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... https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html ...
... https://store.theartofservice.com/itil-2011-foundation-complete-certification-kit-fourth-edition-study-guide-ebook-and-online-course.html ...
2010 7th SER Conference of the Society for Ecological
... Conference Center in Avignon. This place was not chosen at random! Indeed, it constitutes a successful example of restoration and preservation of one of the most visited historic monuments in Europe, combined with new functions of which perpetuity is guaranteed by a new economic activity. What a str ...
... Conference Center in Avignon. This place was not chosen at random! Indeed, it constitutes a successful example of restoration and preservation of one of the most visited historic monuments in Europe, combined with new functions of which perpetuity is guaranteed by a new economic activity. What a str ...
... Conference Center in Avignon. This place was not chosen at random! Indeed, it constitutes a successful example of restoration and preservation of one of the most visited historic monuments in Europe, combined with new functions of which perpetuity is guaranteed by a new economic activity. What a str ...
... Conference Center in Avignon. This place was not chosen at random! Indeed, it constitutes a successful example of restoration and preservation of one of the most visited historic monuments in Europe, combined with new functions of which perpetuity is guaranteed by a new economic activity. What a str ...
Consulta: subject:"Social-ecological" Registros recuperados: 221
... Veldkamp, Tom (A.); Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands;. Policies have many unforeseen impacts on social-ecological systems at different levels of spatial and temporal scales. Partly because of this, both scale and governance hav ...
... Veldkamp, Tom (A.); Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands;. Policies have many unforeseen impacts on social-ecological systems at different levels of spatial and temporal scales. Partly because of this, both scale and governance hav ...
Limiting factor analysis of urban ecosystems based on emergy—A
... State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China ...
... State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China ...
the ecology and microbiology of Vibrio cholerae
... indiscriminately on both active and inactive (VBNC) In areas where cholera is endemic, disease outbreaks cells (Cole 1999; Langenheder and Jürgens 2001). begin when humans are infected with V. cholerae from the However, protists can be limited by bacterial size, so that environment, and may then be ...
... indiscriminately on both active and inactive (VBNC) In areas where cholera is endemic, disease outbreaks cells (Cole 1999; Langenheder and Jürgens 2001). begin when humans are infected with V. cholerae from the However, protists can be limited by bacterial size, so that environment, and may then be ...
... of interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecology is a branch of biology. Environmental science incorporates concepts from the natural sciences (including ecology) and the social sciences, and focuses on solutions to environmental problems. ...
... of interactions between organisms and their environment. Ecology is a branch of biology. Environmental science incorporates concepts from the natural sciences (including ecology) and the social sciences, and focuses on solutions to environmental problems. ...
Response Diversity Can Increase Ecological Resilience to
... proportion cover of two coral types, the resistant coral CS and the resilient coral CL, as well as macroalgae M. Because these state variables represent proportion cover, they all have values 苸[0,1], with their sum CS ⫹ CL ⫹ M ≤ 1. Either coral can colonize any area not covered by these three popula ...
... proportion cover of two coral types, the resistant coral CS and the resilient coral CL, as well as macroalgae M. Because these state variables represent proportion cover, they all have values 苸[0,1], with their sum CS ⫹ CL ⫹ M ≤ 1. Either coral can colonize any area not covered by these three popula ...
Anurag Agrawal - Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
... Other Relevant Teaching and Advising Activities, Accomplishments, etc. Participating instructor in the Organization for Tropical Studies Field Course in Plant-Animal Interactions in the Tropics (January 2010, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica). Participating instructor in an Insect Chemical Ec ...
... Other Relevant Teaching and Advising Activities, Accomplishments, etc. Participating instructor in the Organization for Tropical Studies Field Course in Plant-Animal Interactions in the Tropics (January 2010, La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica). Participating instructor in an Insect Chemical Ec ...
From Political Economy to Economics
... were to provide a relatively full picture of the newly identified subject matter. This book then uncovers the way in which the social and the historical, but also the methodological, have shifted in presence and content within economic theory during the passage from classical political economy to gen ...
... were to provide a relatively full picture of the newly identified subject matter. This book then uncovers the way in which the social and the historical, but also the methodological, have shifted in presence and content within economic theory during the passage from classical political economy to gen ...
Sustainability: Virtuous or Vulgar?
... about the meanings of normative terms that comprise sustainability. This circumstance recalls contention about the concept of justice. Our understandings of justice are varied, indefinite, and evolving. However, by continuing to tend its meaning at all levels of society (i.e., academics, professiona ...
