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UbD Physical Science Unit
Unit Cover Page
Unit Title: Structure and Properties of Atoms (Element)
Grade Level: 10
Subject/Topic: Physical Science
Key Words:
Sub-atomic particles: proton, neutron, electron
atomic number
mass number
atomic mass
group or family
valence electron
Designed by: Martha Graham
Time Frame: Approx. 10-12 days
School District: Newberry
School: Newberry High School
Brief Summary of Unit (including curricular context and unit goals):
This is an introduction so it is essential to emphasize a concrete, descriptive approach.
This unit is designed to give students an understanding of matter. Including the knowledge
that all matter is made of atoms or elements with identifiable structure and properties that
makes up matter.
Unit Design Status: In Progress
Completed template pages – Stages 1, 2, and 3
Completed blueprint for each performance task
Completed rubrics
Directions to students
Materials and resources listed
Suggested accommodations
Suggested Extensions
Initial Draft (date:
Peer Reviewed
Content reviewed
Revised draft (date:
Field Tested
Stage 1- Identify Desired Results
Established Goals:
Standard PS-2:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and properties of
Compare the subatomic particles (protons, neutrons, electrons) of an atom with regard to mass,
location, and charge, and explain how these particles affect the properties of an atom (including
identity, mass, volume, and reactivity).
Explain the trends of the periodic table based on the elements’ valence electrons and atomic
Use the atomic number and the mass number to calculate the number of protons, neutrons, and/or
electrons for a given isotope of an element.
What essential questions will be considered?
Students will know…
What are the sub-atomic particles?
How do sub-atomic particles affect the
properties of an atom?
How do valence electrons and atomic
numbers affect the placement of an atom
on the periodic table?
How are the number of protons,
neutrons and electrons calculated for a
given element or isotope?
What understandings are desired?
Students will understand that…
the three primary subatomic particles with regard to
mass, charge and location
explain the role that the three primary subatomic particles
have in determining the mass of the atom, the volume of
the atom, the identity of the atom and how the atom is
likely to react chemically.
the correct procedure to mathematically determine the
number of protons, neutrons, and/or electrons in an
isotope of an element when given the mass number and
the atomic number of the isotope.
What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know….
Students will be able to…
 Summarize information learned about each
Particle type:
of the atomic particles.
ο Know that the atom is composed of subatomic
 Identify and compare the subatomic
particles (protons, neutrons, and electrons) that
particles that compose atoms and develop a
affect the properties of an atom.
fundamental concept of the role that these
Particle mass:
three particles have in determining the
ο Understand that protons and neutrons have about
properties of the atoms that they compose.
the same mass.
 Interpret the mass number and the atomic
ο Understand that the mass of an electron is much
number from the symbol for an isotope of
less than the mass of protons and neutrons (It is
an element.
not necessary for students to know the exact
 Identify an element from the periodic table.
mass of the particles)
 Determine the protons, neutrons, and
Particle charge:
electrons for an atom (element).
ο Understand that protons have a positive charge;
 Exemplify a trend (find a specific example
know that neutrons have no charge.
Understand that the net charge of the nucleus is
positive and equal to the number of protons.
ο Understand that electrons have a negative
ο Understand that there is an attractive force
between electrons and protons
ο Understand that there is a repulsive force
between electrons and electrons, and between
protons and protons.
ο Understand that atoms are neutrally charged
because the number of electrons is the same as
the number of protons.
Particle location:
ο Understand that protons and neutrons are tightly
bound in a tiny nucleus.
ο Understand that the nucleus is located in the
center of an electron cloud.
ο Understand that the electron cloud is the space
where electrons are moving erratically in areas
of space called energy levels.
ο Understand that energy levels are regions of
space at increasing distances from the nucleus.
ο Electrons with more energy occupy energy
levels further from the nucleus.
