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Unit 2
Lesson 1
Ex.1 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
What can environmental pollution cause?
What do power stations, factories and cars produce while burning fuels?
If global warming continues unchecked, will it cause significant climate change?
Do you think electromagnetic radiation is a serious health threat?
What is known as acid rain?
What can government and individuals do to reduce pollution?
What international organizations are fighting to protect the environment? What methods
do they use?
8. How can we make our cities more environmentally friendly?
Ex.2 Learn the following words / word combinations.
exhaust fumes – выхлопные газы
soot – сажа
nitrogen oxides - окись азота
sulphur dioxide – двуокись серы
mist – туман
inhale into lungs – вдыхать в легкие
fine particles – мелкие частицы
premature – преждевременный, ранний
scorching hot – очень жаркий
bitterly cold – очень холодный
fossil fuels – природное топливо
profound implications –полное участие (причастность)
acidification – окисление
reduce emissions. – уменьшать выбросы
a slew – множество
loom – маячить
be exposed – быть подверженным
tumor - опухоль
impaired fertility. – сниженная способность к зачатию
robust – крепкий, здоровый
Ex.3 Match the words to their synonyms.
1. mist
a. agreement
2. penetrate
b. influence
3. consensus
c. cover
4. prevent
d. fog
5. impact
e. harsh
6. loom
f. enter
7. severe
g. appear
8. cloak
h. stop
Ex.4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.
1. The rain from these clouds falls as very weak acid known as ____
2. Acid rain is a result of air ___ .
3. Humans have changed Earth's atmosphere over the past two centuries, resulting in _____.
4. Governments are now beginning to ____that acid rain is a serious environmental problem.
5. Today there are more than ____cell phone users being exposed every day to the dangers of
electromagnetic radiation.
6. Sadly ____ are at greatest risk as their thinner skull bones allow for greater penetration of
cell phone radiation.
7. From the dishwasher and microwave oven, the clock radio to the cellular phone - exposure
to EMR is growing and becoming a serious health_____.
8. Researchers have now identified numerous mechanisms of harm, which explain how
electromagnetic fields impact your ____ and damage your ___.
Ex. 5 Choose the correct alternative:
Fine particles can also penetrate / damage indoors.
Acid rain looks, feels, and tastes just like cold /clean rain.
The rain sometimes falls many / few miles from the source of pollution.
Gas molecules that absorb thermal infrared / ultraviolet radiation can force the
climate system.
5. Many countries are now taking steps to reduce the amount of sulphur and nitrogen
fumes / emissions.
6. So it makes sense to make / take action now to protect yourself.
7. The fumes that come out of a car exhaust don't just contain the sooty grey particles they also contain lots of invisible drops / gases that can be even more harmful to our
8. Earth's surface has relatively mild, stable temperatures / climate.
9. Acid rain is a result of air / water pollution.
10. But there’s a huge public health crisis looming from one particular threat: EMR from
cellular phones / car exhaust.
Ex. 6 Arrange the words into the correct order:
1. The acid take the snow, mists, form of and dry can dusts.
2. Acid a result pollution rain is of air.
3. The into radiation midbrain enter all the way their can.
4. Carbon greenhouse dioxide (CO2) like and other gases act a blanket.
5. In the industrial atmosphere era activities have added greenhouse human gases to the.
6. What cause can pollution environmental?
7. Electrical produce appliances radiation electromagnetic.
8. Fine can particles indoors penetrate.
9. Humans changed have Earth’s over atmosphere the past centuries two.
10. EMR (electromagnetic radiation )growing is becoming and a health serious problem.
Ex. 7 Explain the meaning of the following word combinations:
Exhaust fumes
Mechanisms of harm
Wireless devices
Electrical appliances
Modern gadgets
Ex. 8 Read the text, give the title to each part.
Global Warming, The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation, Acid Rain.
