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CHAPTERS 3,4,5 & 6
I. What is Ecology? 3.1
A. Ecology – the scientific study of ______________ among organisms and between organisms and
their environment or surroundings.
B. _______________ – contains the combined portions of the planet in which all life exists
1. Includes land, water and air
2. Extends 8 kilometers above Earth’s surface to a depth of 11 kilometers below the ocean’s
C. Levels of Organization –
1. _____________ – groups of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring
2. _________________– groups of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the
same area
3. __________________ – groups of populations
3. _________________– groups of populations along with their nonliving, or physical,
5. _____________– Groups of ecosystems
*Let’s Practice – Label the diagram below with the correct levels of organization.
D. Ecology Methods
1. Observing – …”what species lives__________ ?”
2. Experimenting – …”what __________ happen if we reintroduced wolf species back into
Yosemite National Park?”
3. ________________- …”what can computer models tell us about the impact of global
*Let’s Look at Satellite Images –Read pg. 66 of your textbook showing satellite images of Earth.
Global Change: What project assembled the images shown? ________________________________________
Rain Forest: From what part of the Earth were these images taken? _________________________________
>What is the difference in age between the two pictures shown? ____________________________________
>What do the feathered, or fishbone, pattern indicate on the picture on the right? _____________________
>What causes that particular pattern? ________________________________________________________
>What type of ecology method is this _________________________________________________________
II. Energy Flow 3.2
A. Producers – organisms that can ___________ their own food:
1. _________________– make food from inorganic chemical compounds
2. _________________– make food from sunlight through photosynthesis
B. _________________ – (heterotrophs)
1. Herbivores – eat ______________(deer)
2. Carnivores – eat __________________(lion)
3. Omnivores – eat __________ plants and animals (humans)
4. Detritivores – Feed on plant and animal _______________ (crabs)
4. Decomposers – break down organic matter and _______________ it back to the Earth
(bacteria and fungi)
C. Feeding Relationships - Energy flows through an ecosystem in _________ direction from the ______
(or inorganic compounds) to the ________________ to the various levels of___________________.
D. Food Chain – a series of steps in which organisms transfer ____________ by eating and being eaten.
E. Food Web – Shows the feeding ____________________ among various organisms in an ecosystem.
1. It forms a________________.
2. It is more ________________ than a food chain.
F. _________________ Levels – each step in a food chain or web
1. 1st level – __________________
2. 2nd level and up – _____________________ (1o, 2o, 3o, etc. are referred to as primary,
secondary, tertiary consumers)
*Let’s draw a food chain – The diagram below shows the organisms in a food chain. Draw arrows between
the organisms to complete the food chain. Then, label each organism with the correct trophic name.
*Let’s Practice Making a Food Web – A certain ecosystem contains the following organisms: grass, beetles
that eat grass, snakes that eat mice, toads that eat beetles, owls that eat mice and toads, foxes that eat rabbits
and mice, cougars that eat deer, rabbits, mice, beetles and deer that eat grass, eagles that eat rabbits, snakes
and owls. The illustration below shows all these organisms. Create a food web by drawing arrows to indicate
the flow of energy from one organism to another.
G. Ecological Pyramids – a diagram that shows the relative amounts of ______________ or matter
within each _______________ level in a food chain or web.
1. Energy pyramid – amount of energy; 10% Law – says that only 10% of the available_______
is transferred to the next trophic level.
2. Biomass pyramid – amount of _______________ tissue at each trophic level
3. Pyramid of numbers – number of __________________ at each trophic level
*Let’s Draw – In the box below, draw an energy pyramid with four trophic levels. Label each trophic level
with the correct name. Assume producers supply 500.000 kilocalories of energy. Write the number of
kilocalories that will be passed on to each higher trophic level at the appropriate location on your diagram
III. Cycles of Matter 3.3
Unlike energy, matter is __________________ within and between ecosystems through biogeochemical cycles.
