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Population Genetics, Speciation,
and Classification
Population Genetics
• Definition: study of evolution from a genetic
point of view.
• Microevolution: Change in the collective
genetic material of a population.
• Within a population, individuals may vary in
observable traits. Scientists use a bell curve to
show the frequency of traits.
Causes of variation
• Mutations: random, passed to offspring
• Recombination: Reshuffling of genes
• Random pairing of gametes: Because each
organism produces large numbers of gametes,
the union of particular gametes is by chance.
Gene Pool
• Total genetic
information available in
a population.
Allele Frequency
• If you knew all of the
alleles that are present,
then you could predict
expected genotypes
and frequencies of
Hardy-Weinberg Genetic Equilibrium
• The Hardy-Weinberg Theorem states that the allele
frequencies of a gene in a population will remain constant,
as long as evolutionary forces are not acting. H-W therefore
provides a baseline, for a population that is not evolving.
For a population to be in H-W equilibrium, the following
conditions or assumptions must be met:
• 1. The population is very large; there is no genetic drift
2. Matings are random
3. There is no mutation
4. There is no migration
5. There is no selection
If one of these conditions is broken, an evolutionary force is acting to change allele
frequencies, and the population may not be in H-W equilibrium. Natural
populations probably seldom meet all of these conditions; H-W provides a nice
model to study evolution via deviations from H-W equilibrium.
Hardy Weinberg Equation
Basic Relations
A = dominant allele
a = recessive allele
Where p = frequency of A allele
q = frequency of a allele
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Where p2 = frequency of AA genotype
2pq = frequency of Aa genotype
q2 = frequency of aa genotype
Gene flow
• Process of genes moving from one population
to another. Can happen through immigration
or emigration.
Genetic Drift
• Phenomenon by which
allele frequencies in a
ppulation change as a
result of random
events, or chance.
• Ex endangered
species, cheetas
Types of Natural selection
• Stabilizing- Those with the average form of a
trait have the highest fitness.
• Disruptive- Those with either extreme
variation of a trait have greater fitness.
• Directional- Those that display one extreme
form of a trait have greater fitness than
individuals with an average form of the trait.
Morphological species concept
• Morphological concept: Based on external and
internal structures. Same species?
Biological Species concept
• Proposed by Ernst Mayr, a species is a
population of organisms that can successfully
interbred but cannot breed with other groups.
• West vs. East medowlark do not recognize
each other’s song; so they do not interbreed.
Geographic isolation
• Physical separation of members of a
• Allopatric speciation- happens when species
arise as a result of geogrphic isolation
• Allopatric=“different homelands”
Reproductive isolation
• Results from barriers to successful breeding
between population in the same area.
• Sympatric speciation
-When 2 subpopulations
Arise due to reproductive
• Varieties of organisms considered at all levels,
from populations to ecosystems.
• Science of describing, naming, and classifying
• Any particular group within a taxonomic
system is called a taxon.
• Aristotle classified organisms based on where
they lived: land, water, air.
• Problems? How would a frog be classified?
Linnaean system
• Categorized based on form and structure.
Binomial Nomenclature
• Species or Scientific name with 2 parts
• Genus species
Homo sapiens
• Latin roots
• Subspecies: Variations of a species that live in
different geographic locations.
• Phylogeny-evolutionary history of a species or
a taxon.
• Phylogenetics- the analysis of the evolutionary
or ancestral relationships among taxa.
Homologous features
Embryological features
Amino acid sequence
Modern classification
• Domains- bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya
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