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CHAPTER 5: Classical Greece
Classical Greece
The history and culture of classical
Greece has a significant impact on
the modern world.
CHAPTER 5: Classical Greece
• Section 1: Cultures of the Mountains and the
• Section 2: Warring City-States
• Section 3: Democracy and Greece’s Golden
• Section 4: Alexander’s Empire
Section 1: Cultures of the Mountains
and the Sea
• In ancient times, Greece was not a united
country. It was a collection of separate lands
where Greek-speaking people lived.
• The roots of Greek culture are based on
interaction of the Mycenaean, Minoan, and
Dorian cultures.
Section 1: Cultures of the Mountains and the Sea
Geography Shaped Greek Life
Ancient Greece
• Collection of separate lands where Greek-speaking people live
• Includes mainland which is a mountainous peninsula and
about 2,000 islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas.
The Sea
• The sea shapes Greek civilization, like rivers did in the other
ancient civilizations. Instead of living on a land they really
lived around a sea.
• Their proximity to sea and lack of resources encouraged them
to be good sea travelers and traders.
Geography Shapes Greek Life
The Land
• Mountains took up ¾ of the land in Greece: slowed travel
and divided land into regions with their own local
governments and loyalties.
• Lack of fertile land and sources of fresh water lead to small
populations and the need for colonization.
The Climate
• Moderate climate promotes an outdoor life. This is because
during winter the temperatures would average around 48
degrees and in summer it was around 80 degrees.
• Greek men, especially, spend much of their time outside
discussing public issues, exchanging news and living and
active life.
Mycenaean Civilization Develops
• Mycenaeans: Were a group of Indo-Europeans who settled on Greek
mainland in 2000 B.C.
• Took their name from their leading city, Mycenae. Located in southern
Greece on a steep rocky ridge surrounded by a huge protective wall. Could
withstand almost any attack.
• Mycenaean warrior-kings dominate Greece from 1600–1100 B.C.
Dominated such areas as Tiryns and Athens.
Contact with Minoans
• After 1500 B.C., Mycenaeans adopt Minoan sea trade and culture after
coming in contact with them. They took their writing system, religion, art,
and literature.
The Trojan War
Trojan War—fought by Mycenaeans against city of Troy in 1200s B.C.
A ten year war fought against Troy . As legend tells, a Greek army besieged
and destroyed Troy after a Trojan prince stole Helen, a wife of a Greek
Once thought to be fictional, archaeological evidence has been found to
prove this event to have actually happened. It may be based on real cities,
peoples, and events.
Greek Culture Declines Under the
Dorians Replace Mycenaeans
• Mycenaean civilization collapses around 1200 B.C., not long after the
Trojan War.
Sea raiders attacked and burned many of the Mycenaen cities.
• Dorians, possibly relatives of Bronze Age Greeks, would move into
• Less advanced than Mycenaeans, Dorians leave no written records,
and the economy would crumble under their rule.
Epics of Homer
• Because of the lack of written records, oral tradition grows,
especially epics of Homer—a blind storyteller
• Epic— a narrative poem about heroic deeds
• Homer’s epic the Iliad, which is about Trojan War, shows Greek
heroic ideal. Warriors such as the fierce Greek Achilles or the Noble
Hector or Troy are the definitions of heroes to the Greeks.
Greek Culture Declines Under the
Greeks Create Myths
• Greeks develop their own myths—traditional stories about
• Greeks seek to understand mysteries of life (like the
changing of the seasons) through myths
• Greeks would also attribute human qualities—love, hate,
jealousy—to their gods
• Here are an example of a couple of their Gods.
Zeus, ruler of Gods, lives on Mount Olympus with his wife,
• Zeus’s daughter Athena is goddess of wisdom and guardian
of cities
Section 2: Warring City-States
• During the Dorian period, Greek civilization
experienced decline. Dorians and Mycenaeans
began to identify more with the area they
were from and less with their ancestors.
• The growth of city-states began after tribal
control began to transform more formal
governments. This change in Greece lead to
the development of several political systems,
including democracy.
Warring City-States
Rule and Order in Greek City-States
The City-State
• By 750 B.C. the Greek city-state, or polis, becomes the
formal government
• A polis is a city and its surrounding villages, Most citystates controlled anywhere from 50 to 500 square
• Population of a city-state is often less than 10,000
• Citizens gather in the agora, which was the
marketplace, which was on an acropolis. An Acropolis
is a fortified hilltop
Rule and Order in Greek City-States
Greek Political Structures
• City-states have different forms of government
• Monarchy —rule by a king
• aristocracy—rule by nobility, rich landowning families
• Oligarchy —rule by small group of powerful merchants and
Tyrants Seize Power
• Rulers and common people clash in many city-states
• Tyrants —nobles and wealthy citizens would win support of
common people. These tyrants were not harsh and cruel.
They were actually looked upon as leaders who worked for
the interests of the people.
Athens Builds a Limited Democracy
Building Democracy
• About 621 B.C., democracy—rule by the people—develops in Athens after
many struggles between the rich and poor. Citizens would participate
directly in political decision making.
