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EES Study Guide / Review for Final Exam
Ch. 1 - Introduction
Describe the Nubular Hypothesis
What is geology?
List and explain Earth’s four major spheres?
Describe latitude and longitude.
What is a topographic map?
What is the main problem with any type of map?
A contour line is ______________
Populations grow exponentially. What does that mean?
Describe hypothesis, theory and law.
Ch. 2 - atomic structure
List the subatomic particles and their electric charges
Describe the three types of chemical bonding
What are the five characteristics of minerals?
How are minerals formed?
Mineral groups are determined by _____________
Know the properties of minerals
Ch. 3 - Rocks
What are rocks? What are the three types of rocks?
The Rock Cycle
Intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks
Sedimentary Rocks: Weathering, erosion and deposition; compaction and
Metamorphic rocks – factors that lead to the formation of these rocks
Agents of metamorphism
Foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks
Ch. 4 - Resources
Renewable and nonrenewable resources
What are the fossil fuels?
Tar Sands; Oil Shale
How are mineral deposits formed?
Placer deposits
Hydrothermal solutions
Alternative Energy Sources – solar (active and passive); nuclear energy; wind
energy, hydroelectric, geothermal, tidal
Water and air: point and nonpoint sources of pollution – give examples
Global warming
How can we protect our water, land and air resources? RCRA, Clean Air Act,
Clean Water Act; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Ch. 5 – Weathering, Soil, and mass movements
Mechanical weathering – frost wedging, unloading, biological activity
Chemical weathering – need for water
Spheroidal weathering
Factors that affect the rate of weathering – rock characteristics, climate,
differential weathering
Soil compositions
Soil texture – determined by particle size – sand, silt clay; soil triangle
Soil profile; soil horizons
Soil erosion control
Mass Movements: rockfalls, slides, slumps, flows, creep
Ch. 6 – Running Water
The Water Cycle – evaporation, condensation, transpiration, infiltration,
percolation, runoff, precipitation; powered by the Sun and gravity
Streamflow: gradient, discharge, base level;
Meandering streams, oxbow lakes,
Sediment Transport: Dissolved load, suspended load, bed load, competence and
Deposition, river deltas and natural levees.
Stream valleys – wide valleys and narrow valleys
Flood control – artificial levees, dams, limit development,
Drainage Basins – watersheds
Underground water – aquifers, aquitards, water table, zones of saturation and
Artesian wells, natural wells, springs, geysers,
Cone of depression; groundwater contamination
Caverns - sinkholes, Karst topography
Ch. 7 – Glaciers, Deserts and Wind
Valley and Ice sheets
How glaciers move – plastic flow and basal slip
Zones: accumulation, wastage; crevasses, snowline, calving,
Landforms: flacial trouph, horn, arête, cirques, hanging valleys,
Deposits: moraines, till and stratified drift, outwash plains, kettles, drumlins,
Deserts: ephemeral streams, playa lake,
Wind erosion: deposits: loess, sand dunes,
Types of volcanoes: shield, cinder and composite
Parts of a volcano: vent, crater, pyroclastic material and lava;
Other landforms: calderas, necks and pipes,
Plutons: sills, laccoliths, dikes, batholiths
Ch. 8 – Earthquakes
Rock deformation – stress and strain,
What factors affect rock deformation? temperature, rock strength, confining
pressure, time, rock type
Types of Stress: tensional, compressional, shear
Folds: anticlines, synclines, monoclines,
Faults: normal, reverse, thrust and strike-slip; joints
Types of mountains: folded mtns. fault-block mtns. (graben and horst) domes
and basins,
Focus and epicenter; faults.
Cause of earthquakes – Elastic Rebound Hypothesis
Aftershocks, foreshocks
Seismographs, seismograms;
P-waves, s-waves, surface waves; which travel fastest?
Earthquake distance and direction. how can you determine the distance to the
How can you locate the EQ itself?
Ring of Fire
Measuring EQs: Richter Scale, Moment magnitude
Liquefaction of the soil; Tsunamis; landslides, and fire
Earth’s layers structure: Core, mantle, crust
Lithosphere, asthenosphere, lower mantle, outer core and inner core; know the
composition of the inner and outer core, where convection occurs
The Moho; what is it?
Ch. 9 – Plate Tectonics
Continental Drift Hypothesis
Evidence for Continental Drift: jigsaw puzzle, fossils, rock types, ancient
Plate tectonics – plate boundaries – divergent, convergent transform
Divergent: Oceanic ridges and seafloor spreading; continental rifts
Convergent: continental volcanic arc, volcanic island arc, trenches, accretionary
Relative density of the oceanic crust and continental crust: which is more dense?
Briefly describe paleomagnetism.
Hot Spots – Hawaii
Cause of plate movement –
Ch. 11 – Mountain Building
Ch, 12 – Geologic Time
Uniformitarianism –
Relative Dating – Law of Superposition, Principle or Original Horizontality,
Principle of Cross-cutting Relationships, Inclusions
Unconformities – Disconformity, nonconformity, angular unconformity
Fossils – types – unaltered remains, altered remains, indirect evidence,
What factors favor fossil formation?