Acid rain is a result of air pollution. When any type of fuel is burnt, lots of different
chemicals are produced. The smoke that comes from a fire or the fumes that come out of a car
exhaust don't just contain the sooty grey particles that you can see - they also contain lots of
invisible gases that can be even more harmful to our environment. Power stations, factories and
cars all burn fuels and therefore they all produce polluting gases. Some of these gases (especially
nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide) react with the tiny droplets of water in clouds to form
sulphuric and nitric acids. The rain from these clouds then falls as very weak acid - which is why
it is known as "acid rain". The acid can take the form of snow, mists and dry dusts. The rain
sometimes falls many miles from the source of pollution but wherever it falls it can have a
serious effect on soil, trees, buildings and water. Acid rain can be carried great distances in the
atmosphere, not just between countries but also from continent to continent Acid rain looks,
feels, and tastes just like clean rain. However, the pollutants that cause acid rain - sulfur dioxide
(SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) - do damage human health. These gases can be inhaled deep
into people's lungs. Fine particles can also penetrate indoors. Many scientific studies have
identified a relationship between elevated levels of fine particles and increased illness and
premature death from heart and lung disorders, such as asthma and bronchitis.
While other planets in Earth's solar system are either scorching hot or bitterly cold, Earth's
surface has relatively mild, stable temperatures. Earth enjoys these temperatures because of its
atmosphere, which is the thin layer of gases that cloak and protect the planet. However, 97
percent of climate scientists agree that humans have changed Earth's atmosphere in dramatic
ways over the past two centuries, resulting in global warming. Gas molecules that absorb
thermal infrared radiation, and are in significant enough quantity, can force the climate system.
These types of gas molecules are called greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other
greenhouse gases act like a blanket, absorbing infrared radiation and preventing it from escaping
into outer space. The net effect is the gradual heating of Earth's atmosphere and surface, a
process known as global warming. In the industrial era human activities have added greenhouse
gases to the atmosphere, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests. The
greenhouse effect, combined with increasing levels of greenhouse gases and the resulting global
warming, is expected to have profound implications, according to the near-universal consensus
of scientists. If global warming continues unchecked, it will cause significant climate change, a
rise in sea levels, increasing ocean acidification, extreme weather events and other severe natural
and societal impacts, according to NASA, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and
other scientific and governmental bodies. Governments are now beginning to admit that acid rain
is a serious environmental problem and many countries are now taking steps to reduce the
amount of sulphur and nitrogen emissions.
By Sue Kovach
Every day, we’re swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by
electrical appliances, power lines, wiring in buildings, and a slew of other technologies that are
part of modern life. From the dishwasher and microwave oven in the kitchen and the clock radio
next to your bed, to the cellular phone you hold to your ear—sometimes for hours each day—
exposure to EMR is growing and becoming a serious health threat. But there’s a huge public
health crisis looming from one particular threat: EMR from cellular phones—both the radiation
from the handsets and from the tower-based antennas carrying the signals. Today there are more
than two billion cell phone users being exposed every day to the dangers of electromagnetic
radiation: genetic damage, brain dysfunction, brain tumors, and other conditions such as sleep
disorders and headaches. Sadly, children and teens are at greatest risk as their thinner skull bones
allow for greater penetration of cell phone radiation. The radiation can enter all the way into their
midbrain, where tumors are more deadly. According to Professor Lennart Hardell of Sweden,
those who begin using cell phones heavily as teenagers have 4 to 5 times more brain cancer as
young adults! Pregnant women would also be wise to avoid cell phones as much as possible.
Experts in the area of the biological effects of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and wireless
technologies believe there's virtually no doubt that cell phones and related gadgets are capable of
causing not only cancer but contributing to a wide variety of other conditions from depression
and diabetes to heart irregularities and impaired fertility. Researchers have now identified
numerous mechanisms of harm, which explain how electromagnetic fields impact your cells and
damage your DNA. So please, be aware that there is already robust scientific evidence that cell
phones and other wireless devices pose significant health risks to all of us—especially to
children and pregnant women. So it makes sense to take action now to protect yourself.
Ex.9 Answer the questions to the text.
1. What can pollution result in?
2. What form can the acid take?
3. Is there any relationship between elevated levels of fine particles and increased illness and
premature death?
