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AP Psych VIP’s
Aaron Beck
cognitive-behavioral therapy, thinking colors our feelings
Abraham Maslow
humanistic, hierarchy of needs
Albert Bandura
Albert Ellis
observational learning, bobo experiment
cognitive, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
Alfred Adler
motivated by feelings of inferiority rather than sexual instinct
Alfred Kinsey
sex researcher, kinsey report
Anna Freud
focused on child development and ego psych, modified and expanded work of father
B.F. Skinner
behaviorist, operant conditioning, skinner box
Benjamin Wharf
language theorist, language affects thinking
intelligence test [stanford-binet]
Blakemore, Copper
sensory restriction in kittens
Carl Jung expanded/ modified Freud's views of unconscious, proposing concepts of personal unconscious, collective unconscious, and
Carl Rogers
humanistic, client-centered therapy
Carol Gilligan
critic of Kohlberg: didn't include women in his studies
Conrad Lorenz
Darley, Latame
studied bystander effect, diffusion of responsibility
David McClelland
included research into motivation and entrepreneurship
David Wechsler
developed WISC and WAIS {IQ tests}
Diana Baumrind
parenting styles
Edward Thorndike
Edward Titchener
Edward Tolman
law of effect
structuralism, mind made of structures, objective introspection
cognitive maps in rats
Edwin Boring
key research on sensation
Elain Hatfield
studied attraction and love
Eleanor Maccoby
rearing methods
explores the development of children's social behavior as it relates to gender, family functioning, and parental child-
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Elizabeth Loftus
stages of death and dying
memory construction, false memory syndrome, eyewitness identification
Erik Erikson
student of freud, psychosocial stage theory of development
Erik Fromm
age regression through use of hypnosis
Ernest Hilgard
Ewald Hering
opponent-process theory of color vision
cognitive dissonance
Francis Galton
Fritz Heider
Fritz Peris
divided consciousness theory of hypnosis, hidden observer
head size and intelligence
attribution theory, fundamental attribution error
gestalt therapy
G. Stanley Hall
APA-president, 1st american psych lab
Gardner Murphy
biosocial research, president of American Society for Psychical Research 1965-1971
George Sperling
studied sensory [iconic] memory
visual cliff
Gordon Allport
social psychology, complexity and persistence of prejudice, trait theorist
Gordon Bower
cognitive, role of emotion in information processing
Hans Eysenk
trait theorist, Eysenk Personality Questionnaire based on two personality dimensions
Hans Seyle
general adaptation syndrome and stress
Harry Harlow
attachment/ body contact studies baby monkeys
Henry Murray
Thematic Appreciation Test, projective personality test, achievement motivation
Herman Ebbinghaus
Howard Gardner
Hubel, Weisel
memory, nonsense syllables-learning and forgetting curves
splitter, multiple intelligences including musical and body kinesthetic [multiple intelligence theory]
nobel prize for feature detection in vision
Irving Janis
Ivan Pavlov
classical conditioning
Jane Elliot
blue eye/ brown eye experiment
John B. Watson
John Piaget
behaviorism, little albert
cognitive development stage theory
human sexual response
Julian Rotter
cognitive theorist, locus of control
Karen Horney modified and expanded freud's views, challenging his theories on female
sexual and moral development
Kitty Genovese
Kofka, Kohler
Kurt Lewin
died from bullet wounds on crowded street-nobody helped her
gestalt theorists
social psychology, interdisciplinary method of observing and interpreting social phenomena
L.L. Thurstone
splitter, seven primary mental abilities
Lawrence Kohlberg concept of cognitive dissonance, proposing people are motivated by the tension-producing effects of incongrous
conditions [cognitive dissonance theory]
Lewis Terman
studied gifted children
studied false memories created by leading question
Martin E.P. Seligman
Masters, Johnson
Max Wertheimer
Muzafer Sherif
research explores psychopathology, helplessness, and optimism
sexual response system
gestalt, perceptions result from organizaion of sensations according to rules
social psychology, studied group processes and conflict
Noam Chomsky
linguist, inborn universal grammar
Philip Zimbardo
prison experiment that lasted 6 days, social psychologist
Phineas Gage
famous for having rod pass through head
Raymond Cattell
trait theorist
worked with Watson on little albert experiment
Renee Baillargeon infant's ability to predict and interpret, awareness and cognition
[tested piaget's therapy]
Robert Sternberg
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence [academic, practical, creative]
inkblot test
pretended to be schizophrenic
with Singer, Theory of Emotions
Sigmund Freud
Simon LeVay
ego, id, superego [psychodynamic and psychoanalytic]
discovered that part of hypothalamus is smaller in gay men
Soloman Asch
conformity studies, line study
Sperry, Gazziniga
Stanley Milgram
split-brain experiment
obedience, shocks
modified binet's intelligence test
Wilhelm Wundt
William James
first psych lab, structuralism
William MacDougall
William Sheldon
instinct theory
trait theorist who studied body types
hearing and vision, Trichromatic Theory of Color Vision, color-specific cones