... about the meanings of normative terms that comprise sustainability. This circumstance recalls contention about the concept of justice. Our understandings of justice are varied, indefinite, and evolving. However, by continuing to tend its meaning at all levels of society (i.e., academics, professiona ...
... that the community is a temporal mosaic, parts of which are different levels of succession. Papers by Halleck (1973), Kauffman (1974), Bretsky and Bretsky (1975), Walker and Alberstadt (1975), Walker and Parker (1976), Johnson (1977), Hadgorn (1978), Rollins et al. (1978), Harris and Martin (1979), ...
... that the community is a temporal mosaic, parts of which are different levels of succession. Papers by Halleck (1973), Kauffman (1974), Bretsky and Bretsky (1975), Walker and Alberstadt (1975), Walker and Parker (1976), Johnson (1977), Hadgorn (1978), Rollins et al. (1978), Harris and Martin (1979), ...
Assessment of environmental management effects in a shallow
... where DC is the diet matrix, which describes the relationships among groups whose elements DCji represent the fraction of the prey i in the average diet of the predator j; Bi is the biomass of each group; Pi /Bi and Qi /Bi are metabolic rates, i.e. production and consumption per unit of biomass, res ...
... where DC is the diet matrix, which describes the relationships among groups whose elements DCji represent the fraction of the prey i in the average diet of the predator j; Bi is the biomass of each group; Pi /Bi and Qi /Bi are metabolic rates, i.e. production and consumption per unit of biomass, res ...
curriculum vitae - Towson University
... Cornelissen, L. Gough, S.E. Hobbie, S. Jonasson, J.A. Lee, A. Michelsen, M.C. Press, S.J. Richardson, and H. Rueth. 2003. Long-term ecosystem level experiments at Toolik Lake, Alaska and at Abisko, Northern Sweden: Generalisations and differences in ecosystem and plant type responses to global chang ...
... Cornelissen, L. Gough, S.E. Hobbie, S. Jonasson, J.A. Lee, A. Michelsen, M.C. Press, S.J. Richardson, and H. Rueth. 2003. Long-term ecosystem level experiments at Toolik Lake, Alaska and at Abisko, Northern Sweden: Generalisations and differences in ecosystem and plant type responses to global chang ...
toward a metabolic theory of ecology
... Body size Since early in the 20th century, it has been known that almost all characteristics of organisms vary predictably with body size. Huxley (1932) is credited with pointing out that most size-related variation can be described by so-called allometric equations, which are power functions of the ...
... Body size Since early in the 20th century, it has been known that almost all characteristics of organisms vary predictably with body size. Huxley (1932) is credited with pointing out that most size-related variation can be described by so-called allometric equations, which are power functions of the ...
Biodiversity, Functioning - School of Natural Resources and
... communities achieved higher stocks and depleted resources more fully than species-poor communities, but that diverse communities did not necessarily capture more resources or achieve more biomass than the most productive species in monoculture. Cardinale et al. (2006a) also fitted data from experimen ...
... communities achieved higher stocks and depleted resources more fully than species-poor communities, but that diverse communities did not necessarily capture more resources or achieve more biomass than the most productive species in monoculture. Cardinale et al. (2006a) also fitted data from experimen ...
APES Review - Dave Mundy, North Kitsap High School Science
... is nutrient cycling and why is it important? Describe the an example of each. Describe three problems with ultimate goal of an environmentally sustainable society. solutions that rely mostly on pollution cleanup. What is natural income? 7. Identify five basic causes of the environmental problems 3. ...
... is nutrient cycling and why is it important? Describe the an example of each. Describe three problems with ultimate goal of an environmentally sustainable society. solutions that rely mostly on pollution cleanup. What is natural income? 7. Identify five basic causes of the environmental problems 3. ...
Annemarie Nagle
... successional stages, various patterns of birth, death, and disturbance, and graded physical conditions. In fact, their definition of climax as a “state [that] is best viewed as the most probable state at any point in an area which has remained in a constant climate without major catastrophe for a lo ...
... successional stages, various patterns of birth, death, and disturbance, and graded physical conditions. In fact, their definition of climax as a “state [that] is best viewed as the most probable state at any point in an area which has remained in a constant climate without major catastrophe for a lo ...
Philosophy of Ecology - sikkim university library
... how it can be known, for example in physics about the nature of space and time, and in psychology about the nature of consciousness. Hence the philosophy of science is an essential part of the scientific investigation of the world. In recent decades, philosophy of science has become an increasingly ...
