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Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties, movements, and
locations of objects in the solar system. (Earth Science)
Key Concepts:
Solar system: Earth, planets, the Moon, the Sun
Movements: revolution, rotation, day-night, axis, year, seasons
Moon: phases of the Moon, tides
Shadows: change in length, position of Sun
Tools: telescopes
4-3.1 Recall that Earth is one of many planets in the solar system that orbit the Sun.
Taxonomy level: 1.2-B Remember Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: Planets orbiting in the solar system are being considered for the first
time. Students in 1st grade (1-3.1) studied the Sun as an object in the daytime sky but did not study
planets or even the fact that Earth is a planet. In the 8th grade (8-4) students will study the
characteristics of the planets more fully.
It is essential for students to know that Earth is a planet that orbits around the Sun. There are also
other planets that also orbit the Sun; some are closer to the Sun than Earth and others are farther
away. Some are small, rocky planets like Earth (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Pluto); some are large
planets made of gas (Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus) unlike Earth.
Planets are bodies, natural satellites, that orbit the Sun, a star.
Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the solar system
The Sun is the name for the central star in our solar system.
The sequence of the nine named planets from the Sun outward is also part of this recall.
It is not essential for students to know specific data about each planet, for example, distance from
sun, time of revolution or rotation. Students do not need to name the planets with rings, nor do they
need to identify the names of or number of moons a planet has. Students do not need to order the
planets by any characteristic other than their orbiting arrangement as they revolve around the Sun.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to recall that Earth is a planet along with other planets that orbit
the Sun; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to retrieve information about planets,
such as location or surface, or the Sun from memory. However, appropriate assessments should
also require students to identify a planet by name or position; recognize planets whose surface is
like or unlike Earth; or recognize the Sun as the star around which planets orbit.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.2 Compare the properties (including the type of surface and atmosphere) and the
location of Earth to the Sun, which is a star, and the Moon.
Taxonomy level: 2.6-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: This information on Earth, the Moon, and the Sun is being considered
for the first time. Students in 1st grade (1-3.1) studied the Sun and the Moon as objects in the sky
but did not study their properties as objects in space. In the 8th grade (8-4) other properties from
other planets will be studied and compared.
It is essential for students to know the following properties (related to surface and atmosphere)
and comparative locations:
Earth has a rocky surface as a planet and also has water on it. Earth has an atmosphere
of gases around it. Earth orbits millions of miles from the Sun as the third planet in the
solar system.
The Sun is a star, a large ball of glowing gases that is extremely hot. It does not have a
rocky surface and its atmosphere glows and gives off light. It is located at the center
of the solar system. Earth and other planets revolve around it.
The Moon is the natural satellite that orbits the Earth. It has a rocky, dusty surface with
many craters and no water. It has no atmosphere.
It is not essential for students to know more specific data about Earth compared to the Sun and
the Moon, for example, time of revolution or rotation with this indicator.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to compare the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun as to type of surface,
atmosphere, and location; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to detect ways that
these objects are alike and different. However, appropriate assessments should also require students
to identify the object based on its description; or illustrate the objects by their location in the solar
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.3 Explain how the Sun affects Earth.
Taxonomy level: 2.7-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: Students in 1st grade (1-3.2) recalled that the Sun is the source of heat
and light for Earth but did not study the cause for this. In the 8th grade (8-4.2,3) students will study
the characteristics and features of the Sun more fully as it affects Earth including the effects of solar
radiation, solar flares, and solar wind.
It is essential for students to know that the Sun as a star produces heat and light deep down inside
of it. Because the Sun produces and gives off its own heat and light, Earth receives that heat and
light after traveling through space. The Sun is the source of almost all energy on Earth:
 Plants take the Sun’s energy and use it to make food energy.
 The Sun’s energy causes weather conditions on Earth.
 The Sun’s energy is stored in fossil fuels (for example, coal, oil, or gas) that formed from some
organisms that died long ago.
Students should understand this explain indicator as cause and effect; the Sun causes certain effects
on Earth.