A. Water Cycle
1. Cycles through the ocean, land and atmosphere
2. Enters atmosphere as _____________ (water vapor) through evaporation (from__________)
and transpiration (from plant_______________)
3. Vapor _____________________ and falls back to Earth (precipitation) into rivers, streams
and ground water and is reabsorbed by plant roots.
B. Carbon Cycle
1. Essential nutrient for all _____________ compounds
2. Less than 1% is cycled
4. Enters the atmosphere as __________ from respiration, volcanic activity, burning of fossil
fuels, decomposition of organic matter.
4. Plants take in CO2 to make______________________.
5. Carbohydrates are passed along the food chain and ________________ the atmosphere
C. Nitrogen Cycle
1. Organisms need nitrogen to make ________________
2. __________________exists in the atmosphere (78% of our atmosphere); in waste products
(ammonia, nitrates, nitrites)
3. Bacteria in the soil can take gaseous nitrogen and convert it to ammonia for use by
____________ (nitrification)
4. Dead organisms have their nitrogen returned to the soil through _______________________
in a process called denitrification
D. Phosphorus Cycle
1. Needed by organisms to make _________ and __________
2. Found primarily on land in rocks, soil and ocean sediments
*Complete the chart below comparing the different cycles of matter
Cycles of Matter
Enters the Atmosphere
Leaves the Atmosphere
*Let’s Review by completing “What is a Food Pyramid?” – (handout)
IV. Role of Climate 4.1
A. Climate – the average, year after year conditions of ________________________ and
_________________ in a particular region.
B. Weather – day to day conditions
C. Sunlight – energy from the _____ drives Earth’s weather and helps determine climate
D. Greenhouse Effect – The natural situation in which heat is retained by a layer of greenhouse ______
(CO2, methane and water vapor)
E. Effects of Latitude on Climate
1. Earth’s ____________ causes the sun’s energy to strike at different ________________
3. The difference in latitude and the angle of the sun’s rays results in 3 climate _________:
a. ______________________ – between poles and tropics (30o- 60o N and 30o - 60o S;
climate varies widely)
b. Tropical – near ____________________(30oN and 30o S) ; climate is always warm
c. Polar – top and bottom of Earth (above N and below 60o S); climate is always _______
F. Heat transport in the Biosphere
1. _______________ heating and cooling create winds and ocean currents
2. Land masses (especially mountain ranges) cause warm, moist air to ______, condense and
rain on one side of the mountain; the other side is usually _______ (rain shadow)
*Let’s Label – Using brackets, label the globe below with the three types of climate zones based on latitude
V. What Shapes an Ecosystem 4.2
A. Biotic factors – all _____________ members of an ecosystem
B. _______________ factors – wind, soil, sunlight, temperature, precipitation, humidity
C. Niche – an organism’s ____________________in its habitat
D. Community Interactions
1. _______________________ – occurs when organisms attempt to use the same resource in the
same place and the same time; often results in competitive exclusion principle which states that
no two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same time.
2. ______________________– an interaction in which one organism (predator) captures and
feeds on another (prey)
3. ______________________– any relationship in which two species live closely together
a. _________________– both species benefit from the relationship (flowers and insects)
b. _________________– one member benefits and the other is neither helped nor hurt
(barnacles and whale)
c. __________________– one member benefits and the other is harmed (ticks and dogs)
*Let’s practice vocabulary terms – Below are types of symbiotic relationships. Identify which type of
relationship is described. Use these answer choices: A. Parasitism B. Mutualism C. Commensalism
>Tapeworm living in the intestine of a human _____________________________________________
>suckerfish (remoras) attached to larger marine fish (sharks for example) just to hitch a ride ____________
>E. coli bacteria living in the intestines of humans and making vitamin K______________________
>honeybees feeding on a flower’s nectar and spreading the flower’s pollen to other flowers ________
>clownfish protecting itself by retreating into the sea anemone’s tentacles and cleaning the tentacles of the
anemone. ______________
>Fleas living on the body of a dog ______
*Let’s look at a real life symbiotic relationship with disastrous effects – “How the Parasitic Cowbird Affects
Songbird Populations” – (handout)
*Let’s explore predator/prey relationships- “Predator-Prey Populations” Lab – (handout)
E. Ecological Succession – the ____________________ change in an ecosystem when old organisms
die and are replaced by new ones.