Index Fossils –
Half-life (t1/2)
Radiometric Dating
Dating with Carbon-14
Ch. 13 - Earth’s History
Geologic Time Scale – Age of Invertebrates, Age of Fishes, Age of
Amphibians, Age of Reptiles, Age of Mammals
Pangaea, Laurasia, Gondwana
Carboniferous periods – Importance of
Adaptive Radiation (Evolution) and Extinction
Ch. 10 – Volcanoes
Ch. 14 – The Oceans Floor
Factors affecting eruptions: viscosity (silica content), dissolved gases;
Volcanic material: lava flows: Aa and Pahoehoe; Gases, pyroclastic material
Oceans cover 71% of Earth’s surface
Four main ocean basins:
How have we mapped the ocean floor? (4)
Features of the ocean floor, continental margin, slope, rise, shelf, canyons,…
Trenches, abyssal plains, seamounts, guyots,
Mid-ocean ridges and seafloor spreading, hydrothermal vents
Ocean Sediments – Terrigenous, biogenous, hydrogenous,
Resources – Energy: oil and natural gas, gas hydrates,
Resources – other: sand and gravel, manganese nodules, salts,
Earth’s tilt is 23.5 degrees
Summer and winter solstices
Spring and fall equinoxes
Heat transfer – conduction, convection and radiation
Scattering and reflection of solar radiation – albedo (~30%)
Greenhouse Effect
Cloud cover and albedo
Ch. 15 – Composition of Seawater
Ch. 18 – Water in the Atmosphere
Salinity – about 3.5% (35 parts per thousand)
Processes that affect salinity – icebergs, runoff, sea ice, evaporation
Thermocline – ocean temperature variation
Pycnocline – ocean density variation; salinity and pressure affect ocean density
Ocean layering: surface zone, transition zone, deep zone
Ocean life – plankton, nekton, benthos,
Marine life zones – photic zone, aphotic zone, euphotic zone, benthic zone,
abyssal plain, neritic zone, intertidal zone, pelagic zone;
Primary productivity: photosynthesis and chemosynthesis,
Trophic levels – producers, herbivores, carnivores; food chains, food webs
Change of state for water: melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation,
sublimation and deposition
Humidity – saturation; relative humidity
Dew Point
As air rises, it expands and cools
Processes that lift air – orographic lifting, frontal wedging, convergence,
localized convective lifting
How precipitation forms – cold cloud precipitation, The Bergeron Process
Forms of precipitation: rain, snow, sleet, glaze, hail
Ch. 16 – Dynamic Ocean
Ch. 19 – Air Pressure and Wind
Surface Currents and Gyres
Coriolis Effect
Oceanic Conveyor Belt – driven by temperature and salinity
Wave characteristics –
Tides – causes of; Tidal cycle – Diurnal, Semidiurnal, Mixed
Shoreline Processes – Wave abrasion, wave refraction, longshore transport
Erosional Features – Sea arches and stacks,
Depositional Features – spits, bars, tombolos; barrier islands
Groins, breakwaters, seawalls; beach nourishment
What causes air pressure?
How do we measure air pressure? What instrument?
Factors that affect wind – pressure differences, Coriolis Effect, friction
High and Low pressure areas; cyclones and anticyclones
Global winds – non-rotating Earth Model; Rotating Earth Model
Hadley Cells,
Trade Winds, Westerlies, Polar Easterlies
Regional Wind systems: Land and Sea Breezes; Valley and mountain breezes
Measuring wind speed (anemometer) and direction (weather vane)
El Nino and La Nina; upwelling;
Ch. 17 – Atmosphere Characteristics
Ch. 20 – Weather Patterns and Storms
Composition of the atmosphere: oxygen, nitrogen, argon plus other gases
Pressure and temperature changes in the atmosphere
Troposphere – temp drops
Stratosphere – temp. increases due to ozone layer
Mesosphere – temp decreases
Thermosphere – oxygen and nitrogen absorb high-energy solar radiation
Earth’s motions – rotation on axis and revolution around the sun
Air masses; classification
Weather fronts: warm fronts, cold fronts; stationary fronts, occluded
Tornadoes – Fujita Scale
Hurricanes – Saffir-Simpson Scale
Ch. 21 – Climate
Factors that affect climate: latitude, elevation, topography, water bodies,
Human Impact on Climate – Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming,
Ch. 22 – Early Astronomy
Ancient Greeks, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus,
Geocentric Model; Heliocentric Model; Ptolemaic System
Modern Astronomy: Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler ( 3 laws of
planetary motion), Galileo Galilei (telescope) , Sir Isaac Newton (Universal
Earth’s Motions – rotation, revolution (perihelion, aphelion), precession,
Earth’s axis and the seasons.
Phases of the moon
Eclipses – solar and lunar
The Moon – Craters, highlands, maria, regolith,
Origin of the moon
Stellar Brightness – Apparent Magnitude, Absolute Magnitude
Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram – Life cycle of a star
Main sequence, red giants, super giants,
Variable stars (Cepheid Variables, Nova)
Birth of a star – Protostar Stage, Main Sequence, Red-Giant.
Burnout and death
White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, Supernova, Black holes
Galaxies – types of galaxies – spiral, elliptical, irregular,
Galaxy Clusters
Red shifts
The Big Bang, The Big Crunch
Ch. 23 – The Solar System
The planets – terrestrial and Jovian (gaseous)
Formation of the solar system – The Nebular Theory
Asteroids; Comets
Meteroroids; meteorite
Ch. 24 – The Sun
Electromagnetic Radiation: nature of light, photons
Spectroscopy – Continuous, absorption, emission,
The Doppler Effect
Telescopes – Refracting and Reflection – know the advantages of each
Chromatic Aberration
Radio Telescopes
Hubble Telescope
Structure of the Sun: photosphere, chromosphere, Corona,
Sunspots, Prominences, Solar Flares
Solar Interior – Nuclear Fusion
Ch. 25 – Properties of the stars
Characteristics of Stars – Color and temperature
Binary stars and stellar mass