It is not essential for students to know the nuclear process that takes place so that the Sun can
produce heat and light. They do not need to know the types of radiation that the Sun gives off.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to explain the effects that the Sun has on Earth; therefore, the
primary focus of assessment should be to construct cause and effect models of the various ways that
Earth is affected by the Sun. However, appropriate assessments should also require students to
recall that heat and light energy are given off by the Sun; or exemplify (give examples of) the ways
that the Sun’s energy affects life on Earth.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.4 Explain how the tilt of Earth’s axis and the revolution around the Sun results in the
seasons of the year.
Taxonomy level: 2.7-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: This indicator is mostly new material for this grade. Students in
Kindergarten and 2nd grade studied the seasons as changes in weather conditions but did not study
the cause. In the 8th grade (8-4.5) students will study the cause for the seasons including the amount
of heating of Earth due to the angle of the Sun’s rays and the affect of daylight hours.
It is essential for students to know that:
 Earth revolves around the Sun one time each year in about 365 days.
 Earth has seasons because Earth’s axis is tilted.
 Because of the tilt, the number of daylight hours changes throughout the year.
 As Earth revolves around the Sun, different parts of Earth get more sunlight.
 The tilt also causes the northern part or the southern part of Earth, to point toward the Sun.
 When the tilt is toward the Sun, the season is summer; when the tilt is away from the Sun, the
season is winter.
 The two hemispheres have opposite seasons.
 The seasons do NOT depend on the distance of Earth from the Sun.
Earth rotates around an imaginary straight line called an axis that runs through the
planet’s center.
Revolution The movement of Earth as it makes an orbit around the Sun in one year.
The effects on Earth due to the change in the amount of sunlight caused by the tilt of
Earth’s axis.
 Summer occurs when part of Earth is tilted most toward the Sun
 Autumn and spring occur when neither part of Earth is pointed directly toward or
away from the Sun.
 Winter occurs when part of Earth is tilted away from the Sun.
 The sequence of the seasons during the year is summer, autumn/fall, winter, and
then spring.
Students should understand this explain indicator as cause and effect; the tilt of Earth’s axis has
certain effects on Earth as it revolves around the Sun (the seasons).
It is not essential for students to know about the angle of the Sun’s rays.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to explain the effect on Earth because its axis is tilted and Earth
revolves around the Sun; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to construct cause
and effect models of the various ways that Earth is affected by these two factors. However,
appropriate assessments should also require students to recall information about Earth’s axis or
revolution; classify by sequencing the seasons; or infer or illustrate a season based on the
description or drawing of the tilt of the axis.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.5 Explain how the rotation of Earth results in day and night.
Taxonomy level: 2.7-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: This indicator is mostly new material for this grade. Students in 1st
grade (1-3.1) compared the day and night sky but did not relate that to the Earth’s rotation. First
grade (1-3.3) also recognized that the Sun and the Moon appear to rise and set but the explanation
of the cause was not addressed at that time. In the 8th grade (8-4.4) students will study many of the
motions of the Earth and Moon and relate those motions to various effects.
It is essential for students to know that:
 Earth rotates / spins on its axis and completes one rotation in 24 hours.
 Earth rotates from west to east, therefore the Sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west.
 Because of this rotation, only the side of Earth facing the Sun is lit and therefore experiences
day; the side of Earth not facing the Sun experiences night.
Earth rotates around an imaginary straight line called an axis that runs through the
planet’s center.
The movement of Earth as it spins on its axis.
Students should understand this explain indicator as cause and effect; Earth’s rotation has certain
effects on Earth, day and night.
It is not essential for students to know about the rotation of other planets.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to explain that Earth spins on its axis and therefore all areas of
Earth are not receiving sunlight at the same time; therefore, the primary focus of assessment should
be to construct cause and effect models of how rotation causes day and night. However, appropriate
assessments should also require students to recall information about rotation; or illustrate day or
night on a model or drawing.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.6 Illustrate the phases of the Moon and the Moon’s effect on ocean tides.
Taxonomy level: 2.2-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: Students in 1st grade (1-3.4) illustrated the changes in the Moon’s
appearance showing a pattern over time. The concept of tides and the fact that the Moon affects
ocean tides is new to this grade. In the 8th grade (8-4.4) students will study many of the motions of
Earth and the Moon and relate those motions to various effects, including phases and tides. Eighth
grade (8-4.7) also explains the effects of gravity on tides and considers tides in relationship to the
pulls of both the Sun and the Moon.
It is essential for students to know that:
 The Moon reflects light from the Sun.