1. _________________ succession – occurs on land surfaces where no soil exists; volcanic
eruptions, glacier melts; first species to appear are the pioneer species (usually lichens)
2. ______________________succession – follows primary succession; example: when farm
land is abandoned or when wildfires burn forests
*Let’s Practice – Look at the picture and read what’s in the boxes. Then use the pictures and definitions to
answer the questions.
>Which picture shows primary succession? ________________
>Explain your answer _________________________________________________________________
>Which picture shows secondary succession? ______________
>Explain your answer _________________________________________________________________
>True or false – Primary succession happens after a grassland is destroyed by a flood. ____________
VI. Biomes 4.3
A. Biomes – a particular physical __________________ that contains a characteristic assemblage of
plants and animals.
*Let’s Practice – Use your textbook pp. 98-112 to complete the handout “Where Am I?”
VII. Populations 5.1
A. Characteristics include
1. geographic distribution – the area __________________ by a population
2. density – the ________________ of individuals per unit ___________
3. _______________ rate
B. Population Growth – determined by
1. Number of _____________
2. Number of _____________
3. Number of immigrants/_________________
C. Exponential Growth
1. Occurs when the individuals in a population _______________ at a ________________ rate.
2. Under __________ conditions with unlimited resources, a population will grow exponentially
3. Graphs of this growth have a “__” shape
D. Logistic growth
1. Occurs when a population’s growth __________ or stops following a period of exponential
2. As resources become ___________ available, the growth of a population slows or stops.
3. Graphs of this growth show an “___” shape; the top horizontal line represents the
“____________ capacity” of the environment for a species
E. Boom and Bust growth
1. Occurs when under _______ conditions with unlimited growth followed by
sudden ___________.
2. Graphs of this growth show ____________ and__________________.
*Let’s practice graph reading – Below are a series of graphs that depict various types of growth within a
population. Look at each graph carefully and answer the questions that follow.
>Which curve illustrates the kind of growth that would occur under ideal conditions with unlimited
resources? _____________
>What is such a growth called? _____________________________
>Which curve illustrates growth that is eventually limited to a number that can be supported by
environmental resources? ______________
>What is that number called? _________________________________
>Which curve represents a cycle of nearly unlimited growth and sudden collapse? ______________
>What is a curve made up of such cycles called? ________________________________________
VIII. Limits to Growth 5.2
A. Limiting factor is a factor that causes population growth to ________________
1. Density-dependent
2. Density-independent
B. Density-_______________ Factor – a limiting factor that depends on ____________________ size
1. Competition
2. Predation
3. Parasitism and Disease
B. Density-Independent Factor – a limiting factor that affects _____populations, in similar ways,
_________________ of population size
1. Weather
2. Seasonal cycles
3. Dams
4. Clear cutting
IX. Human Population Growth 5.3
A. ____________________ – study of human populations; studied using:
1. Birth rates
2. Death rates
3. Age structure
B. Demographic Transition – a dramatic _______________ in birth and death rate
C. Age structure – models used to predict ______________ growth
*Let’s Practice – Examine the Age Distribution graphs below.
>Which population has the greatest potential for growth? ____________________________________
>Explain your answer _________________________________________________________________
>Which population is relatively stable? ___________________________________________________
>Explain your answer _________________________________________________________________
>Which population is declining in numbers? ______________________________________________
>Explain your answer _________________________________________________________________
*Let’s finish with some more graph practice using the handout “Predator-Prey Relationships”