 There are a maximum number of electrons
that can occupy each energy level and that
number increases the further the energy
level is from the nucleus.
of a trend);
Infer some aspects of atomic structure of
an element based on its position on the
periodic table (draw a logical conclusion
from presented information); or
Compare some aspects of atomic structure
of two or more elements based on their
relative positions on the periodic table
(detect correspondences between two
PS 2.3
Understand the parts of the periodic table in order to
understand trends
ο Know that Period is the term used to describe a
horizontal row on the periodic table.
ο Know that Group and family are terms used to
describe a vertical column on the periodic table.
ο Locate major categories of elements such as the
metals, metalloids, and nonmetals (metals and
nonmetals were introduced in 7th grade).
Metalloids should be identified as elements
that have some characteristics of metals and
some of nonmetals; they border the line
between metals and nonmetals on the
periodic table.
ο Locate referenced elements when prompted with
a period number or group number.
ο Determine a given element’s atomic number
(number of protons).
ο Determine the number of electrons that an atom
of a given element contains (the same as the
number of protons-atomic number).
ο Determine how many energy levels are occupied
in a given element by recognizing that the period
in which an element appears on the periodic
table indicates the number of occupied energy
 For example, all elements in period 4 have
four occupied energy levels.
 This is an introduction to quantum theory
that will be studied in chemistry.
Recognize a given element’s atomic mass (the
weighted average of the masses of the naturally
occurring isotopes of the element), by
recognizing that the atomic mass of an element
is a decimal number. It is always larger than the
atomic number and generally increases
erratically for each successive element
Determine the number of valence electrons
(electrons in the outer-most energy level), for
selected groups of elements when given the
element’s group number or name.
 Elements in groups 1-2, 13-18
 Understand some of the trends in the properties of
the elements that the periodic table displays.
ο Periodic trends in the number of valence
 From left to right across periods 1-3: (Not
from left to right across periods 4-7 as a
deeper understanding of quantum theory is
prerequisite for understanding these trends.
 Atoms of all these elements contain one
more valence electron than the atoms of
the previous element.
 From top to bottom within any group:
 Atoms of all of the elements in a given
group contain the same number of
valence electrons.
Periodic trends in the number of energy levels:
 From left to right across any period:
 Atoms of all elements in a given period
have the same number of energy levels.
From top to bottom within any group
 Atoms of each subsequent element
(from top to bottom) in any given group
contain one more energy level than the
atoms of the element above.
Use knowledge of those trends to predict properties
of elements relative to each other. (not specific
values, but given two elements, determine which
element will have the higher value for each of the
trends listed above.)
PS 2-4
Use the equation: mass number = number of protons +
number of neutrons and a periodic table to perform the
following calculations:
ο When given the symbol for an isotope of an
element (which includes the element’s symbol
and the mass number of the isotope), determine
the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons
1. Determine the number of protons and the
number of electrons from the periodic table
2. Calculate the number of neutrons from the
ο When given the mass number and the number of
neutrons for a particular isotope of an unknown
element, write the symbol for the isotope
1. Use the above equation to calculate the
number of protons.
2. Use the number of protons to determine the
number of electrons, and the identity of the
Write the symbol for the isotope
or Al-27
Stage 2- Determine Acceptable Evidence
What evidence will show that students understand?
Performance Tasks:
Element Advertisement Poster
Now that you have determined several ways to identify elements, you will be assigned an element to make
an advertisement poster on its everyday use. You want to make this poster as appealing as possible for your
immediate classmates and school community, so that people will take the time to read and learn about the
everyday use of several elements found on the Periodic Table
Your poster needs to include the following:
A Catchy Title and Atomic Model
Bohr Diagram and Lewis Structure
A Listing of physical and chemical properties of your assigned element (at least two each)
A picture of where this element is found and how is it used; in other words, its everyday
application; (This picture should either be drawn, taken from the internet, a magazine, or xeroxed
copy from a book).
Model of any isotopes (if the exist)
A one-paragraph typed caption for the above picture telling where the element is found and how it is used.