... how it can be known, for example in physics about the nature of space and time, and in psychology about the nature of consciousness. Hence the philosophy of science is an essential part of the scientific investigation of the world. In recent decades, philosophy of science has become an increasingly ...
Guide for Valuing Marine Ecosystem Services to Support Nearshore
... Who should use this guide? This guide is intended for individuals interested in or responsible for carrying out formal assessments of planning and development alternatives in coastal zones and state waters. These individuals include, but are not limited to, scientists and managers in state and fede ...
... Who should use this guide? This guide is intended for individuals interested in or responsible for carrying out formal assessments of planning and development alternatives in coastal zones and state waters. These individuals include, but are not limited to, scientists and managers in state and fede ...
Prof. Dr. Mükerrem Hiç Dr. Özlen Hiç
... based on the assurnption that the economy would automatically come to fullemployment equilibrium (AFNE), or using the concept first introduced by Friedman, at the point of natural rate of unemployment (NRU), meaning automatic NRU equilibrium (ANRUE). To achieve P-stability along with ANRUE, therefor ...
... based on the assurnption that the economy would automatically come to fullemployment equilibrium (AFNE), or using the concept first introduced by Friedman, at the point of natural rate of unemployment (NRU), meaning automatic NRU equilibrium (ANRUE). To achieve P-stability along with ANRUE, therefor ...
Making Space for Nature: Network
... passing on the natural riches we have inherited to future generations. We have also recently begun to better understand (or perhaps remember) that our natural world is not a luxury: it is fundamental to our well-being, health and economy. The natural environment provides us with a range of benefits ...
... passing on the natural riches we have inherited to future generations. We have also recently begun to better understand (or perhaps remember) that our natural world is not a luxury: it is fundamental to our well-being, health and economy. The natural environment provides us with a range of benefits ...
The ecology of restoration: historical links, emerging issues and
... ecology is the field of science associated with ecological restoration. The practice of ecological restoration is many decades old, at least in its more applied forms, such as erosion control, reforestation, and habitat and range improvement. However, it has only been in the last 15 years that the s ...
... ecology is the field of science associated with ecological restoration. The practice of ecological restoration is many decades old, at least in its more applied forms, such as erosion control, reforestation, and habitat and range improvement. However, it has only been in the last 15 years that the s ...
Analysis of selected concepts on Resource Management
... For many years, environmental policy has focused on resolving the most urgent problems as regards environmental pollution, to a large extent by focusing on end-of-pipe technologies. More and more, the public and policy makers are also directing attention to the need for reducing resource use and its ...
... For many years, environmental policy has focused on resolving the most urgent problems as regards environmental pollution, to a large extent by focusing on end-of-pipe technologies. More and more, the public and policy makers are also directing attention to the need for reducing resource use and its ...
A New Approach to Homeostatic Regulation: Towards a Unified
... ambient temperature, whereas the ecological approach typically only considers the slope of the response of consumer nutrient stoichiometry to food nutrient stoichiometry, essentially focusing on the middle part of the response curves, while ignoring the edges. On the other hand, we are not aware of ...
... ambient temperature, whereas the ecological approach typically only considers the slope of the response of consumer nutrient stoichiometry to food nutrient stoichiometry, essentially focusing on the middle part of the response curves, while ignoring the edges. On the other hand, we are not aware of ...
Ecological economics

Ecological economics/eco-economics refers to both a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field of academic research that aims to address the interdependence and coevolution of human economies and natural ecosystems over time and space. It is distinguished from environmental economics, which is the mainstream economic analysis of the environment, by its treatment of the economy as a subsystem of the ecosystem and its emphasis upon preserving natural capital. One survey of German economists found that ecological and environmental economics are different schools of economic thought, with ecological economists emphasizing strong sustainability and rejecting the proposition that natural capital can be substituted by human-made capital.Ecological economics was founded as a modern movement in the works of and interactions between various European and American academics (see the section on history and development below). The related field of green economics is, in general, a more politically applied form of the subject.According to ecological economist Malte Faber, ecological economics is defined by its focus on nature, justice, and time. Issues of intergenerational equity, irreversibility of environmental change, uncertainty of long-term outcomes, and sustainable development guide ecological economic analysis and valuation. Ecological economists have questioned fundamental mainstream economic approaches such as cost-benefit analysis, and the separability of economic values from scientific research, contending that economics is unavoidably normative rather than positive (i.e. descriptive). Positional analysis, which attempts to incorporate time and justice issues, is proposed as an alternative. Ecological economics shares many of its perspectives with feminist economics, including the focus on sustainability, nature, justice and care values.