 Just like Earth, half of the Moon is always lit by the Sun.
 The changing shapes of the Moon are called phases (students should be able to illustrate these):
o New moon – the entire half/side of the Moon facing Earth is dark.
o Quarter moon – half of the side of the Moon facing Earth is lighted and the other half is
dark; the Moon appears as a half circle; there are two quarter moon phases in the cycle.
(students may see the name also as Half moon)
o Full moon – the entire half/side of the Moon facing Earth is lighted; the Moon appears as
a full circle.
o Crescent moon – a small section (less than a quarter moon) of the half/side of the Moon
facing Earth is lighted.
 The change in the Moon’s phases from new moon to new moon takes about four weeks, 29½
 The amount of reflected light from the Moon that is seen from Earth determines the phase.
 The phases of the Moon depend on the positions of the Sun, the Moon, and Earth.
 The Moon and Earth pull on each other; this pull is gravity.
 The Moon’s pull on Earth makes the surface level of the ocean rise and fall; this change in level
is called tide:
o High tide is when the ocean water level is the highest; there are two high tides each day.
o Low tides occur between high tides.
It is not essential for students to know about the eclipse of the Moon.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to illustrate phases of the moon and the moon’s effect on tides;
therefore, the primary focus of assessment should be to give illustrations of these concepts or use
illustrations to show aspects of these concepts. However, appropriate assessments should also
require students to recall information about the Moon’s reflecting light, the time it takes for a
complete phase cycle to complete, or the cause of tides; or classify by sequencing the order of the
moon phases.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.7 Interpret the change in the length of shadows during the day in relation to the
position of the Sun in the sky.
Taxonomy level: 2.1-B Understand Conceptual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: This indicator is new material for this grade and is the only grade
where this concept is developed. A connection can be made with the behavior of light as it strikes
an object in the Properties of Light topic (4-5.4). In the 8th grade (8-4) shadows are studied in the
eclipses of the sun and the moon.
It is essential for students to know that objects on Earth cast shadows that help show Earth’s
rotation. The angle of the sun, low in the sky to higher in the sky, changes the length of the shadow
cast behind an object.
 In the morning the Sun appears low in the sky; objects cast long shadows.
 As Earth rotates, the Sun’s appears higher in the sky, and the shadows get shorter.
 At noon with the Sun overhead, objects cast short shadows or no shadow at all.
 As Earth continues to rotate and the Sun appears lower in the sky toward evening, the shadows
get longer again.
Students should be able to look at a description or picture of an object in the daytime, and give an
idea of the time of day based on the shadow cast by the object.
It is not essential for students to know about the types of shadows cast, umbra or penumbra.
Students do not need to make or interpret sundials.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to interpret how changes in the length of shadows show a
relationship to the position of the Sun in the sky as Earth rotates; therefore, the primary focus of
assessment should be to change one form of presentation, like a description or drawing, into another
that shows this relationship. However, appropriate assessments should also require students to
predict a time of day based on the amount of shade; or recognize/recall the reason that shadows
change shape or the reason the Sun is in different positions in the sky.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
4-3.8 Recognize the purpose of telescopes.
Taxonomy level: 1.1-A Remember Factual Knowledge
Previous/future knowledge: This indicator is new for this grade. In the 8th grade (8-4.10) students
will study many types of tools and technology used to study space beyond just the use of telescopes.
It is essential for students to know that telescopes are tools that aid in the study of objects in outer
space. A telescope can gather more light than the eye, so it makes faint, faraway objects seem
closer and brighter.
It is not essential for students to know about the design of reflecting and refracting telescopes, nor
do they need to construct or experience the use of a telescope.
Assessment Guidelines:
The objective of this indicator is to recognize the purpose of telescopes; therefore, the primary focus
of assessment should be to locate from memory what the purpose of this tool is in the study of outer
space. However, appropriate assessments should also require students to identify a telescope from a
picture or drawing.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
Supporting Content Websites
What is the solar system? Storybook
Interactive story book telling students what makes up the solar system.
Interactive Solar System Facts
Interactive solar system game. Students click on rockets to learn facts about the planets.
4-3.1 Note: More appropriate for teacher background information.
A Tour of the Solar System
Take a tour of the solar system from Mercury to Pluto. See actual photos taken from various
spacecraft. Note: More appropriate for teacher background information.