4. Can acid rain be transported great distances by wind?
5. Is now exposure to EMR growing and becoming a serious health threat?
6. What process is known as global warming?
7. Who is at risk of greater penetration of cell phone radiation?
8. What are the dangers of electromagnetic radiation?
9. Do greenhouse gases act like a blanket, absorbing infrared radiation?
10. Are cell phones and related gadgets capable of causing cancer and contributing to a wide
variety of other conditions from depression and diabetes to heart irregularities?
11. What will global warming cause if continues unchecked?
12. What can be done to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases?
13. What steps are many countries now taking to reduce the amount of sulphur and nitrogen
14. Do other planets differ from the Earth and in what way?
15. In what way have human activities added greenhouse gases to the atmosphere?
Ex. 10 Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations.
1. много других технологий
2. выхлопные газы автомобилей
3. вредные для окружающей среды
4. серная и азотная кислоты
5. проникать внутрь помещения
6. определили взаимосвязь
7. вдыхать в легкие
8. палящий зной
9. ледяной холод
10. парниковые газы
11. научное доказательство
12. электромагнитные частоты
Ex. 11 Match the words (word combination) to their definitions
1. Green (n)
a. доллары
2. Greensward
3. Greenstone
4. Edible greens
5. Green-stuff
6. Greenhouse
7. To have green fingers.
b. овощи, огородная зелень
c. газон, зеленая лужайка
d. быть умелым садоводом, огородником
e. кухонные травы
f. свежесрубленный лес
g. зеленщик, продавец овощей, фруктов
8. Greens
h. новичок
9. Greenwood
i. эколог, специалист по вопросам защиты
окружающей среды
j. нефрит
10. Greengrocer
k. теплица
11. Green hand
Ex.12 Speak on these topics.
The problems of air and water pollution in your home town.
How to avoid cell phone radiation?
What actions are necessary to take to reduce global warming?
Noise pollution has become one of the most acute environmental problems nowadays. What
measures do you think could be effective to solve it?
5. How “green” are you? What do you do to keep our planet clean?
Useful words and expressions
Ways and means to fight pollution:
 avoid the use of aerosols;
 ban cars from city centres;
 buy environmentally friendly products;
 help animals and wildlife;
 recycle paper , glass, aluminium;
 save water;
 stop dropping litter;
 stop the use of dangerous chemicals;
 use lead free petrol;
 use solar power.
Lesson 2
Ex.1 Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
1. Why wasn't pollution such as a serious problem earlier?
2. When have people become alarmed with the danger of pollution?
3. What can environmental pollution cause?
4. Why is pollution a complicated problem?
5. Can pollution be stopped immediately?
6. What can government and individuals do to reduce pollution?
Ex.2 Learn the following word combinations.
to be an integral part of - быть неотъемлемой частью
to impact on - влиять на
to interact with - взаимодействовать с
to contribute to – вносить вклад в
to increase the frequency – увеличить частоту
to intensity natural disasters – ухудшать природные катастрофы
to be vulnerable to – быть подверженным, уязвимым
to be concerned with – быть связанным с
to dump waste from – сбрасывать отходы
unexpected draughts – неожиданные засухи
to handle the crisis – справляться с кризисом
to bear the responsibility of – нести ответственность за
to have the authority - иметь власть
to set the regulations and rules – устанавливать ограничения и правила
to impose huge fines – налагать большие штрафы
to violate the rules and regulations – нарушать ограничения и правила
to come into an action – вступить в силу
to cause a significant change – вызвать значительные изменения
to install purifying systems – устанавливать очистительные системы
to grow beyond the concern of - выйти за рамки внимания
to strive to do smth. – стремиться сделать что-то.
Ex.3 Match the words to their synonyms.
1. integral
2. damage
3. amaizing
4. to violate
5. contradict
6. dramatic
7. to impact
8. to interact with
9. degradation
10. disaster
11. to contaminate
12. to dump
13. key role
14. to purify
15. sufficient
a. astonishing
b. resist, oppose
c. significant, important
d. whole, entire
e. harm
f. enough
g. to throw away
h. to clean
g. to influence
k. main part
l. to break
m. to interfere
n. to pollute
o. downgrading, reduction
Ex.4 Match the words to their antonyms.
