts of a seed and explain the fate of each part.
Define spermatophyte generation and gametophyte generation.
Identify the number of chromosomes found in both generations.
Name the three tissue systems in a plant.
Describe the growth of stems, identifying the primary and secondary
tissues which are formed.
Diagram and label a cross section of a root.
Identify the function of each of the tissue layers in a dicot root.
Diagram and label a cross section of a woody dicot stem.
Diagram and label a cross section of a dicot leaf.
Identify the parts in a stem and leaf and give their function.
Name the primary and secondary meristem tissues.
Explain how transpiration affects the movement of water in a stem.
Identify the four forces that cause water movement up a stem.
Explain how osmotic pressure affects the movement of sugar in a plant.
Describe the function associated with the Casperian strip.
Explain the forces that regulate the stoma.
Explain how stomata open and close.
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Objective: Students should be able to:
Identify the major bones of the human skeleton
Explain the path the blood takes through the heart and lungs, naming the
structures it passes.
Describe how blood pressure is measured.
Name the cells and inclusions found in whole blood and describe their function(s).
Define systolic and diastolic.
Compare the structure of arteries, veins and capillaries and their respective functions.
Name, in order, the organs of the alimentary canal.
Describe the functions of the stomach.
Identify the secretions of the stomach lining.
Explain the functions of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
Identify the constituents and functions of bile.
Explain how the level of glucose in the blood is maintained and regulated.
Describe the structure of the lungs.
Explain the disassociation curve for hemoglobin.
Describe the Bohr Shift.
Describe the loading and unloading of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.
Identify and explain the control of breathing.
Diagram and explain the microstructure of a muscle cell.
Explain, with a diagram, how the kidney nephron works.
Identify the organs of reproduction in both sexes.
Explain how the hormones vary during the menstrual cycle.
Describe the function of each sex hormone and gonadotrophic hormone.
Describe the process of oogenesis.
Explain, with diagrams, the early development of a vertebrate.
Explain the principle of countercurrent exchange.
Explain the principle of both positive and negative feedback.
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Unit 11: ECOLOGY
Objective: Students should be able to:
Define the terms ecology, ecosystem, biome.
Draw an explain an example of a food web.
Identify the major trophic levels and give three examples of organsims for each.
Describe the function of decomposers in the ecosystem.
Diagram and explain an energy pyramid.
Explain why the energy pyramid loses energy as it progresses through the
trophic levels.
Diagram and explain the nitrogen cycle.
Diagram and explain the water cycle.
Describe the process of succession.
Define the term climax community
Give an example of one terrestrial biome (tundra, desert or deciduous forest)
and describe its climate, general vegetation and examples of animals which may be found there.
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