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Unit 4: Connecting the Hemispheres
Lesson 2: Renaissance Art
SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
b. Identify artistic and scientific achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, the “Renaissance man,” and
c. Explain the importance of Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press.
The Art of the Renaissance
The revival of _____________ in Europe helped bring an end to the Middle Ages & gave rise to the Renaissance. The
rise of ________________ brought artists together which led to new techniques & styles of art. Increased trade gave
rise to Italian ________________ & a wealthy middle class of ___________________ & ______________________ .
Wealthy bankers & merchants wanted to show off their new status by ____________________________________ . The
most important Italian city-state was ____________________; In this wealthy trade city, the Renaissance began.
Florence was home to the _______________family, the wealthiest & most powerful bankers in Europe. The Medici used
their wealth to commission art for themselves & to beautify Florence. The Medici paid to build a massive domed
cathedral for Florence.
New Styles and Techniques of Renaissance Art
1. ___________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________
Renaissance Artists
________________________ was the 1st great _________________ of the Renaissance. Donatello revived the classical
(Greco-Roman) style of sculpture that were realistic & could be viewed from all sides. Donatello’s “______________”
was the 1st large, free-standing human sculpture of the Renaissance.
_______________________ was one of the most famous Renaissance artists. He was a _________________,
_________________, _____________________, & _______________. His sculptures & paintings showed realism, detail
of the human body, & expression to show personality & emotion. Michelangelo sculptures “_______________”&
“_____________” are considered masterpieces. Michelangelo’s greatest work is the 130 ft x 44 ft ceiling of the
______________________________ which shows Biblical images of amazing detail, power, & beauty.
________________________________ was a true “Renaissance Man”. He was a ___________________ &
__________________ whose art was known for incredible ____________________ & ____________________ . He was
also an __________________ & ___________________ whose sketches reveal observations about human anatomy &
new engineering technology. His “____________________________” shows Jesus’ last meeting with the 12 apostles
before the crucifixion; the facial expressions, detail, emotion made it a masterpiece. Leonardo da Vinci’s greatest
masterpiece was the “______________________” which was known for its emotion & depth
_____________________“perfected” Renaissance painting. He improved _______________________ and
___________________ by studying Leonardo & Michelangelo. Raphael became the favorite painter of the ___________
because of his amazing detailed paintings showing a combination of famous Greeks & Romans along with Renaissance
people. Raphael’s greatest painting was “________________________________” which blended
_____________________________ from Greece & Rome with important people from the Renaissance.
__________________________ was Florence’s greatest architect. He studied the Roman ______________________
when he built the _____________________________________ cathedral in Florence. The __________ inspired modern
building designs
The Northern Renaissance
As these ideas spread, this “__________________________________” developed its own characteristics. The
Renaissance spread from Italy as scholars & merchants from other areas visited Italian city-states. The Renaissance in
_______________ was most known for its unique ____________________________. The Renaissance in
_____________________ was most known for ____________________, especially the plays of
______________________________________. The Renaissance in the _______________________was most known for
______________________ in art.
Another important renaissance man was the inventor __________________________________ who invention of the
moveable-type _____________________________ in 1453. He produced his first book — the
__________________________________ — in 1455. By 1500, presses in Europe had printed nearly 10 million books.
Printing made books less ____________________ and more __________________________. Written works became
available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, or German (______________________-the spoken language). More people
began to read (The _____________ was a popular book). After reading the Bible, people formed new ideas about
____________________________ (these ideas were different from official Church teachings