Give the element's atomic symbol. This information must be factual and written in your own words. If you
choose to do so, your one-paragraph caption can be written as a poem or jingle.
What other evidence needs to be collected in light of Stage 1 Desired Results?
Other Evidence
(e.g., tests, quizzes, prompts, work samples, observations)
Quiz on determining the correct number of protons, electrons and neutrons for an atom
Trading cards and presentations
Student Self-Assessment and Reflection:
Self assessment of element trading card
Self assessment of Bohr diagram and Lewis structure
Reflection on how elements make up everyday objects they can identify and all other matter.
Stage 2- Determine Acceptable Evidence (continued)
Assessment Task Blueprint
What understandings or goals will be assessed through this task?
Students will develop an advertising poster for an
element that show demonstrates the correct number
of sub-atomic particles, locations of particles,
properties of the element and everyday uses of that
What criteria are implied in the standards and
understandings regardless of the task specifics?
What qualities must student work demonstrate
to signify that standards were met?
Correct calculation of sub-atomic particles.
Pattern of valence electron and location on
periodic table
Everyday uses of elements
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate understanding?
Task Overview:
In creating their advertising posters, students will demonstrate and understanding of how sub-atomic
particles are determined. They will also show with their models that how the particle influence the property
of each element (metal, non-metal, stable unstable etc), its location on the periodic table and how elements
are used in everyday objects.
What student products and performances will provide evidence of desired understandings?
Final performance task will show that students
 Element cards should demonstrate that
understand how the particle influence the property
they can determine the correct # of subof each element (metal, non-metal, stable unstable
atomic particles for a given element.
etc), its location on the periodic table and how
 Correct drawings show an understanding
elements are used in everyday objects.
of valence electrons and placement of
electrons in energy levels.
By what criteria will student products and performances be evaluated?
A rubric should be developed using the assignment
handout. Points should be assigned to each of the
criteria on the handout to determine how grade will
be calculated. Students can help teacher do this task
at the time the assignment is given so that students
will have a clear understanding of what is expected
of them.
Stage 3- Plan Learning Experiences
What sequence of teaching and learning experiences will equip students to engage with, develop, and demonstrate
the desired understandings? Use the following sheet to list the key teaching and learning activities in sequence.
Code each entry with the appropriate initials of the WHERETO elements
1. Begin with an entry question (What element makes up the matter we use in our daily
lives?) to hook students into seeing the connection between the elements and matter
relevant to their lives. Allow students to share what they know without passing
judgment or providing additional information at this time. H
2. Show pictures of everyday objects. Ask students what elements go into the make-up
of each object. Choose some objects that are have elements in their make up that are
not obvious. E1
3. Introduce the essential questions: What are the sub-atomic particles? How do subatomic particles affect the properties of an atom? W
4. Note the key terms students will be learning and place them all on the word wall at
this time. Let students know that they will be discussed in detail as each term is
introduced. View ETV Streamline SC clip Energy and the Chemistry of Life –
Atoms and Elements. This clip goes into the structure of the atom and the subatomic
particles. Atoms and Elements 3:33 E1
5. Use handout one (Periodic Table Basic) to discuss the periodic table and the
placement of the elements on the periodic table. E1
6. Each student should present their element card, place it in the correct location and
discuss the pattern. R
7. Complete steps 6 and 7 on the handout as a review. E2
8. Quiz on determining correct number of electrons, protons and electrons for an
element. E2
9. Allow students time to choose an element to research for the performance
assessment and provide time to complete task. T & O
10. Allow students time and input in developing the rubric for the assignment.
11. Present posters to the class.
Day 2- Activities
5 & 6.
Day 1 –
Activities 1-4
Day 3- Activity 7 Day 4-8Activities 8, 9 &
Day 9 & 10 Presentations
Stage 3- Plan Learning Experiences (continued)
Consider the WHERETO elements.