1 contaminate
3. to violate the rules
4. harmony
5. responsible
6. sufficient
7. numerous
8. complicated
9. progress
Ex.5 Read the text, give the title to each part.
A political issue
Contamination of environment
The development of a serious problem
Contradictions between man and nature
Solution of the environmental problems
a. to obey the rules
b. conflict
c. not obliged
d. not enough, lacking
e. few
g. purify
h. predictable
i. above
j. degradation
Text 2B
Green Issues
The environment is made up of the earth, water, atmosphere and biosphere. We live within this
natural environment and are an integral part of it. The twenty first century is a century of the
scientific and technological progress. The achievements of the mankind in mechanization and
automation of industrial processes, in chemical industry and conquering outer space, in the
creation of atomic power stations and ships are amazing. But at the same time, this progress gave
birth to a very serious problem – the problem of environment.
Some hundreds of years ago people lived in harmony with nature, because industry was not
much developed. Today, however, the contradictions between man and nature are dramatic.
Our social and economic activities impact on the environment and can change the manner in
which its components interact with each other. These changes can result in environmental
degradation and contribute to an increase in the frequency and intensity of natural disasters and
the vulnerability of the environment to them.
There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is "acid rain". Cars
with their exhaust fumes, factories and plants have become the main source of air pollution in
industrial areas.
Another consequence is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth.
Ecology and the contamination of environment is concerned with climate, over-population in
certain areas, death of plants and animals, chemical contamination of seas, lakes and rivers as
well as atomic experiments and dumping of atomic waste from power stations. Floods,
unexpected draughts, and the greenhouse effect are the next reasons.
There are several different opinions concerning how to handle the crisis and who has to bear the
responsibility of solving the environmental problems. The key role, of course, plays the
government. It has the authority to prevent damage to the environment, setting the regulations
and rules and imposing huge fines if these rules and regulations are violated. However, measures
taken by government alone are not sufficient. Individuals have to come into an action and play
their role in solving the environmental problems, too. We should strive to work in harmony - not
destroy our environment. The efforts of every individual will cause a significant change in the
environmental issues. It is really simple. Even replacing plastic shopping bags with paper ones
and preferring bicycles to cars on weekends will help greatly.
The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political programme in every
country. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable
improvements in environment. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial
waters have been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters.
But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. Their
solution requires the cooperation of all nations. If we are unable to learn to use the environment
carefully and protect it from damage caused by man’s activities, very soon we’ll have no world
to live in.
Ex. 5 Complete the sentences from the text.
1. The environment is made up of…..
2. Some hundreds of years ago…..
3. The protection of natural resources and wildlife is becoming….
4. The twenty first century is….
5. If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully…..
6. The key role, of course, plays…..
7. The solution of environmental problems requires ….
8. If we are unable to learn to use the environment carefully…..
9. Another consequence is destroying ….
10. Even replacing plastic shopping bags with paper ones …
11. Floods, unexpected draughts, and the greenhouse effect …..
12. The twenty first century is a century of….
Ex. 6 Paraphrase the parts of the sentences in bold.
1. But at the same time, this progress gave birth to a very serious problem – the problem of
2. The key role, of course, plays the government.
3. Some hundreds of years ago people lived in harmony with nature.
4. These changes can result in environmental degradation.
5. Even replacing plastic shopping bags with paper ones and preferring bicycles to cars
on weekends will help greatly.
6. But the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country.
7. The efforts of every individual will cause a significant change in the environmental
8. Numerous anti-pollution acts passed in different countries led to considerable
improvements in environment.
9. In many countries purifying systems for treatment of industrial waters have been
10. The achievements of the mankind in mechanization and automation of industrial
processes, in chemical industry and conquering outer space, in the creation of atomic
power stations and ships are amazing.
Ex.7 Answer the questions to the text.
1. What gave birth to a very serious problem – the problem of environment?
2. What influences the environment?
3. What can lead to environmental degradation and contribute to an increase in the
frequency and intensity of natural disasters?
