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Introductions Steve Polasky – Minnesota, Environmental and Resource Economics
 Production of ecosystem services, how does human impact change service
 Dry land ecosystem analysis, working with on coastal marine management
with UCSB scientists, Fishery management and general equilibrium
 Spatial management PPF (or efficiency frontier) involving economic
benefits vs. preserving ecological diversity
Lori Cramer – OSU, Sociology
 US based mostly, working with intersection between sociology and
 Social impact in communities, forest service (ski lifts at steamboat), DOE
and setting of hazardous waste facilities, natural resource organizations
 Oregon sea grant, coastal communities, human and community capital
 Bring to he group, social structure and social institution knowledge, social
modeling, help strengthen relationship between coastal management and
Sally Hacker – OSU, Marine Community Ecologist, Zoology dept
 Marine estuary work, relationship between community structure and
strength of interaction between species, trying to figure out which species
are important and for what reasons
 Salt marsh work in New England for PhD, looked at interspecies
 Looking into aquaculture, oyster farming and eel grass habitats (nonnative Japanese oysters brought invasive flora)
 Bruwine shrimp, bioengineered, live with oysters and thought of as pests
 Rocky intertidal systems in New Zealand, Cal and Oregon coast, looking
at how upwelling (nutrient) influences community structure
 Dune grass and sand dunes in Oregon, positive vs. negative impacts of
introduction of dune preserving grass
Chris Kennedy – Wyoming, Economics grad student
 Chemical engineering
 Empirical experience, applied game theory and behavioral economics
 Interdisciplinary experience
Ed Barbier – Wyoming, Economics
 20 years in Europe, interest in development and economic resources
 How poor countries utilize scarce resources
 Coastal land interests recently, mangrove issues
Elise Granek – Portland State
 Linkages between mangrove forests and coral reefs, energy flow between
(panama, belize)
 Effects of watershed disturbance on marine systems in Oregon
 socio-economic factor effects on conservation success of coral reefs –
Comoros islands
 Specialty – mangrove coral reef connectivity, stable isotope analysis –
nutrient flows, and disturbance ecology, connection between systems,
coming from community conservation education
 Interests in working group – develop framework for assessing value of
coastal habitats, utilize coastal habitats as a foundation for ecosystembased management
 provide tools for managers, engage stakeholders by providing a value on
ecosystem services
Ben Halpern – NCEAS, Evolutionary biology, ecology
 Species dynamics over life cycle
 Marine reserve theory and design, how different areas perform (mostly
synthetic and theoretical, some empirics)
 Community ecology and dynamic changes to such
 Global threat assessment for marine ecosystems, ranking and mapping
anthropogenic effects on marine communities, eventually have a map
showing how humans are impacting
Carrie Kappel – NCEAS, Postdoc Marine EBM Program
 Tied to Micheli and Rosenberg working group (Science Frameworks for
EBM), develop a scientific framework for implementation of EBM in
coastal marine systems
o Develop integrated models to investigate management action and
different tradeoffs
o Develop empirical valuation approaches to support both model
development and management
 Models of species interaction to integrate into EBM, produce rules of
thumb for managers (fisheries, coastal farmers)
 Empirics – Statistical models of human activities and links to ecosystem
characteristics, more micro based looking at tradeoffs rather than a lump
sum valuation
 Ecosystem boundary delineation via spatial analysis, anthropogenic
 Interdisciplinary work – Bahamas Biocomplexity project; EPA funded
work on investigating climate change and impacts on coral reefs
David Stoms – UCSB, Geographer at Bren School
 GIS multicriteria analysis – land suitability, vaunerability and resistance,
homogeneous regions
 Conservation planning methods – reserve selection, prioritization,
ecosystem services
 Use logical modeling tools to create filters in order to classify land
David Bael – Minnesota, Applied economics grad student
 Biology, MIT; Public Policy, Minnesota
 Grad work in conservation biology
 worked in environmental consulting and community development
 Maximizing ecological return on investments, land use planning, modeling
incentive based policies
 CV, Travel Cost, Hedonics valuation methods, programming experience
 Economics and ecological conservation
Shankar Aswani – UCSB, Anthropology, Ecology
 Ethno history, archeology, human ecology
 Solomon Islands - local knowledge, indigenous knowledge and integration
into management plans, creates hybrid methodology between hard and
social sciences, tradeoffs involved
 Created network of marine protected areas in the Solomons
 Development work, 13 projects building clinics, schools, etc
 Cultural sensitivity analysis, microeconomic analysis, spatial analysis,
nutritional and medical anthropology
 Use local knowledge in conjunction with EBM
Jurgenne Primavera – Mindanao State University, Phillipines
 Asian aquaculture research (80-90% of all)
 Environmental and socioeconomic implications of shrimp farming on
mangroves, loss of mangroves due to production
 Integrated mangrove aquaculture systems in Malaysia, Indonesia,
Vietnam, etc.
 Difficult to implement, long term benefits
 Mangrove education projects involving students (high school and
university), Instructional modules
 Using local governance to conserve and rehabilitate mangroves
o establish nurseries, educational campaigns community
Evamaria Koch – Maryland, Center for Environmental Science
 Seagrasses – flowering, sub-tidal marine plants, important for all the
services they provide, considered one of the most valuable ecosystems on
the planet
 Global changes and seagrasses – monitoring (seagrassNet), sea level rises
(shoreline retreat) and global warming affects on seagrass, hurricanes and
hydrodynamics, seagrass habitat requirements, wave exposure
 Designing coastal protection programs, breakwalls aren’t always the best,
sandbars better, working with US Army Corps of Engineers
 Want to develop consistent valuation process of services provided by