4-3.1, 4-3.2
The Solar System
Describes the solar system and everything found in it. Links to information on the moon and sun
4-3.1, 4-3.2, 4-3.3
Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day
Obtain the times of sunrise, sunset, moon rise, moon set and information on the moon’s phases.
Note: More appropriate for teacher background information.
4-3.5, 4-3.6
In Orbit Around the Sun
Explanation of day and night given plus you can actually view a current shot of the earth showing
where it is day and night at the present time. Note: More appropriate for teacher background
Moon Phase Calculator
Provides the calendar for any month and what phase the moon will be at on a particular day. Note:
More appropriate for teacher background information.
Windows to the Universe
Covers any topic imaginable on space – space weather, solar system, moon, sun, and many more.
4-3.1, 4-3.2, 4-3.3, 4-4.3, 4-3.5
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
The Seasons
Explanation of the seasons and what causes them.
The Tides
Explanation of high tide and low tide.
Suggested Literature
Burnham, R. (2000). Reader’s Digest Children’s Atlas of the Universe. Pleasantville, NY: Reader’s
Digest Books for Children.
ISBN: 15758437-0
Encyclopedia resource that could be used to look up facts, maps, and diagrams about astronomy.
The atlas is divided into several sections where students can find information on the Earth, history
of astronomy, Earth’s neighbors in space and many other astronomy concepts.
4-3.1, 4-3.2, 4-3.3, 4-3.4, 4-3.4, 4-3.5, 4-3.6, 4.3.7, 4-3.8
Couper, H. (1999). DK Space Encyclopedia. New York: DK Publishing
ISBN: 0789447088
A guide to astronomy and space travel will help students understand work done by scientist.
Detailed images plus instructions for building a simple telescope are included.
4-3.1, 4-3.2, 4-3.3, 4-3.4, 4-3.4, 4-3.5, 4-3.6, 4.3.7, 4-3.8
Editors of TIME for Kids. (2005). Planets! Discover our Solar System! New York: Harper Collins
ISBN: 006078203X
Facts and information presented to heighten students’ interest in planets. Includes information on
telescopes and how they are used. Includes wonderful drawings and photos.
4-3.1, 4-3.8
Fedfern, M. (1998). The Kingfisher Young People’s Book of Space. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
ISBN: 0-7534-5136-0
This book takes us on a journey through space starting with an up-to-date report of observations and
explorations of our solar system. Outstanding pictures accompany the text.
4-3.1, 4-3.2, 4-3.3, 4-3.4, 4-3.4, 4-3.5, 4-3.6, 4.3.7, 4-3.8
Gibbons, G. (1998). The Moon Book. New York: Holiday House, Inc.
ISBN: 0823413640
Lexile Level: 740L
Identifies the moon as Earth’s only natural satellite, describes its movement and phases and how we
have observed and explored it over the years.
4-3.2, 4-3.6
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
Gibbons, G. (2005). Planets. New York: Holiday House, Inc.
ISBN: 0823419584
This book discusses the movements, location, and characteristics of the planets in our solar system.
4-3.1, 4-3.5
Kerrod, R. (2000). The Sun. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Co.
ISBN: 0822539012
The book discusses the Sun and how to observe it. The use of space telescopes is also discussed
showing how data on wavelengths of light can collected.
4-3.1, 4-3.2, 4-3.3, 4-3.4
Simon, S. (2003). The Moon. New York: Simon and Schuster.
ISBN: 0-689-83563-9
Lexile Level: 730L
This book on lunar structure and exploration tells about Earth’s closest neighbor, the Moon. The
book starts with the exploration of the Apollo astronauts. This book would be a great source for an
introductory lesson on the Moon.
4-3.2, 4-3.6
Sipiera, P. (1997). The Solar System. New York: Children’s Press.
ISBN: 0-516-20330-4
This book provides a description of our solar system and all the planets that are a part of it.
Suggested Streamline Video
A Closer Look at the Planet: Space Science Series
ETV Streamline
After watching this video, students will understand that the solar system is comprised of the nine
planets, their moons and other objects in the sky and that scientists divide the planets into two
categories – outer planet and inner planets. They then discover important facts that distinguish each
planet. And finally we learn how science and technology has helped us discover more about the
planets and our solar system.