4. What are the consequences of damaging the environment and how to cope with them?
5. What is the role of the government in preventing damage to the environment?
6. Does the solution of environmental problems require the cooperation of all nations?
7. Can the efforts of every individual cause a significant change in the environmental
8. What is your contribution in solving the problem of environment protection?
Ex. 8 Dramatize the dialogue.
A. - Is the problem of environmental protection urgent today?
B, - Yes, the problem of protecting the nature is of primary importance today. Through their
daily activities people pollute and contaminate land, water and air. If it continues the damage
may become irreversible.
A - What are the main problems of today?
B – In my opinion cleaning up air pollution is one of the main problems of today. Urban air
pollution continues to expand as a result of the increased number of motor vehicles. Exhaust
fumes from the engines of automobiles contain a number of polluting substances.
A. - - Is acid rain damaging to nature?
B. – Yes, sure, one of the climatic effects of air pollution is acid rain. It is damaging to water,
forest, and soil resources. It is blamed for the disappearance of fish from many lakes, for the
widespread death of forests
A. - Does radioactive contamination of environment worry people?
B.- I think so. People also concern over the dangers resulting from massive releases of
radioactive materials from nuclear weapons, which, if used on a major scale, could seriously
endanger all of humanity.
A. - What can people do to stop pollution?
B. - As far as I know attempts to control pollution resulted in the successful elimination of such
sources of pollution as industrial effluents and the outdoor burning of trash and debris. The task
of cleaning up air pollution, though difficult, is not believed to be impossible.
A. - What can common people do to protect nature?
B. –It’s clear that to protect nature people should change their attitude to it. Man should stop
taking from it everything he needs and give it his love instead. Otherwise the payoff will be too
Ex. 9 Topical questions.
1. Ecology problems are of vital importance today. What can common people do to protect
the planet?
2. As nations we all share a single ecological space. Is it important that we all work together
to share, to overcome ecological disasters?
3. What urgent measures must be taken if we don’t want to leave a dangerous planet to
future generations?
4. Recently the environmental movement has gained widespread support. Do you think
environmental activists, organisations of volunteers do their best to stop pollution of our
planet? Would you join this movement? Why or why not?
5. Technical progress improves people's lives but at the same time it causes numerous
problems. Do you agree with this statement?
6. What are the sources of global danger nowadays and who is responsible for solving this
problem – governments or individuals?
7. It’s time we asked ourselves a question, «What can I do to protect nature?»
Ex. 10 Speak on the topics above. Use the following phrases:
As far as I remember… As far as I know…I suppose…I’m (not) sure…It’s clear that…It’s
obvious that…I’m convinced that… I think that…In my opinion…
Lesson 3
Ex.1 Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to it.
1. It is not easy to study at the university.
2. It is said that physics laboratory of our university is good.
3. It is known that natural changes in weather and climate may have more catastrophic
global effects than human activity.
4. It is difficult for mankind to predict changes in the environment accurately.
5. It is evident to all that purifying air, water and soil is changing from a national to a global
6. It is well known that satellites can control physical, chemical, biological and geological
changes on a global scale.
7. It was difficult for him to begin his work as an engineer in a small industrial town.
8. It is autumn now. It is dark in the morning and it is getting colder.
9. It is industrialization that is making ecological problems very serious.
10. The students find it difficult to translate authentic (оригинальные) texts without a
Ex.2 Translate the sentences, paying attention to different functions of “one”.
1. One must study a lot to become an engineer.
2. This summer is rainy, the last one was warmer and sunnier.
3. Last summer we spent in the country, this one we spent in the city.
4. One can take this textbook in the library.
5. You must write only one exercise now.
6. One can easily understand why the profession of an engineer requires a special college
7. One must realize that the increasing number of cars brings about considerable pollution
of the air.
8. Moscow is one of the largest cities in the world.
9. One must also know that if global warming continues unchecked it will cause significant
climate change.
10. This exercise book is thin. Please, give me another one.
Ex.3 Translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to different functions of “that”.
1. It is known that acid rain is a result of air pollution.
2. We know that electromagnetic fields can impact your cells and damage your DNA.
3. We must protect the clean water that remains for the sake of our children and
4. The exchange of incoming and outgoing radiation that warms the Earth is often referred
to as the greenhouse effect.