• The first step in the move to democracy came when nobleman, Draco,
develops legal code based on equality of citizens. Although most crimes
were punishable by death.
• Ruler Solon abolishes debt slavery, which Draco had upheld this idea
previously. He also breaks the population into four groups, and allowed all
citizens to participate in the assembly.
• Cleisthenes breaks up the power of the nobility by having citizens make
laws. Although citizens were only native-born, property-owning males are
citizens. Women, slaves, and foreigners all had few rights.
Athenian Education
• Schooling only for sons of wealthy families. Began around age 7 where they
studied many of the things students do today, but also public speaking and
logic to help them participate in assembly. When they got older they went
to military school in order to help them prepare to defend Athens.
• Girls learn from mothers and other female members of household. They
didn’t have much to do with anything outside of their family and home.
Only a few would actually learn to read and write.
Sparta Builds a Military State
Sparta Builds a Military State
• Sparta, located in the southern part of Greece and isolated
from much of Greece, builds military state. Which differed
much from that of Athens.
Sparta Dominates Messenians
• Around 725 B.C., Sparta conquers Messenia. Messenians
become helots, peasants forced to farm the land
• Harsh rule and spartans taking of half of their crops leads to
Messenian revolt and near defeat. As a result Spartan,
dedicate their nation to being a stronger state.
Sparta’s Government and Society
• Spartan government: They had an Assembly which featured
all Spartan citizens, A Council of Elders: made up of 30
older citizens, and five elected citizens to carry out laws.
• Three social classes: citizens, free noncitizens, helots—slaves
Sparta Builds a Military State
Spartan Daily Life
• Spartan values: duty, strength, discipline over freedom, but individual
expression was discouraged.
• Service to Sparta was above anything else. So art, literature, and
other artistic and intellectual pursuits were not valued.
• Sparta had the most powerful army in Greece, because of the
citizens service and devotion to their country and military.
• Males move into barracks at age 7, train until 30, serve until 60.
Spent days marching, exercising and fighting. They lived a harsh life
during training, they had to brave the elements and didn’t receive
much food. They were encouraged to steal what they needed as it
taught them how to be resourceful.
• Girls receive some military training and live hardy lives. They had
considerable freedom compared to other Greek places like Athens.
• Girls also taught to value service to Sparta above all else
The Persian Wars
A New Kind of Army Emerges
• Cheaper iron replaces bronze, making arms and armor cheaper
• The affordable arms and armor lead to a new kind of army; no longer was
the army only for rich citizens, it would include soldiers from all classes
• Foot solider were known as hoplites. The hoplites would form a Phalanx —
where they would stand side by side with a shield in one hand and a spear
in the other. The phalanx would make the Spartans the best fighting force
in the world.
Battle at Marathon
• Persian Wars—between Greece and Persian Empire—begin in Ionia
• After being conquered by the Persians, Ionian Greeks revolted with help
from Athens, but were defeated. After putting down the revolt, the
Persian army attacks Athens, and is defeated at Marathon in 490 B.C.
Pheidippides Brings News
• Runner Pheidippides races to Athens to announce Greek victory and to tell
the people to defend their city.
The Persian Wars
Thermopylae and Salamis
• In 480 B.C., Persians launch new invasion of Greece
• During this time, the Greeks are divided; many stay neutral
or side with Persians.
• Greek forces, led by 300 Spartans would hold Thermopylae
for three days before all Spartans were killed, as the other
Greeks retreated to fight another day.
• Athenians would defeat Persians at sea, near island of
• Victories at Salamis and Plataea force Persian retreat
• Many city-states form Delian League and continue to fight
Persians. Pushing them out of Greek lands.
The Persian Wars
Consequences of the Persian Wars
• New self-confidence in Greece due to victory
• Athens emerges as leader of Delian League
• Athens controls the league by using force against
• League members essentially become provinces of
Athenian empire
• Stage is set for a dazzling burst of creativity in
Section 3: Democracy and Greece’s
Golden Age
• For almost 50 years (477-431) Athens
experienced a growth in intellectual and
artistic learning.
• Democratic principles and classical culture
flourish during Greece’s golden age.
Section 3: Democracy and Greece’s
Golden Age
Pericles’ Plan for Athens
Pericles as Leader
• Skillful politician, inspiring speaker, respected general
• Dominates life in Athens from 461 to 429 B.C.
• He had 3 goals: 1.strenghten Athenian democracy 2.
hold and strengthen the empire 3. glorify Athens
1. Stronger Democracy
• Pericles hires more public officials; creates direct
• Direct democracy —citizens rule directly, not through
2. Holding Athenian Empire
• Takes over Delian League; uses money to
strengthen Athenian fleet
• Sparta and other cities resent Athenian power
3. Glorifying Athens
• Pericles buys gold, ivory, marble; hires artisans
to beautify Athens
Glorious Art and Architecture
Architecture and Sculpture
• Pericles builds the Parthenon—a large temple to
honor goddess Athena
• Within temple, sculptor Phidias crafts 30-foot
statue of Athena
• Sculptors create graceful, strong, perfectly formed
• Classical art—values harmony, order, balance,
proportion, beauty
Drama and History
Tragedy and Comedy
• Greeks invent drama as an art form; includes chorus, dance,
• Two forms of drama: tragedy and comedy
• Tragedy—tells story of heroes’ downfall; themes of love,
hate, war
• Comedy— makes fun of politics and respected people;
slapstick humor
• Greek dramatists include Aeschylus, Euripides, Aristophanes
• Historians Herodotus and Thucydides record and study past
events. Thucydides believes that history repeats itself. An
idea most hold still today.