Our Home in Space
ETV Streamline
Learn about the importance of the sun, some characteristics of the Earth, what causes day and night
and the change of seasons, and how the moon moves. Lastly see the importance of telescopes in
revealing the mysteries of our solar system
4-3.3, 4-3.4, 4-3.6, 4-3.8
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
A Closer Look at the Moon: Space Science Series
ETV Streamline
This inspiring look at the Moon helps students understand what makes Earth's nearest neighbor so
unique. Understand the phases of the Moon and learn what a waxing or waning moon is.
4-3.2, 4-3.6
Junior Space Scientist: Our Solar System
ETV Streamline
Introduces the planets of our solar system through video taken in space, animation, and
demonstrations. Information about the planets is shared by comparing characteristics and examining
differences as well as similarities. Terms, such as gravity, orbit, rotation, stars, and density, are
presented. Students should develop an interest in and a questioning mindset about our solar system.
Produced for United Learning by the Duncan Group.
The Magic School Bus Gets Lost In Space
ETV Streamline
Arnold's know-it-all cousin Janet drives the kids crazy when she joins Ms. Frizzle's class on a field
trip and gets them lost in outer space!
Seasons of the Year
ETV Streamline
The four seasons of the year, fall, winter, spring and summer are all determined by our planet’s
changing position in relation to the sun. While the Earth orbits the sun, it spins on its own axis. An
axis is an imaginary pole that runs through the center of Earth. The Earth's axis is not straight up
and down, but tilted. This tilt in combination with Earth’s motion around the sun causes the change
of the seasons.
Science Facts and Fun: What’s In a Shadow?
ETV Streamline
The shadow in relation to the sun’s position is explained, and how knowledge of the sun’s position
helps in finding directions is shown. The earth’s rotation and the earth-sun relationship are
illustrated to explain the rising and setting of the sun.
4-3.3.4, 4-3.5, 4-3.7
TLC Elementary School: Exploring Stars
Optical Telescopes
ETV Streamline
Shows the changes telescopes have undergone from early models to the Hubble Space Telescope,
and introduces Galileo, the first person to point a telescope towards the sky.
Academic Standard 4-3
Topic: Astronomy
The Solar System: A First Look
ETV Streamline
Visit each of the nine planets to learn about their special features, sizes, and orbits. Learn about the
planets’ moons and rings, and how gravity keeps them in orbit. Stop at the sun, discover its
immense size, and see sunspots and solar flares. Find out what scientists have learned about the
planets through telescopes, space missions, and satellites.
4-3.1, 4-3.3
Stage One Science: changing Seasons
ETV Streamline
By plotting shadow lengths and angles, students investigate daily and seasonal changes. A simple
explanation of how the Earth moves around the sun is demonstrated, and viewers learn that patterns
in weather are related to seasonal change.
4-3.4, 4-3.7
Career Connections
Astronomers use principles of mathematics and physics to study the universe, including moon,
planets, sun, stars, and galaxies. They also apply their knowledge to solve problems in navigation,
space flight, and satellite communications. Astronomers conduct scientific research and write
scientific papers on their findings. (ES-4.3)
There are two types of astronauts recruited by NASA – pilot astronauts who fly the spacecraft and
mission specialist astronauts who take care of the spacecraft and all the equipment on board.
Astronauts conduct experiments and go outside the spacecraft when necessary. Astronauts should
have a college degree in mathematics, engineering, or physical or biological science. If selected as
an astronaut candidate you must go through a year of training. (ES-4.3)
Spacecraft Engineer
Spacecraft engineers work with a team of engineers to maintain the health and safety of spacecraft.
While spacecraft engineers work on the ground they are still responsible for spacecraft maintenance
while in space. To enter this career you should have a background in engineering (preferably
aerospace) with mathematics and computer programming. (ES-4.3)
Planetarium Director
The planetarium director is the person who runs a planetarium. The director plans show for visitors
and is in charge of all people who work in the planetarium. Planetarium directors should have a
strong background in astronomy. (ES-4.3)
An astrogeologist studies the origin, history, composition, and structure of planets and other
celestial bodies. They use knowledge of chemistry, physics, math, biology, and astronomy to
analyze data and specimens. Much of their work is done on computers that are located in an office
setting. (ES-4.3)