5. Scientists expect that it is possible to eliminate air and water pollution by planned actions
of human society as a whole.
6. The problem that has become the most important one is the problem of pollution.
7. That computers and robots are important for industrial uses is well known to scientists
and engineers.
8. The simplest materials are those which have only one kind of atoms.
9. Please, be aware that there is already scientific evidence that cell phones and other
wireless devices pose significant health risks to all of us.
10. It is evident that the most important ecological problems must be considered at the
government level.
Ex. 4 Read the text and answer the questions
Text 2C
Noise Pollution
Noise pollution is the presence of unwanted sounds that can seriously affect physical and
physiological health. It has become one of the most acute environmental problems of the world.
According to the European Environmental Agency millions of people are regularly exposed to
noise intensities that exceed the allowed level of 120 decibel. This causes aggressive behaviour,
sleep disturbance, annoyance and numerous illnesses such as hypertension, the potential loss of
hearing and many others. Noise pollution is becoming the greatest threat nowadays, that is why
effective measures must be taken to stop it.
The inhabitants of big cities continuously suffer from the traffic noise, they endure 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. They try to insulate themselves as best as they can from the noise.
Double –glazed windows and sound-absorbing barriers along the road could certainly help. But
the effectiveness of sound barriers is limited. In general the higher the barrier and the closer it is
to the noise source, the better it works. Millions of people are subjected to excessive noise levels
as a result of their proximity to airports. Every day they have to deal with the side effects of
living under flight paths. They have sleeping and anxiety – related problems. In those areas hard
disease doubles and the use of sleeping pills increases.
The source of some of the loudest complaints about the noise pollution is the sounds of road
work especially when they occur at night or during weekend. Sometimes people themselves are
to blame. They create a lot of noise through stereos and television, outdoor entertainment and
sporting events. They refuse to turn down music when they are having loud parties. There are
instances when people go to the extremes and are ready to murder their neighbours who play
their music too loud. This is exactly what a 78 year old retired farmer did some years ago on
Greek island. He had been complaining to his neighbour for months and only wanted to listen to
the evening news in peace, and once he lost control of himself, took his hunting rifle, went to his
neighbour’s apartment and rang the bell. When the neighbour answered the door, he fired three
times and shot him dead. Now he listens to the evening news in Greece’s maximum security
prison where he is serving two life sentences. So, most people would rather move their homes to
quieter places than confront the noise makers.
Some new approaches in the fight for tranquility are reassuring. The world is becoming more
and more resourceful in its attempts to get rid of intrusive noise. There is a tendency to create
sounds capes of natural sounds to suppress the unwanted noise. One can not doubt that sensible
urban planning, new technologies and creative acoustic architecture will restore piece and quiet.
But a lot depends on each one of us too. If everybody tried to do their bit in the fight against
noise pollution, the problem could be solved much sooner.
Ex.5 Answer the questions to the text.
What is one of the most acute environmental problems of the world?
In what way does exposure to noise affect people?
What measures are taken to stop noise pollution? How effective are they?
What are some new approaches in the fight for tranquility?
What are the ways of diminishing the road noise?
Why effective measures must be taken to stop noise pollution?
What is noise pollution?
Ex. 6 Speak about noise pollution in your home town. Suggest measures to eliminate it.
Ex.7 Translate into Russian
Land pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, sight pollution, air pollution, fight pollution,
environment pollution.
Ex.8 Watch the video film and discuss the problems of ozone layer depletion.
Unit 2 variant 1
I Choose the correct tense of the verbs. (2 points)
1. Many countries take / are now taking steps to reduce the amount of sulphyr and
nitrogen emissions.
2. Governments are now beginning / begin to admit that acid rain is a serious
environmental problem.
3. Every day we swim / are swimming in the sea of electromagnetic radiation produced by
electrical appliances.
4. The exposure to EMR grows / is growing and becomes / becoming a serious health
5. A huge public health crisis looms / is looming from one particular threat :EMR from
cellular phones.