Athenians and Spartans Go to War
As Athens became rich and powerful, others started to view Athens with
hostility. This was especially true with Sparta. Instead of avoiding war,
both believed in their country’s might and pushed for war.
War Begins
• 431 B.C. city-states Sparta and Athens begin their war—Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian War
• Sparta has better army, Athens has better navy. Sparta is land locked so it
avoids war at sea and tries to hurt Athens by burning their food. But they
could just bring it in from other areas.
• Plague strikes Athens in 430 B.C., kills many—including Pericles, Athens was
weak but continued to fight.
• Sparta and Athens sign truce in 421 B.C. after both were exhausted from the
Sparta Gains Victory
• 415 B.C. Athens renews war, attacks Syracuse; is defeated badly in 413 B.C.
• Athens and allies surrender to Sparta in 404 B.C., and lost their empire.
Philosophers Search for Truth
Rise of Great Philosophers
• After the war, rise of philosophers—thinkers, "lovers of
• Believe universe is subject to absolute and unchanging laws
• People could understand these laws through logic, reason
• Sophist philosopher Protagoras questions the existence of
Greek gods
• Socrates—believes in questioning and self-examination of
ones values and actions
• Convicted of corrupting young people; sentenced to death
in 399 B.C.
Philosophers Search for Truth
• Plato— student of Socrates; writes The Republic—his recipe
for an ideal society
• In 387 B.C., establishes Athens school, the Academy; lasts
900 years
• His writings dominate European philosophy for 1,500 years
• Aristotle—student of Plato; uses rules of logic for argument
• His work provides the basis for scientific method, still used
• Tutors 13-year-old prince who becomes Alexander the Great
Section 4: Alexander’s Empire
• Phillip II builds up Macedonia’s army and takes
over Greece, he would soon die and his son
Alexander would take his spot as King.
• Alexander the Great conquers Persia and
Egypt and extends his empire to the Indus
River in northwest India.
Section 4: Alexander’s Empire
Philip Builds Macedonian Power
• Macedonia —kingdom of mountain villages north of Greece
• King Philip II— was their ruler, a brilliant general, who dreamed of
controlling Greece
• Macedonians call themselves Greek, but the rest of Greece does not,
they think they are backwards and uncivilized.
Philip’s Army
• Philip creates well-trained professional army; plans to invade Greece.
Uses Spartan ideas and tactics, as well as cavalries.
Conquest of Greece
• 338 B.C. Macedonians defeat Greece, Athens and Thebes joined
together to fight, but did not taking them seriously at first Greeks
would lose their independence.
• But in 336 B.C. King Philip is murdered by one of his former
• His son claims himself king of Macedonia—his son was Alexander
the Great
Alexander Defeats Persia
Alexander’s Early Life
• Tutored by Aristotle where he learned science, geography, and
literature. He was inspired by the Iliad. He also had military
training such as: riding horses, using weapons, and commanding
• Alexander become king when he was 20 years old. One of the first
things he does is destroy Thebes to curb a rebellion. The rest of the
Greeks saw this cruelty and power, so they left their ideas of
rebellion behind.
Invasion of Persia
• In 334 B.C. Alexander invades Persia, following his father’s former
plans and he receives a quick victory at the Granicus River.
• Darius III, king of Persia, sees the threat of Alexander and he
assembles an army of 50,000–75,000 men to fight agaisnt
• Alexander defeats Persians again, this forces the King of Persia to
flee. Alexander would now have control over Anatolia.
Alexander Defeats Persia
Conquering the Persian Empire
• After the defeat, Darius tries to negotiate a treaty with
Alexander, but he refuses as he wants to conquer all of
• Alexander marches into Egypt, and the Egyptians crowned
him pharaoh in 332 B.C. They actually viewed him as a
• At Gaugamela in Mesopotamia, Alexander defeats Persians
again. This marks the end of Persia’s power.
• Alexander captures cities of Babylon, Susa, and Persepolis
• Persepolis, the Persian capital, burned to the ground.
• Ashes of Persepolis signal total destruction of Persian
Alexander’s Other Conquests
Alexander in India
• Alexander fights his way across the deserts of Central Asia to
• Alexander conquers Indus Valley area in 326 B.C., and tries
to march on.
• He would reluctantly return to Babylon because his soldiers
are tired and sick of fighting, and soon he dies in 323 B.C. at
only the age of 32 years old.
Alexander’s Legacy
• Alexander merges Greek and Persian cultures; he wears
Persian clothing and even his wife is Persian
• Empire becomes three kingdoms: (1) Macedonia, Greek citystates, led by Antigonus; (2) Egypt, led by Ptolemy; (3) old
Persia, also known as Seleucid kingdom, is led by Selecus.