6. Teenagers who use / are using cell phones heavily have 4 to 5 times more brain cancer
as young adults.
II Choose the correct word. (2 points)
1. Power stations, factories and cars all burn fuels and therefore they all produce polluting
a. gases b. smoke c. soot
2. Fine particles can also a. penetrate b. damage c. break indoors.
3. Earth enjoys these temperatures because of its atmosphere, which is the thin layer of
gases that a. defend b. cloak c. penetrate and protect the planet.
4. The net effect is the gradual heating of Earth's atmosphere and surface, a process known
as a. climate change b. acidification c. global warming.
5. Sadly, a. children and teens b. elderly people c. everybody are at greatest risk as their
thinner skull bones allow for greater penetration of cell phone radiation.
6. Researchers have now identified numerous mechanisms of harm, which explain how a.
greenhouse gases b. heatwave c. electromagnetic fields impact your cells and damage
your DNA.
III Match the words making word combinations (2 points)
1. acid
2. greenhouse
3 global
4. electromagnetic
5. environmental
6. fossil
7. infrared
8. fine
9. impaired
10 scientific
a. evidence
b. particles
c. radiation
d. pollution
e. field
f. warming
g. fuels
h. effect
i. rain
j. fertility
IV Fill in the gaps with the proper words.(2 points)
Biosphere, protection, progress, sufficient, environment, the responsibility.
1. The environment is made up of the earth, water, atmosphere and….
2. The …. of natural resources and wildlife is becoming a political programme in every
3. The twenty first century is a century of the scientific and technological…
4. However, measures taken by government alone are not …
5. Ecology and the contamination of … is concerned with climate, over-population,
death of plants and animals as well as dumping of atomic waste from power stations.
6. There are several different opinions concerning how to handle the crisis and who has
to bear ….of solving the environmental problems.
V. Make up 5 word combinations with the word pollution ( 2 points)
Unit 2 variant 1
I Choose the correct tense of the verbs. (2 points)
1. The rain from these clouds then falls / is falling as very weak acid.
2. The key role, of course, plays / is playing the government.
3. Our social and economic activities impact on the environment and can change the manner
in which its components interact / are interacting with each other.
4. Noise pollution becomes/ is becoming the greatest threat nowadays, that is why effective
measures must be taken to stop it.
5. The world becomes / is becoming more and more resourceful in its attempts to get rid of
intrusive noise.
6. They have sleeping and anxiety – related problems. In those areas hard disease doubles
and the use of sleeping pills increases / is increasing.
II Choose the correct word. (2 points)
1. There are many consequences of a.damaging b. polluting c. cleaning the
2. So, most people would rather move their homes to quieter places than a. agree b.
confront c. defend the noise makers.
3. Scientists expect that it is a.possible b. impossible c. useful to eliminate air and
water pollution by planned actions of human society as a whole.
4. That computers and robots are a.useless b.important c.helping for industrial uses is
well known to scientists and engineers.
5. One of the climatic effects of air pollution is a. smog b. sand c. acid rain.
6. The a. trees b. buildings c.inhabitants of big cities continuously suffer from the
traffic noise.
III Match the words making word combinations (2 points)
1 noise
2 natural
3 protect
4 save
5 use
6 stop
7 harmful
8 aircraft
9 pollute
10 recycle
a paper
b. the air
c. animals
d. noise
e. the environment
f. chemicals
g. the rainforest
h. dropping litter
i. solar power
j. pollution
IV Fill in the gaps with the proper words.(2 points)
Primary, greatest threat, noise pollution, atmosphere, electromagnetic radiation,
1. The problem of protecting the nature is of ….importance today.
2. Today there are more than two billion cell phone users being exposed every day to
the dangers of ….
3. The source of some of the loudest complaints about the …is the sounds of road work.
4. Some new ….in the fight for tranquility are reassuring.
5. .Noise pollution is becoming the …nowadays, that is why effective measures must be
taken to stop it.
6. Earth enjoys these temperatures because of its…. which is the thin layer of gases that
cloak and protect the planet.
V. Make up 5 word combinations with the word “green” ( 2 points)